Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/83

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glabrous above, slightly pubescent beneath. Flowers yellowish or greenish white, 3/4 in. diam., small in dense axillary panicles. Sepals ovate or oblong, revolute, puberulous, 1/5 - 1/4 in., margins tomentose. Filaments narrow-linear. Achenes hairy, lanceolate, Style 1 1/2 - 2 in. long, narrow oblong, in fruit very slender, hairy.

Medicinal Properties and Uses:— The leaves of the fresh stems, if bruised and applied to the skin, cause vesication. They abound in an acrid poisonous principle. Watt. ii. 369.

4. Anemone obtusiloba, Don., I. 8.

Syn. Anemone discolor, Royle.

Vern.:—Rattanjog, Padar (Pb.). Kakriya (Kumaon).

Habitat:—Temperate and Alpine Himalaya, from Kashmir to Sikkim; altitude 9-15,000 ft.

A perennial herb, densely tufted, glabrate, or softly hairy.

Rootstock woody, fibrous, clothed with old root-sheaths. Radical leaves, many stalked, suborbicular, deeply cordate; Segments broad, cuneate, variously cut and lobed, rarely shortly petiolate. Scapes 6-12 in., 1-3—flowered; invol. leaves 3-fid. Flowers white purplish or golden; pedicels long, slender. Sepals silky outside, generally lead-coloured near the claw. Achenes strigose, rarely glabrous. Very variable in size, hairiness and colour of flower.

Parts used:—The root and seeds.

Medicinal Properties and Uses:—In Hazara the pounded root, which is acrid, is mixed with milk and given internally for contusions. In Bessahir it is said to be used as a blister, but to be apt to produce sores and scars (Stewart). The seeds, if given internally, produce vomiting and purging. The oil extracted from them is used in rheumatism. (Watt).

Anemonin is found in this plant.—It occurs in many of the Ranunculaceæ; it is a toxic substance, and produces paralysis of the central nervous system. The compound has the formula C15 H12 O6, and is deposited in rhombic crystals melting at 152°. It is volatile with steam, and, on exposure to air at ordinary temperatures, is slowly converted into anemonic acid; the oxidation