Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/318

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bury] concerning enthusiasm, to my lord ... By... L. 1709.

Would be Cromwell of America, The. Samuel Adams. So called by the Loyalist printer, James Rivington, 1776.

Wounded Officer, A. Oapt. Gib- ney. My escape from the mutinies in Oudb ... L. 1858.

Wraxall, LasceUes. Sir Frederick Charles LasceUes Wraxall, Bart., a con- tributor to the "Athenaeum" (L.), etc. See "LasceUes, Lady Caroline."

Wray, A. JJunar. Rev. Minot Judson Savage (*).

Wraythe, Hope. Miss Edith Haw- trey. Talent in tatters. L. 1877.

Wren, Jenny Jane Atkinson. Facts and fancies, in prose and verse. L.


Wright, Saul. T. T. Wilson. Surf : a summer pilgrimage. N.Y. 1881.

Writer of a Glance behind the Grilles, The. Mrs. William Pitt Byrne. Flemish interiors. L. 1856.

Writer of the Parodies In the Gentleman's Magazine. Thomas Ford. "Confusion's masterpiece; or, Paine's labour's lost ..." Gent. Mag., 1 ' May, 1794, p. 456; June, 1821, p. 565.

Writer of these Tracts, The. Isaac

Wdhams. A few remarks on the charge of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, on the subject of reserve in communicat- ing religious knowledge, as taught in the " Tracts for the Times," Nos. 80 and 87; by... 1841.

Writer to the Signet, A. A. Ken- nedy. The high price of food, butcher- meat, meal, and bread-stuffs, etc., stated and illustrated . . . Edinb. 1860

WriteweU, A M. John Close. A month in London ; or, the select adven- tures of S. Dowell . . . Edited by ... L. 1844.

Wykehamist, A. J. Ashley. The church of the period; or, the Church of England in my own time. By ... a "Priest "of 1824. L. 1871

Wykehamist, A. G. J. Davies. Pa- pers on preaching and public speaking. ,,By . . . L. 1861

Wylde, Hazel. Miss Ella A. Hotch- kiss, in her contributions to the "House- hold " (Brattleboro, Vt.), etc.

Wyseman, Demetrius, Gent. Duke Willis. The quality papers; edited by ... L. 1828.

Wythe. Theodore Dwight Weld. The- power of Congress over the District of Columbia. N.Y. 1838.

X. Eustace Budgell. "All the papers marked with an Xpn the 'Spectator'] were written by him, and the whole eighth volume is attributed to Addison and himself, without the assistance of Steele." See CHALMBES, Vol. 7.

X. Henry S. EUenwod, who contrib- uted articles of a serious tone to the "New England Galaxy " over this signa- ture.

X. Sir John Bowring. Anglo-Turkish war: Egypt and Syria. L. 1841.

X. Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker, M.A. A legend of Cornwall, in Sharpe's "London Magazine," 1846.

X. Wtlham Ware. Sketch of a peti- tion proper to be presented to the legis- lature of the United Kingdom ... by the friends of peace and justice in Ireland. By X., author of " Letters on Slavery/' under that signature, etc. L. 1832.

X, author of Nothing. Major Ranken. The experiment: a farce in one act . . . Quebec, 1854.

X. A. P. John Peace. A descant upon railroads. L. 1842.

X. H. Mrs. Brewster Macpherson. Gifts for men . . . Edinb. 1870.

XX. John Canton. "The year's length," in the "Gent. Mag," June, 1752, p. 255.

X. X. X. Bryan Waller Procter, in the London "Literary Gazette."

X. Y. John Rickman. Eight letters concerning the pavement of the Metrop- olis and the adjoining turnpike road. L. 1817.

X. Y. Z. Thomas De Quincey, in the "London Magazine," 1785-1859.

X. Y. Z. Bryan Waller Piocter, in the London "Literary Gazette."

X. Y. Z. William Purton, M.A. Gradus ad Homerum ; or, the A. B. C. IX of Homer . . . Oxf . 1862.

X. Y. Z. Cluo. John Godfrey Saxe, A. Livien Douglas, and George W. Pettes. Euchre; or, the game of life. 18-*

X. Z. Rev. John Sylvester John Gardi- ner. Remarks on the Jacobiniad, first published in the "Federal Orrery," Bos- ton, 1794 or 95, and afterwards repub- Hshed in a 12 volume in Boston, 1795- 98, embellished with caricature likenesses