Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/249

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Uses : — The leaves useful in special diseases and after parturition and also in cutaneous diseases, said to regulate the bile and increase the appetite, also applied externally in enlarged spleen, contusions, sprains and rheumatism (Mukerjee).

The powdered leaves have been given with success in cases of intermittent fevers, and the flowers are prescribed with honey in fevers accompanied with vomitting and severe thirst. Pillows stuffed with the leaves of this plant are used to cure catarrh and headache. The leaves are considered useful as an external application to all rheumatic pain, sprains, etc. Fruit employed in amenorrhœa, etc. (Agra Exhibition).

Bontius speaks of it, as anodyne, diuretic and emmenagogue, and. testifies to the value of fomentations and baths prepared with it in the treatment of " Beriberi " and in the burning of the feet (Ignipedites) in natives (Ph. Ind.).

959. V. negundo, Linn., h.f.b.l, iv. 583; Roxb 482.

Sans. : — Nirgundi.

Vern. : — Sambhálú, nirgandi (Hind.); Nishinda (Beng.) ; (Venn.); Aslaq (Arab.); Sisban (Pers.); Shánbáli (Dec); Noch-chi, chinduviram, (Tam.) ; Tellavávilli Sindhuvâramu, (Tel.) ; Bill-nekki, Karlakki, lakki-gida (Kan) ; Kiyon-bhánbin (Burm.) ; Katri (Bom.); Lingoor (Alar.); Banna (Pb).

Habitat : — In the warmer zone, a universal plant throughout India. Thana district freely growing.

A small tree or shrub about 3ft. high, deciduous, strongly scented ; branchlets, underside of leaves and inflorescence clothed with short grey or white pubescence. Bark thin grey. Wood greyish white, hard. Leaves 3-5-foliate (simple and more distinctly crenate on luxuriant young shoots) with a raised line across the stem at the base of the petioles. Leaflets lanceolate, l-5in., by ⅓-1⅓in., the lowest pair smallest sessile or sub-sessile, the midpart, if present, more or less distinctly petiolulate, the odd leaflet largest and with a petiolule ⅓-3/5in.,