Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/187

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ness : a song for the lovers of rare and curious books. L. n.d

M., J. Major AJoyle Sherer. Scenes and impressions in Egypt and Italy, etc. L. i824.

M., J. J Tl/o? timer. La Secession aux Etats-Ums et son origine. Paris, 1861.

M., J. Rev James Murray. The trav- els of the imagination ... L 1773.

M., J., Esq., FRS. John Mortimer. The whole art of husbandry ... By ... L. 1707.

M , J , Rev , D D , F S A John Mil- net, D D. A vindication of the end of religious controversy ... L 1822

M,, J , of the Inner Temple. Jasper Mauduit. The Legislative authority of the British Parliament with respect to North America ... L. 1766.

M., Sir J , and Dr. Ja. S. Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith. Facetiae. Musarum deliciae ... L. 1817.

M., J., et P., R. James Maidment and Robert Pitcairn. Nugse derelictas quas colligerunt . . . Edinb. 1822

M., J. A. Mrs. J. A. Merryweather. The hermit of Eskdaleside ; with other poems . . . Whitby, 1833.

M., J. A. Sir John Archibald Murray, Lord Murray. Letter to the Judge Advo- cate . . . Edinb. I860. See "A Mem- ber of Court/'

M , J. O., Esq. J. O. Mellish. Mary Stuart : a tragedv. Trans, by ... L. 1801.

M., J H, John Herman Merivale, Esq See " Gent. Mag.," November, 1837, p 481.

M., J. H. James Henri/ Monk. Me- moir of Duport . . . Cambridge, 1825.

M., J. H. B. Jacob Henry Brooke Mountain. A sermon preached at Blun- ham church ... on ... the completion of an cast window, by M. E. Sadler, with a preface by J. H. B. M. L. 1884.

M , J. Li J L. Martin. Native bards : a satirical effusion ... P. 1831.

M , J. M. J. M. Moore. Lord Nial. N.Y. 1834

M., J. R John Ramsay MacCuUoch, Tracts ... on metallic and paper cur- rency, by S. J. Lloyd. Edited by ... L. 1858.

M., J. W. H. John William Henry Molyneaux. Private prayers . . . selected . . . L. 1866.

M., K. Kate M'Clellan. Anne and Pierre; or, our father's letter. N.Y. 186-.

M , tt. F. Mrs. Lydia Falconer Miller. Cats and dogs; nature's warriors and God's workers. L. 1808.

M., Li. M. Mrs. Louise (Chandler) Moulton.

M., M. F. Mary Fawl&\j Maude. Scripture natural history, etc L. 1848.

M., M Li Mary L. Meaney. Grace Morton ; or, the inheritance ... P. 1864.

M. M. M, William Tooke, Esq , F.R S. Verses. Edited by ... L. 1860.

See " (rent. Mag.," July, 1844, p 2, an inquiry under this signature on the origin of the name of Tooke. On many other occasions Mr Tooke wrote under the signature of " M AI. M.,*' as his father had done previously. They were the initials of the family motto, ftfilitia Mea Multi> plex.

M., M. M. Miss M. M. Montgomery. Lights and shadows of German life. P. 1883.

M , M. N. Mrs. Mary Noel (Bleecker M'Donald) Meigs. Poems by ... 1T.Y. 1845.

M, Matt. Robinson. Matthew Rob- inson Montagu. Peace the best policy. L. 1777.

M. N. William Wotfon, D D., in a letter contributed to the " Guardian."

Kb. 93, June 27, 1713.

M., "N. Nathaniel Morren. Annals of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland . . . 1739-76 . . . Edinb. 1838.

M , O. Oswald MoosmuUer St. Vin- cenz in Pennsylvanien ... NY. 1873.

M., P. Rev. Patrick Middleton. A dissertation on the power of the Church ... L.1733.

M. P. Mrs. Marianne Girdlestone Ftlteul. Marion ; or, the smuggler's wife ... L.1873.

M. P, An. William Pollard Urqu- "hart. The currency question and the Bank Charter Committee of 1857-58. L. 1860.

M., P. D. Rev. Peter Du Moulin. See "A Prebend of the Church of Can- terbury."

M., R. Richard Morris. Sec "One of the Excluded Members of Parlia- ment."

M , R C Robert Cotton Money. Jour- nal of a tour in Persia during the years 1824 and 1825. L. 1828.

M., Rose O. Rose O. Monckton. Let- ters from Puttehgurh. Clifton, 1858.

M., R. K. Richard Kendall Mackit- trick.

M , R. S. Dr. Robert SMton Macken- zie, in his contributions to the " Lady's Magazine."

M., R. W, Robert W. McAlpim, in his contributions to the "Press " (P.).

M , S. Samuel Merriman, M.D., one of his signatures in the "Gent. Mag.," 1828-47. His others were " Correspond-