Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/330

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mont The question of the precedency of the peers ot Ireland in England fairly stated A letter to an English lord, by . . . Dublin, 1739.

No Zoo, Lord. John Swmton.

Octavius Rev. William Hales. Pur- suits of literature: translations by . . . Dublin, 1799.

O'Doherty, Sir Morgan, Bart William Magmn See "Notes and Queries," Vol. vuL, pp 11,12; Vol. ix., p. 209; Vol. x., pp. 96, 150, 161, 233.

For a list of Dr Magmn's writings, see "Dublin University Magazine," Vol. XXIII , pp. 80 et seq.

Officer in the Field, An. Charles O. Nott.

O'Fogarty, Fagarty, Esq;., of Blar- ney. Samuel Grosnett. Daniel O'Rourke . an epic poem, in six cantos, in " Black- wood's Magazine," Vol. VII., pp. 470- 481, and later volumes.

Also ascribed to Dr. William Maginn.

Oinophilus de Monte Frasconi, Boniface, A B C. Robert Samber. Ebno- tatis encomium ; or, the praise of drunk- enness ... By ... L. 1723.

" This Is not an original work . . . but a trans- lation from the Fiench. The ongmal is entitled " L'Eloge de 1'Yvresse (i la Haye . . HDCGXIV)," and is by Sallengre, Henri Al- bert de. See "Notes and Queries," November, 1865, p. M2.

Oliver, Pen, F.R.CS. Sir Henry Thompson. Charley Kingston's aunt. By ... L.

One of the Rhode-Island People. John Pitman, Jr., JEsg. A reply to the letter of the Hon Marcus Morton . . . on the Rhode Island question ... By . . . Providence, 1842.

One "who has seen the Elephant. B. F. Scribner. Camp life of a volun- teer : a campaign in Mexico ... By ... P. 1847. See " One who was thar "

One who Respects them. James Bury. Little bits from workingmen. By ... Manchester, 1874.

Our Bard. Frank Waters, contribu- tor to the "Weekly Courant," of Co- lumbia, Penn.

P. Hon. Philip Yorte

The " Athenian Letters " were first published for the private use of a limited number of friends, in 4 Vols., 8vo., 1741-43. In 1781, they were again printed in 4to (100 copies only) , But not published. An edition having afterwards been surreptitiously printed in Ireland, this Lord Hardwick, m 1810, published them in two hand- some quarto volumes for general circulation. The sevenil writers were thus designated :

"P.," Hon. Philip YorJce, afterwards Eail of Kardwlck, "0." Hon. Charles YorJse; "R.," fiev. J>r. Q. & JRooJte, Master of Christ's Col- lege, "G-.," Eev Dr. Jphn Green, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln; "\V.," Darnel TPray,

Esq , " H ," Rev Mr John Heaton, of Bene't College, "E," Dr. Jffebetden, " O ," Hemy Coventry, " L.," Rev. John Lawrij, Piebendaiy of Rocliestei, " T," Mrs Catherine Taibot , "B ," Il&v Dr. T Birch, " S ,"ev. Di Sam- uel Salter, Lite member of the Chaitor Ilouse. See " Illustiations of the Literaiy Histoiy of tlae 18th Centui y," JOHN NICHOLS. Vol I , pp. li, 23, 33, 73, 92 Allibone, under " YorJie, Philip, Second Earl of Hardwick," also speaks of it.

P. R, Gent Robert Pollock (*). Memoirs of the Me of Parnese, a Spanish lady ... By ... L. 1751.

P T. T [Post ten tumblers], William Maginn. To Thomas Campbell, Esq. An expostulatory epistle . . signed . . Cork, 1820, in " Blackwood's Magazine," Vol. VI., pp. 504, 505.

P. W. Wyott Papworth, in "Notes and Queries," 1869; "Die. of National Biog./' p. 59, col. 1.

Palatine, Tom. Thomas Nash. A long lane L. 1883. Also in his literary contributions.

Pallet, Peter Paul. For key to Bath characters, see "Notes and Que- ries," 2d Ser., Vol. II , I860, pp. 253, 254

Parallax. Alfred Russell Wallace

Parallax. Samuel Buleij Robolham.

The immediate piedecessor of John Jaspei, the colored philosopher of Richmond, va , whose recent assertion that *' the sun do move " has shaken the world of science from centre to circumfeience Robothnm taught that Earth was a circular plain over which the sun rao\ed In 1S85 the editor of the "Pillory" published at No. 12, Catherine St , Strand, London, offered 100 guineas to the rash man or,wonun who could dispiove the truth of the Robotham theory.

Parenthenopeus Hereticus. Wd-

liam Got don Popery against Christian- ity; or, an historical account of the present state of Rome, etc. L. 1719.

Pastor, The. Wilkam Wut Phillips, D.D. Memorial of the goodness of God, in two discourses, delivered at the open- ing of the First Presbyterian Church in the city of New York, Jan. 11, 1840 By... N.Y. 1846

Pastor of Hollis Street Society, The. Hev. John Pierpont. A letter from ... to his parochial friends, with their reply [by Edmund Jackson] . . . Octo- ber and November, 1841. B. 1841.

Pedestrian, A, Thomas Alexander BoswelL Recollections of ... L. 1826

Pennsylvania^ A. Benjamin Rush. An address to the inhabitants of the British settlements in America upon slave-keeping . . . By ... P. 1773

Perambulating Philosopher, The.