Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/510

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Vern. :— Kudaliya (M. & B.) ; Moonoodda-moddoo (Tel.) Jangli or Rân methi (Bombay).

Habitat : — Everywhere in the plains, throughout India Kumaon and Kashmir.

Trailing herbs, ½-1 ½ft , stems cæspitose, very slender, copiously branched, clothed with fine spreading hairs. Leaves 3-foliate Stipules lanceolate, persistent; petioles ⅛-¼in.; leaflets obovate ⅛-½in., truncate or emarginate, with a few adpressed hairs below Flowers 1-3 together, without a common peduncle in the axils of the leaves. Bracts deciduous. Pedicels ¼-⅜in. Calyx pubescent, 1/12-⅛in. ; teeth very long, setaceous. Pod ⅜-½in. long, ⅛in. broad, 3-5-jointed distinctly, pubescent ; upper suture straight, lower slightly indented.

Use : — The fresh leaves are applied to wounds and abscesses that do not heal well (Wight).

A paste of the bruised leaves with kamala is applied to indolent sores and itch. In the mofussil, the fresh juice of the plant is given to children for coughs (S. Arjun). In Ceylon, it is used in dysentery (Watt).

377. Abrus precatorius, Linn., h.f.b.i., ii. 175, Roxb. 544.

Sans. : — Gunja.

Vern. :— Rati (H.) ; Kunch (B.) ; gumchi (Guz.) ; Maspat (Nepal) ; Kawet(Santal) ; Latuwani (Ass.) ; Gundumani (Tam.); Ghurie-ghenzâ (Tel.;.

Habitat : — From the Himalayas, throughout India.

A perennial twiner. Stems numerous, scarcely woody, slender, glabrous, with long internodes. Leaves spreading, pinnate, rachis 2-4in., thickened at base, very slender, channelled, very glabrous. Stipules minute, setaceous. Leaflets 20-24 (10-20 pair) or more, opposite, very shortly stalked, quickly deciduous, about fin., oblong, obtuse at both ends, minutely apiculate, glabrous above, slightly hairy beneath, thin; flowers pale violet, rather small, shortly stalked, several together on very short, swollen, knob-like branches, crowded at: ends of