Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/511

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short, curved, swollen peduncles, usually shorter than the leaves. Calyx glabrous or very likely silky. Pod 1 ¼-1 ¾ by ½in. wide, flat, oblong, truncate, with a sharp deflected beak, finely silky. Seeds 3-5, rather over ¼in. ovoid, usually bright scarlet, with a black patch on top, highly polished as if covered with red lac.

The flowers are sometimes white, when the seeds are of that colour, with the black on top; sometimes the seeds are mixed black and white (J. G. Baker).

Parts used : — The roots, seeds, and leaves.

Uses : — The watery extract of the root is useful in relieving obstinate coughs (K. L. Dey).

Formerly, the root was considered to be a perfect substitute for liquorice, but experience has shewn this to be erroneous.

By Sanskrit writers the root is described as emetic and useful in poisoning. Internally, the seeds are described as poisonous and useful in affections of the nervous system, and, externally, in skin diseases, ulcers, affections of the hair, &c. The seeds reduced to a paste are recommended to be applied locally in sciatica, stiffness of the shoulder joint, paralysis, and other nervous diseases. In white leprosy, a paste composed of the seed and plumbago root is applied as a stimulant dressing. In alopecia a paste of the seed is recommended to be rubbed on the bare scalp (U. C. Dutt).

The seeds are used as a purgative, but in large doses are an acrid poison, giving rise to symptoms resembling those of cholera. The poisonous property is generally believed to be in the red covering of the seed (Surg.-Major Jayakar).

When boiled with milk the seed is said to have a very powerful tonic action on the nervous system (Barren) .

Taken internally by women, the seed disturbs the uterine functions and prevents conception. For the latter purpose, 4 to 6 seeds are swallowed every day, in 2 doses, for several days, after each menstruation.

I am aware of one successful case under this treatment (Moodeen Sheriff).