Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/186

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author obtaining the name of " The Copper- Farthing Dean " (??.).

See also " The l)nipier " and " M. B., Draper."

M., B. A. Brother Azarias Mullany. An essay, contributing to a philosophy of literature. P. 1877.

M., C , J H. G and M. B Respec- tively Campbell Mackmnon, Joseph H. Gibbs, and Hontgomerte Banking, au- thors of the " Quadrilateral." L. 1865.

These poems are dedicated by the ahove gen- tlemen to C. M. Crawford, whose name com- pletes "The Quadrilateial."

M., C., Vicar of Brixworth. Rev. Charles Marshall. A plain and easy introduction to the knowledge and prac- tice of gardening, with hints on fish- ponds. By ... L. 1706

M., C. B. Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin. Mount Desert, on the coast of Maine. Portland, 1867.

M., Mr. C J. Chailes Julius Mickle. A concise essay on the nature and con- nexion of the philosophy and mythology of Paganism ... L. 1826.

M, C. P. Christopher Parr Hale. Have you any fear of death ? Birming- ham, 1851.

M., C. R. Rev. Charles Robertson Man- ning, MA. The canticles of the Book of Common Prayer, marked for chanting ... L. 1858.

M.D., of Newark, OMo, An. Dr. J. R. Slack. Alcohol as a medicine. Syra- cuse, 1870.

M. D. C , C. Claude Francois Xavier Mercier de Compiegne. Histoire de Marie Stuart . . . 1820,

M., D. G. Donald Giant Mitchell. Bream life ... N.Y. 1866.

M., E. Rev. Edward Melton. Annals of the church in Brimfield. Springfield, Mass., 1856.

M., E. E. Magrath. A letter on Canada in 1806 and 1817 . . . 1853.

M., E. Edward Moxon. Memoir of Charles Lamb, in Leigh Hunt's "London Journal."

M., E. A. Mrs. E. A Haddock. The Liturgy explained. L. 1839,

M. E. B. Mrs. Mary . Gellie. Clement's trial and victory ... L. 1875.

M, E. S. Edward Stanford Martin Sly ballades in Harvard China. B. 1882.

M., F. Sir Frederick Madden. How the goode wife thaught hir doughter. Edited by ... L. 1838.

M., F. Rev. Frederick Martin. iNbies on the four gospels. L. 1838.

M., F. 1J. F. L. Morse. Onward to the heights of life. B. 1880.

M., G. George Mooar. Historical manual of the South Church in Anclo- ver, Mass., August, 1850. Andovcr, 1859.

M., G. Gervase HarTcham. The young sportsman's instructor. L. 1820.

M., G. ti Gdbeit Laing Meason. On the landscape architecture of the groat painters of Italy. By ... L. 1828.

M, G. W. George W. Marshall. A catalogue of pedigrees hitherto unin- dexed. Ed. by . . . L. 1867.

M., G. W. Geoige Wharton Mairiott, J3.C.L. Memoir of Rev. Dr. Gaskin, in " Gent. Mag.," Vol. 99, 2d Pt., 183, 280, 643.

M, G. W. George Wilson Meadley. Memoirs of Mrs. Jebb. L. 1812.

M., H. Harriet Martineau. The mar- tyr age of the United States . . . Kew- castle-upon-Tyne, 1840.

M., Sir H. Sir Humphrey MacJcworth. Down with the mug ... L. 1717.

M., H. E. Henry Edwatd Manning. Dies consecrati ... L. 1855.

M., H. Ja. Mrs. Hannah L. Murray. Florence Murray: a narrative of facts. By her mother ... B. 1849.

M. I. D. Rtchard Hengist Home, in his contributions to the "Monthly Reposi- tory" (L.).

M'G, J. John M'Gilchrist, M.D. Chatelard: a tragedy in five acts. Edinb. 1862.

M'S., J. Dr. Joseph Macsweeny. An essay on aerial navigation . . . Cork, 1824.

M., J. John Muir. The course of divine revelation . . . Calcutta, 1846.

M., J. Josiah Martin. The great case of tithes truly stated ... L. 1730.

M., J. James Moraan t D.D. Elegy, Mark Luke Grayston. L. 1830.

M., J. John Martin. An inquiry into Echard's statement in his history of Eng- land... L. 1852.

M., J. J. MasBon. Miscellaneous ob- servations upon authors, ancient and modern. L. 1731-32.

M., J. Rev. Joseph Morris, M.A. Mon- uments in Feltham Church, Middlesex, in "Gent. Mag.," July, 1824, p. 39.

M., J. James Maidment. A new book of old ballads. Edited . . . Edinb. 1844.

M, J. Joseph Massie. Observations on Mr. Pauquier's " Essay on Ways and Means for Baising," etc. L. 1756.

M., J. John Major. Bational mad-