Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/200

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Memoriter. David Pae. Sermon reading in the pulpits of the United Presbyterian Church … Edinb. 854

Menalcas. Bracy Clark. Remarks on French shoeing, by an English shoeing smith. L. n.d.

Menander. Robert Treat Paine, in the "American Apollo." B. 1792.

Ménard, Theophile. Just Jean Étienne Roy. Captain Rougemont … N.Y. 875.

Mendes, Judith. Judith Gfautier. Le ragon imperial. Paris, 1869.

Mendsoale, My-heele. John Taylor, he water-poet. A tale in a tub; or, a lib lecture as it was delivered by ... an aspired Brownist. L. 1641.

Mentor. Josiah Qumcy, Jr., who, in 771-72, published in the "Boston Ga- ette" patriotic essays under the signa- ures of "Mentor," "Edward Sexby," nd " Marchmont Needham."

Mentor. Yen. George O'Kitt Stuart, in is letters to the "Kingston Herald/' 839-44.

Mentor. Nathan D. Urner. Never, dways, and Stop, three brochures pub- shed by Carleton & Co. N.Y. 1884

Menzies, Sutherland. Mrs Eliza- eth Stone. Royal favourites. L. 1865.

Mephistopheles John Pendleton Kennedy A review of Mr. Cambreling's eport from the committee of commerce . . Bait. 1830.

Meplats, Isidore. Jean Charles ^ache'f M.D. Le de'fricheur de Langue . . . Quebec, 1859.

Meplats, Isidore de. P. A. H. La lue, M.D. French Canadian author, in 859 contributor to "La Ruche Litte- aire," under this signature.

Mercantile Man, A. James Lumsden. onerican memoranda, by ... during a hort tour in the summer of 1843. Glas- ow, 1844.

Mercator. William A Brewer, in his ontributions to various New York and ioston periodicals,

Mercator. Might Hon Edward Ellice, i his letters to the " Herald/' Montreal, 307.

Mercator. Samuel Jones Loyd, Lord verstone. His papers on the Bank harter Act, etc., in the London " Times " nder this signature, attracted great at- ntion from political economists, bank- ^s, and the mercantile classes.

Mercator. James Anderson. Thoughts n the privileges and power of juries, kc. By ... Edinb. 1793.

Mercer. James Cheetham* Letter

concerning the Ten Pound Court, m the- city of New York. N.Y. 1800.

Merchant, A. M. Frank Carr, Busi- ness . . Edinb. 1873.

Merchant, A. Tod, of Kurt- lands. Consolatory thoughts on Ameri- can independence. By ... 177-.

Merchant, A. C. H. Kauffman The dictionary of merchandize, and nomen- clature in all languages . . L. 1803.

Merchant, A. R Williams. A letter . . . relating to the danger Great Britain is in of losing her trade ... L. 1718.

Merchant, A William Workman* Letters of ... upon " Rival routes to the ocean from the West, and docks at Mon- treal " Montreal, 1859.

Merchant, A. Breed, of Liverpool. Local issues ... L. 1834.

31erchaut, A. John Theodore Koster. Observations on the pending question of additional duties on cotton ... L. 1813.

Merchant, A. William Colson West- lake. Practical remarks on the Corn Laws as viewed in connexion with the corn trade . . By ... L. 1833.

Merchant, A David Henshaw. Re- marks upon the Bank of the United States ... B. 1831

Merchant, A. Henry M. Bird. A view of the relative situation of Great Britain and the United States of Amer- ica ... L. 1794.

Merchant-Citizen, A. Robert 21/em. The Edinburgh Paradise regain'd . . . n.p. 1764.

Merchant, A Late. Asa Greene* The perils of Pearl Street, including a taste of the dangers of Wall Street . . . N.Y, 1834.

Merchant in London, A. Josiah Tucker, D D. A letter from ... to hm nephew in North America relative to . . * affairs in the colonies. L. 1766.

Merchant of Boston, A. Samuel Hooper. Currency or money; its na- ture and uses . . B, 1855.

Merchant of Boston, A. James. Lloijd Homer. Short inquiry into the commercial policy of the United States. By ... B. 1845.

Merchant Seaman's Friend, The, Jeffrey Dennis. An address to the Com- mittee for the Relief of Distressed Sea- men ... L. 1813.

Merchant, Mat. W. B. Wood. How Bemoie did it. Portland, 187-.

Merchant, T. Thomas Dibdin. The mad guardian; or, sunshine after rain: a farce . . . Huddersfield, 1795.

Mercurius Rusticus. Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Bibliophobia : remarks.