Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/199

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riage with a deceased wife's sister, e*tc. By... L. 1868

Member of the Society of Friends, A Henry^ Callaway. Immediate reve- lation : being a brief view of the dealings of God with man in all ages . . . By . . . L. 1842.

Member of the Society of Friends, A. Jonathan Pirn Is it right for a Christian to marry two sisters * By . . Dublin, 1863.

Member of the Society of Friends, A Mai i/ Stacey, Jim. A letter on the Lord's Supper. By ... L 1830.

3Iember of the Society of Friends, A William Collier. Quakerism. By .. . Plymouth (*), 1837.

Member of the Society of Friends,

A. Philip Thompson. The remem- brancer, for such as believe in the truth as it is in Jesus ... By ... Wood- bridge, 1820

Member of the Society of Lincoln's Inn, A. Timothy Brecknock. Droit le Eoy . . . L. 1764.

Member of the Sodality of the B. V. Mary, Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, East Boston. Ja mes Fitton. Influence of the Catholic doctrines on the emancipation of slaves ... B 1863.

Member of the Suffolk Bar, A. Harrison Gray Otis. A letter to the Hon. Josiah Quincy ... on the law of libel . . . B 1823.

Member of the Suffolk Committee of 1829, A Henry Gassett. Catalogue of books on the Masonic Institution . . .

B. 1852.

Member of the Synod of United Original Seceders, A Rev. John Q-ra- ham. Non-intrusion weighed in the bal- ance and found wanting . , . Ayr, 1843.

Member of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, A John Pendleton Kennedy. Defence of the ^Yhigs. N Y. 1844.

Member of the University, A. Ben- jamin Blayne?/. An espostulatory letter -to ... Dr. Randolph. Oxf. 1773.

Member of the University, A IJate. Peter Le Page Renouf. The character of the Rev. W. Palmer, M.A., of Worcester College . . . L. 1843.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A. Richard Duppa, B.O.L. An address to the Parliament of Great Brit- ain, on the claims of authors to their own copyright. L. 1813.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A. Thomas Perronet Thompson. Catechism of the Corn Laws. Manches- ter, n d

Member of the University of Cam-

bridge, A. Jackson Musptatt WiUtams The elements of Euclid . . By . . 1827.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A. Bev. Edward John Nixon. The facts as they are . . Camb 1844.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A William Burdon, M.A A few words of plain truth . . . Camb. 1797

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A. Pi of. George Long. Hanni- bal's passage of the Alps. L 1800.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A. Rev. Philip Stanhope Dodd, M.A. Bants to Freshmen, from . . 1798.

Member of the University of Cam- bridge, A Benjamin Hall Kennedy, DD. The Psalter in English verse. Edited . . . 1860.

Member of the University of Ox- ford, A. John Anthony Cramer, D.D. A dissertation on the passage of Hanni- bal over the Alps. Oxf. 1820.

Ascribed also to H. L "Wickham.

3Iember of the University of Ox- ford, A Dr. John Burton. An introduc- tion to the metres of the Greek tragedians.

Member of the University of Ox- ford, A. Her. Wyndham Madden Hut- ton. Poems. B y . . . Oxf. 1851.

Member of the Vermont Bar, A. Daniel Pierce Thompson. The adventures of Timothy Peacock, Esq. . . Middle- bury, 1835

Member of " The Victoria Discus- sion Society/' A. Mrs Stafford. Signs of the times: from the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. To which is added a pamphlet by ... L. 1872.

Member of the Whip Club, A. Dr. Hewson Clarke. Lexicon Balatronicum : a dictionary of British slang, University wit, and pickpocket eloquence. By ... assisted by Hell-fire Dick. Edited by ... 1811.

Member of the Worcester Anglers' Society, A. William George. An essay on angling; by ... Worcester, 1840. [Also signed "Frater."]

Member of Trinity College in Cam- bridge, A. Richard Bentley. Proposals for printing a new edition of the Greek Testament ... L. 1721.

Membre Adoptif de la Nation On&ida, Un. J. Hector St. Jean de Crerecceur. Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et dans FEtat de New York . . . Paris, 1801.

Memor, Andreas. Antoine Agnor Alfred, due do Gramont. I/Allemagne nouvelle, 18G3-G7 . . . Paris, 1879.