Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/248

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minute round glands (C. B. Clarke). Petiole Jin. Racemes l-2in., bracts -§-in. caducous. Calyx fin., tomentose, but with large bare glands. Corolla l^in., tomentose with glabrous glands. Drupe fin., long ovoid or obovoid 1-2-seeded.

Use : — Used for rheumatism, pains in the loins, and syphilitic diseases. It was known to the Portuguese under the name Eais Madre de Deas. The root was in great request in Goa as an antidote to every poison, and a remedy for every disease in former days. The roots are slightly bitter, astringent, and aromatic (Dymock). It is regarded by the Hindu doctors as a demulcent and alterative. " The leaves and young shoots of this shrub abound with a thick, viscid mucilage, which is imparted readily to cold water, which, when thus impregnated, is employed by the natives in the treatment of gonorrhoea to allay ardour urinae " (Pharm. Ind.). At the present time the root is principally employed as a demulcent for gonorrhoea and catarrh of the bladder (Watt).

958. Vitex tri folia, Linn. /., h.f.b.i., IV. 583 ; Roxb. 481.

Sans.:— Sindhuvara ; Sindhuka.

Vevn.— Nishinda (B.) ; Pani-ki-sanbhaTu, sambhalus (H.); Nirnochi (Tarn.) ; Vavilli (Tel.) ; Lingoor (Mar.) ; Pani-ki-Sam- bhalu (Dec.) ; Nira-lakki-gida (Kan.).

Habitat : — Scattered throughtout India, in the tropical and sub-tropical region, from the foot of the Himalaya to Ceylon, nowhere common.

A shrub or small tree. Shoots hairy or tomentose. Leaves, opposite, 3-often 1-foliate. Leaflets sessile, pleasantly aromatic l-3in., obovate or ovate oblong sub-obtuse entire, glabrate above ; beneath tomentum of matted, scarcely stellate hairs, so close as with difficulty to be scraped off. Petiole lin. Panicles terminal penultimate axillary, closely white tomentose ; l-4in. oblong, often leafy at the base ; bracts minute, peduncles often added. Calyx f fin ; cup-shaped minutely 5-toothed. Corolla tomentose, lavender to blue, l-Jiji., small tubular. Stamens 4, didynamous. Filaments hairy at the base. Drupe -Jin. diain., black.