Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/242

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Phocion. William Loughton Smith, LL D. American arguments for British rights. L 1866.

Phocion. Alexander Hamilton. Let- ter from . . to the citizens of New York on the politics of the times ... P. 1T84.

Phocion. George Ticknor Curtis. Let- ters of ... First printed in the " Boston Daily Advertiser and Courier," August to November, 1853.

Phocion. Thomas Hartley. Observa- tions on the propriety of fixing upon a central and inland situation for the per- manent residence of Congress . . . 2ST.Y. 1789.

PhOBnix. Sir Henry William Martin Bart. Archbishop Murray's Douay and Ehenush Bible . . L. 1850

Phxenix, John. Capt. George Horatio Derby. Phoenmana; or, sketches and burlesques. N.Y. 1856.

Photius, Junior. W. Sherlock. Let- ters on literature, Brussels, 18C6.

Phrenologist, A. Thomas Tichborne. The amendment of the law of lunacy : a letter to Lord Brougham. L. 1840.

Physician, A. Sir Philip Ciampton. An attempt to explain . . . the cures . . of Miss Laior and Mrs. Stuart. Dublin, 1823.

Physician, A. J Hoski/ns* A com- mentary on "The Revelation of Jesus Christ " Dublin, 1863.

Physician, A. Andrew Wilson, MD. An essay on the autumnal dysentery. By... L.1761.

Physician, A. Dr. James Mackenzie. Essays and meditations on various sub- jects. Edinb. 1762.

Physician, A. Joseph Buttar> M D. Evening thoughts ... L. 1850.

Physician, A. John Evtty, MJ). A faithful narrative of a remarkable visita- tion. By ... L. 1776.

Physician, A. Thomas Foster Bar- ham, M.B. Genuine Christianity; or, the Unitarian doctrine briefly stated. Pen- zance, 1824

Physician, A. John Ayrton Paris, JLT.D. A guide to Mount's Bay and the Land's End. L. 1824.

Physician, A- James Warburton Beg- bi e. Handy book of ra edical information and advice ... L. 1839.

Physician, A. D. E. Smith. Leaves from a physician's journal. N.Y. 18(57.

Physician, A. Samuel Dickson (?}. London medical practice, its sins and its shortcomings. L. 1860.

Physician, A. Thomas Forster, Me- dicina simplex , . . Chelmsford, 1829.

Physician, A. Dr. Wurderman. Notes on Cuba, by ... B. 1844

Physician, A. John Darby. Odd hours of ... P. 1871.

Physician In Hertfordshire, A. Francis Bragge. A full confutation of witchcraft ... L. 1712

Physician in the West Indies, A. James Grainger, M D. An essay on the more common West India diseases . . . L. 1764.

Physician, in Town, A. Daniel Cox, M.D. A letter from ... to a friend in the country, on the subject of inocula- tion ... L. 1757.

Physician of Philadelphia, A. Wil- liam E. Homer, M.D. Observations on the mineral waters in the south-western part of Virginia ... P. 1834.

Physician's Wife, A. Ate. Madeline Leslie. Bevelations of ... B. 1859.

Physicien voyageur, Tin. Thomas Forster Annales d j . . . volume conten- ant les annees 1831-04. Bruges, 1851.

Physico-Theologus. Hev. Thomas Tregenna Biddulph, M.A. Thirteen let- ters on Christian philosophy, in the "Christian Guardian," 1819-20

Physicus. George J. Romanes, A candid examination of Theism. L. 1878.

Pianist, A. Louis M. Gottschalk, in the "Atlantic Monthly."

Picard, Leon. Antoine Bayard. Le bonheur dans la retraite . . . Paris, 1838.

Piccadilly. Pierre Git ard, European correspondent of the N Y. " World " for several years, including the Franco-Ger- man war.

Picciola. Miss Angelina 8. Sfumford, who published a number of poetical pieces under this pen name.

Pick, Mr. Joseph A. Scoville.

Pick and Pen. Henri/ Rosales. Es- say on the origin and distribution of gold in quartz veins . . . Melbourne, 1861,

Pickaway. Allen 0. Myers, in his contributions to the "Enquirer" (Cin., O.).

Picket. B. W* Tomlinson, in his con- tributions to the "News and Courier" (Charleston, S.C.), and the "World" (N.Y.).

Pickle, Peregrine. George P. Upton. Letters of ... Chic. 1869.

These letters first appeared in the Chicago

  • ' Tribune,** under the above signature,

Pickle, Prometheus. William Bush.

Pictor Ignotos. William Blake. Se- lections from poems. L. 1863.

Pledfort, Athanase. Charles Gitle, Histoire dc M. Louis Bonaparte . . . Paris, 1848.