Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/220

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Head, Bart. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau ... L. 1833.

Old Man, An Pochard Malcolm John- ston. Georgia Sketches . . . Augusta, Ga., 1864.

Old Man, An. Joseph M. Wlnte (*). The presidency [political essays, sub- scribed . . , reprinted from the " Balti- more Chronicle "]. Bait. 1831.

Old Man, An. Rev. Philip Skelton Senilia; or, an old man's miscellany. L. 1786.

Old Man } An. Alexander Dalrymple. Thoughts of ... of independent mind though dependent fortune. L. 1800.

Old Man, The. Samuel West, S T.D. Essays of the Old Man, in the " Colum- bian Centmel," 1806-7.

Old Man Eloquent, The. John Qumcy Adams.

Old Man of Business, An. Charles Lloyd. An examination of the princi- ples and boasted disinterestedness of a late Right Honourable Gentleman [W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham ] . In a letter from ... to a noble lord L. 1706

Old Man of the Mountain, The Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, some of whose most popular pieces were published in the New York "Tribune" under this signature.

Old Man well-known on the Der- byshire streams a century ago, An. W. H. Aldam. A quaint treatise on "Flees and the art a* artyficiall flee making," by ... L. 1876

Old Mariner, An. Mrs. Mary Cow- den Clarke. Kit Barn's adventures ; or, the yarns of ... L. 1849.

Old Member of Parliament, An. Richard Glover. An appeal to the jus- tice and interests of the people of Great Britain, in the present dispute with America. By ... L. 1776.

Also ascribed to Arthur Lee, Lord Chatham, and Dr. Franklin.

Old Member of Parliament, An.

Sir Richard Hill. Remarks on a charge delivered by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London ... in May and June, 1803... - By... L. 1804.

Old Member of the Society, An. John Annesley Colet. A letter to the Rev. Thomas Coke, LL.IX, and Mr. Henry More ... to -which is added an appeal and remonstrance to the people called Methodists. L. 1792.

Old Merchant, An. Hon. John Nes- mith. Thoughts on the currency . , . Lowell, 1866.

Old Merry. Edmund Hodder. Book- stall boy of Batherton. B. 1873,

Old Mountaineer, An. J. P. Sciib- ner (?). Laconia; or, legends of the White Mountains . . . B. 1866.

Old New Yorker, An. William Alex- ander Duer, LL.D. Reminiscences of ... NT. 1867.

Old Nick Paul Emile Daurand For- gues. La Chine ouverte : aventures d'un Fan-kouei dans le pays de Tsm . . . Pans, 1845.

Old Noll. Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, who, under this signature, first published in the " Nain Jaune " the portraits after- wards collected under the title of " Qua- rante m^daillons de TAcademie " Paris, 1864.

Old Officer, An. Rev. Philip Skelton. A letter to the authors of " Divine Anal- ogy and the Minute Philosopher," from. . . . L 1744.

Old, Old Bachelor, An. Nathan Stone Reed Seal. Diamond leaves from the lives of the Dimond family, etc. By... Macedon,NY,1872.

Old Paris Man, An William Makepeace Thackeray. "Paris revis- ited," "Punch," 1849.

Old Parishioner, An. Mrs J2". Mad- den. Personal recollections of ... Rob- ert Daly, late Bishop of Cashel, at Pow- erscourt and Waterford. By . . Dub- lin, 1872

Old Parochial Clergyman, An. Rev. Dr. John Duncan (*). The libertine led to reflection by calm expostulation . . . By... L.1794.

Old Pioneer, An. John Mason Peck, D D. " Father Clark " ; or, the pioneer preacher . . . N.Y. 1855.

Old Planter, An. Lieut . Gordon Turn- butt. Letters to a young planter ... n p. 1785.

Old Pop. Thomas Popplewell, a cele- brated singer of Covent Garden, well known to the choice spirits of London, the latter part of the last century, for his scientific skill and the comic fashion with which he sung his songs.

Old Prob. Albert J. Myers. Manual of signals for U. S . army and navy. 1868.

Old Reporter, An. Walter Henry Watts. My private note book; or, rec- ollections of ... L. 1862.

Old Republican, An. Rev. Joseph Lyman, in the " Hampshire Gazette " (Northampton, Mass.), who wrote a se- ries of articles in that paper, in 1786, against Shay's Rebellion,

Old Resident, An. Andrew Burke. Burke's guide; or, the visitor's com- panion to Niagara Falls . . . Buffalo, 1850.