Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/243

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Pierce, Dod, 31 S. Probably Dr. Bait only and Dr. Schomberg, Jr. A let- ter to the ical and genuine Pierce Dod, M.D , actual physician of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital ... L. 1746.

Pierre et Paul Paul de Lourdoueix Histoire de trente heures . . . Pans, 1848.

Pigmy, Sir Minimus. John Kent, who, under this signature, published in a Canadian periodical a humorous paper entitled "A Defence of Little Men." See "Fairford, Alan"

Pikestaff Thomas Baker. Plain papers by ... L. 1866

Pikromel, Timotheus, Esq. Thomas daiie. Erotopliuseos , or, the love of nature . . . L. 1840.

Pilgrim, A Frederick Wright. Lays of ... Brockville, Can , 1864.

Pilgrim, A. David Addison Harsha. Wanderings of ... N.Y. 1854.

Pilgrim, A. Mrs. Fanny (Parkes) Parlby. Wanderings of ... in search of the picturesque during four-and-twenty years in the East ... L. 1830.

Pilgrim of 1851, A. Rev. Frederic West Holland. Scenes in Palestine, by ... B. 1852.

Pilgrim, A. George Barrell Cheever. Wanderings of ... in the shadow of Mont Blanc and the Jungfrau Alp. N.Y. 1845.

Pilgrim, Peter. Robert Montgomery Bird, 3I.D. Peter Pilgrim; or, a ram- bler's recollections. N.Y. 1888.

Pilot who has hitherto "weathered the Storm, A. James Brown. General hints for improving the merchant service of the United Kingdom . . . Glasgow, 1825.

Pimpernel. Rev. W. JB. Beaver, in London " Live Stock Journal."

Pindar, Jonathan. Saint George Tucker. Liberty, Days of my youth, and other poems, some of them political satires under the title of "Jonathan Pindar."

Pindar, Paul, Gent. John Ybnge Akerman. London legends ... L. 1862.

Pindar, Peter. C. F. Lawler. Selim : a tale. L. 1803.

Pindar, Peter, Esq. John Wolcot. The fat knight and the petition; or, cits in the dumps. L. 1815,

Pindar, Peter, Jan. Henry S. Ellen- wood, the writer of a number of poetical trifles in the Peter Pindaric style, some of them signed as above, and others "Cape Cod Bard," for the "New Eng- land Galaxy," Boston, 1817 et &eq.

Pine, Cuyler. Ellen Peck. Ecce Eeraina; or, the woman Zoe. N.Y. 186-.

Pinlcney, 3Iiles. Thomas Carre.

Pinneberg, Rentier. Carl Hauser, in his contributions to the German edition of "Puck" (N.Y.).

Piomingo. John Robinson. The sav- age. P. 1810 See " American Hist. Record," III , pp. 373, 4CG

Pioneer of the Wilderness, A. Rev. Rose. The emigrant churchman, L, 1849.

Pious Jeems. Col James Gordon.

Pious Lawyer (A), late Lieutenant in the American Navy. Darnel Hur- ray. Extract from a letter written by ... n.p., n d.

Pipes, Jeemes, of Pipesville. Ste- phen C. Massctt. Drifting about; or, what J. P. of P. saw-and-did: an auto- biography . . . N.Y. 1863.

Pippen, Parley. M. R. Bartlett (*). The orator's ladder, in three parts . . . N.Y. 1843.

Pips, Mr. Pet cival Leigh, in "Punch"


Piscator. William Elliott, who pub- lished essays by *" Piscator " and " Ve'na- tor," which were afterwards enlarged and embodied in " Carolina Sports."

Piscator. Thomas Pike Lathy, Esq. The angler : a poem in ten cantos . . . L 1819.

Piscator. Robert Lascettes. Angling . . . L. 1815.

Piscator. William Hughes. Fish, how to choose and how to dress. L. 1843.

Piscator. Alfred Ronalds. Fly fish- er's entomology ... L. 1856.

Piscator. George P. R. Pulman. Rustic sketches : being poems on angling ... By ... Taunton, 1842.

Piscator. Walter Henri/. Salmon fishing in Canada, letters under this sig- nature in the New York " Albion."

Piscator Fluviatalus. Rev. John Seccombe,

Pisistratus. William Black.

Piso, Lucius Manlius. Rev. William Ware. Letters of . . N.Y. 1837.

Pitarra, Serafi. Frederick Soler. Lo air de la gent. 1880.

Pitt, William. Robert WicUiffe, Jr. Letters to the Hon. James T. Morehead, on Transylvania University ... By ... Smithland, Ky., 1837.

Place, Benjamin. Edward Thnng, M.A, Thoughts on life science ... L. 1860.

Plain, Timothy. G. W. J&aiHe. Fire : a poem . . , Edinb. 1828.

Plain, Timothy. Moncrieff Three- pland. Letters respecting the perform-