Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/466

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Use : — In Sikkim the bark and acorns are used medicinally as astringents. (Watt.)

1202. Corylus Colurna, Linn., h.f.b.l, v. 625.

Vern. : — Urni (Jhelum) ; Winri, wiri, warawi, wúriya, thangi, thankoli (Kashmir and Chamba) ; Jangi (Chenab) ; Shurli, sharoli, ban pálu, geh, ban dilla (Sutlej) ; Kapási, bhotia badám (Kumaon) ; Shirol (Garwhal) ; Jhangi (Kangra).

Habitat: — Western Temperate Himalaya from Kashmir to Kumaon.

A moderate, rigid, gregarious tree, 40-50ft. high. Bark thin, dark. The scales of the bark often detaching themselves at the base and exfoliating upwards. Wood pinkish-white, moderately hard. Leaf-buds short, rounded in hoary, ovate scales. Leaves' 3-6in. long, glabrous when mature, rather membranous, ovate or obovate, shortly acuminate ; base cordate, unequally or doubly serrate, often slightly lobed, 5-8 by 2½-6in. Lateral nerves 10-12 pair, straight, generally pubescent beneath, each terminating in a long tooth. Petiole 1-1½in. glandular-pubescent. Stipules 3/5in. long, lanceolate, hairy. Flowers monœcious. Male flowers one in each bract ; perianth 0. Stamens usually 4, filaments forked, separating the anther-cells. Spikes fascicled, l-2in. long, cylindrical, drooping. Female flowers in pairs in the upper bracts of a small, many-bracteate bud- like spike. Perianth superior. Ovary 2-celled, 2-ovuled. Nuts 1-seeded. ½-7/10in- long ; somewhat compressed, hard, deep-brown, 2-3 together in a ribbed, coriaceous, double-involucre. (Kanjilal).

Uses : — The nuts are not uncommon in drag-seller's shops, being considered tonic. (Watt.)


1203. Salix tetrasperma, Roxb., h.f.b.l, v. 626; Roxb. 712.

Sans. : — Búrum.

Vern. : —Bed, bent, baishi, bet (H.) ; Nachol (Kol.) ; Gada,