Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/221

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Old Resident in the Parish of Sta- verton, An. Ohailes Wildegoose A short and plain address to his cottage neighbors. By . . . Daventry, 1840.

Old Rugbaean, An. R. N. Hutton. Becollections of Rugby ... L. 1848.

Old Sailor, An. Nathaniel Ames. An old sailor's yarns. N.Y. 1835.

Old Sailor, An. Isaac Carter. On Quakerism . . . By . . L 1800.

Old Sailor, The Roland F. Coffin. Archibald the cat, and other sea yarns. N.Y. 1878.

Compiled from Mr. Coffin's tales in the "World" (N.Y.), to which he was a fre- quent contributor under the same pseudonym.

Old Sailor, The. Frederick Chamfer. Topsail sheet blocks ; or, the naval f ound- ling. L. 1838.

Old Sailor, The. Matthew Henry Barker, R.N. Tough Yarns. L. 1852. Greenwich hospital: a series of naval sketches, descriptive of the life of a man-of-war's man (L. 1826), by the -same author, was published under the pseudonym of "An Old Sailor."

Old Scout. H. R. Merrill.

Old Seaman, An. Admiral William Swiney. Causes of the numerous ship- wrecks on the Scilly Islands ... in the

  • ' Literary Panorama," 1817.

Old Servant, An George Heaihcote. A letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Worshipful Aldermen, and the Common Council, the merchants, citizens, and inhabitants of the city of London. From ... L. 1762.

Old Shekarry, The. Henry A. Leve- son. Wrinkles; or, hints to sportsmen -and travellers on dress, equipment, and camp life. By ... L. 1874.

Old SI. Samuel TV. Small, formerly editor of the "Atlanta (Ga.) Constitu- tion/* in his contributions to various pe- riodicals

Old Simon Alexander Chalmers. The present state of our current monies. "Gent. Mag.," September, 1802, p 809.

Old Slyboots. James Scott, D.D , who, hi 1769 et seq., wrote essays under this signature which were afterwards collected and published in a small volume.

Old Smoker, An. John Stock, LLJ>. Confessions of ... L. 1872.

Old Smoker, An. James Farton. Does it pay to smoke, by ... B. 1868.

Old Soldier, An. General Sir George Bell.

Old Soldier, An. Major Edward Moor. The gentle sponge ; being a safe

. . . and just mode of reducing . . the national debt of England . . . Bv . . . L. 1829

Old Soldier, An. Gen. John Aim- strong. Hints to young generals . . . Kingston, 1812.

Old Soldier, An. Capt. David Perry. Eecollections of ... Windsor. Vt., 1822.

Old South. Benjamin Austin. Con- stitutional Republicanism in opposition to Federalism ... B. 1803.

Benjamin Austin was long known as a writer in the " Independent Chronicle," Boston, under the signatures of " Honestus " and " Old South."

Old Stager, An. Munsell B. Field.

Old Stager, An. James Aspinall. Liverpool a few years since, by ... Liverpool, 1809.

Old Statesman, An old. David Wil- liams. Lessons to a young prince by ... Dublin, 1791.

Old Straws. Joseph M. Field, in his contributions to the "Picayune" (New Orleans).

Old Student, An. Daniel Dana, Jr. ( 1 ) . Baptology. My bootmaker and I on modes of baptism. N.Y. 1860.

Old Style, Oliver Dr. James Beattie, in the "Aberdeen Journal," 1708.

" On the first publication of the poem [Ross's 'Helenore; or, the Fortunate Shepherdess'], a letter highly laudatory of it appeared in the 'Aberdeen Journal' under the fictitious signa- ture of * Oliver Old Style,' accompanied by an epistle in verse to the author from the pen, it is understood, of Dr. Seattle, being the latter's only attempt in the Scots' vernacular." See ANDEBSON'S The Scottish Nation, Vol. 3, p. 370.

Old Teacher, An. G-eoige Barrell Emerson. Reminiscences of ... B. 1878.

First published in the "Journal of Educa- tion," and then in book form with the author's name.

Old Teacher, An. Mrs. Margaret Hosmer. A year in Sunday school, firom the journal of ... By ... P. 1869.

Old Times. James D. Davis. Old times papers. Memphis, 1873.

These papers were first published in the " Memphis Daily Appeal" over this signature.

Old Townsman, An. James Btsset. Comic strictures on Birmingham's " Fine arts and converzationes," by ... Leam- ington (?), 1829.

Old Tradesman, An. Benjamin Franklin. Advice to a young tradesman. P. 1748.

Old Tradesman, An. Thomas Bailey. Eecreations in retirement. L. 1836.

Old Traveller, An, Henry Lhucdlyn Williams. Gay life in New York. By ... ET.Y. 1866.