Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/317

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soe. Being the history of Crusonia, or Robinson Crusoe's island, down to the present time . . . Copied from a letter sent by ... Newcastle, 1782.

Witherne, Raven Mary Parlinson Giles Witherne ; or, the reward of diso- bedience- a village tale for the young, founded an fact. [In verse.] L. 1839.

Wittitterly, John Altrayd. Miss Elizabeth T Came Three months' rest at Pau, in the winter and spring of 1859. L. 1860.

Wizard. John Corlett, in the London

  • ' Sportsman."

Wolfe, Reginalde, ESQ. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D D. Francis Quar- les's : Judgment and mercy for afflicted souls; or, meditations, soliloquies, and prayers, edited by ... L 1807.

Wolfram, IJeo. Ferdinand Prantner. Wiener Federzeichnungen 1871.

Woman, A. Frances ( Wnght ) D 'Arus- mont. England, the civUizer ... By ... L.1848.

Woman, A. Mrs. Mary Ctemmer. "A "Woman's Letters from Washington," a series of letters in the N.Y. " Independ- ent," 1866.

Woman, A. Mrs. Saiah Morgan (Bryan) Piatt. A woman's poems. B 1871.

Woman, A. Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulocl) Craik. A woman's thoughts about women. L. 1758

Woman of Quality, A. James Ralph. The other side of the question ; or, an at- tempt to rescue the characters of the two royal sisters, Q. M. and Q. Anne, out of

the hands of the D s D of [i.e.

the Duchess Dowager of Marlborough] ... In a letter to Her Grace, by . . L. 1742

Wonder, Jak. Peter K. Ferguson. Ugliness and its uses- a lecture deliv- ered before the "Y. L. Circulating Li- brary Association," by ... NVX". 1852.

Wonderful Quiz, A. James Russell Lowell. Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late), and buy at a per- fectly ruinous rate a fable for critics . . . N.Y. 1848.

Wons,Mailliw. William Snow. John Bull all agog. [Song.] L. 1803.

Wood, Will. Jonathan Swift, DJD. Petition to the people of Ireland : being an excellent new song ... by William Wood, iron monger and halfpenny monger. 1725.

Woodbine, Jenny. Miss Annie R. Shunt, who, under this name, in 1859

received a one-hundred-dollar gold medal for "The Sisters," in the "Newbern Ga- zette."

Woodensconce, Papernose, Esq. Robert Barnabas Brough. The wonder- ful drama of Punch and Judy and their little dog Toby . . By . With illustrations by " The Owl " L. 1854.

Woodf all, Wilfred, Esq. Si r Sa m net Egerton Brydqes, Bart. My note-book; or, sketches from the gallery of &t Stephen's: a satirical poem ... L. 1821.

Woodfern. Mary W- Stanley Gibson.

WoodviUe, Jennie. Jennie Latham Stable^ in "Left to Herself" (P. 1871).

Worcester Speculator, The. Na- tlian Fiske, D.D 9 in the " Massachusetts Spy."

Working Clergyman, A. Rev. Er- shine Neale. The life-book of a labourer. L. 1850.

Working Man, A. Alexander Somer- mile. The autobiography of ... L. 1848.

Working-Man, A. Andrew Stewart, The clodpole; or, the normal condition of agricultural labourers. Dundee, 1858.

Working Man, A. John Overs. The evenings of . . L. 1844.

Working Man, A. John Lash Latey. Letters to working people on the new poor law ... L. 1841.

Working Man, A. James Carter. Memoirs of ... L. 1845.

Working-Man, A. Thomas Dixon. Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. Twenty-five letters to ... of Sunderland, on the laws of work. L. 1867. By John Buskin.

Working Man, A. Johann Georg Eccanus. A working man's refutation of Stuart Mill. L. 1867.

World's Child, The. Warren Chase. The life-line of the lone one; or, auto- biography of . . B. 1857.

Worth, Mrs. L. Lu Mrs. Ellsworth, Smith's saloon; or, the Grays and the Grants. N.Y. 1871,

Worthy, Will, William Pultenetf, Earl of Bath. Bob-Lynn [z.e. Sir R. Walpole] against Pranck-Lynn; or, a full history of the controversies ... oc- casioned by the quarrel of Bob-Lynn and... 1733.

Wotton, William, D.D. Mary As- tell. Bart'lemy fair ; or, an enquiry after wit, in which due respect is had to a letter [by A. A. Cooper, Earl of Shaftes-,