Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/337

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devoted himself to literary pursuits, at Pans.

Alcott, Miss Louisa May, 1833-. Tribulation Periwinkle. An American miscellaneous writer; b. at German- town, Pa ; for many years chiefly a resident of Concord, Mass ; devoted to literary pursuits.

Alcott, William Alexander, M.D., 1798-1859. A Schoolmaster An Ameri- can author and lecturer ; b. at Wolcott, Conn ; wrote and edited more than 100 volumes; d at Auburnclale, Mass.

Aldam,W H. An Old Man, frc. An English angler, and writer on angling.

Alden, Mrs. Isabella M Pansy.

Alden, Rev. Joseph Warren. A Puritan of the IQth Century. An Ameri- can Cong minister.

Alden, William L Matthew White, Jr.; Metador. An American journalist, of New York.

Alderson, Sir Edward Hall, Baron, 1787-1857 A Layman. An eminent English jurist; b. at Great Yarmouth; was Judge of the Court of Exchequer, 1834-57 ; d. m London.

Alderson, Jolin, M.D, 1758-1829. The President. An English physician; b. at Norwich; practised his profession at Hull for more than 40 years, and died there.

Aldred, Rev. Ebenezer. Ebenezer; A Unitarian Minister. An English min- ister.

Aldricn, Mrs. Rose. Rose Ashleigh. An American writer.

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-. T. B. A An American poet; b. in Portsmouth, N H. ; in 1885 editor of the "Atlantic Monthly," Boston.

Aldridge, Ira, 1805-1867. The Afri- can ROSCIUS. An African actor; son of a chief of Senegal, brought to New York by an American missionary The son played "Othello," "Macbeth," and " Shy- lock/' with great success, in London, Ed- inburgh, Liverpool, Dublin, etc., on the Continent, and especially in Russia. Some account of his performance in Russia, by Bayard Taylor, in " Atlantic Monthly," January, 1865. D. at Lodz, Polonia.

Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Francis. <7. F. A. An English poet and hymn- writer; wife of the Rt. Rev. William Alexander, D.D , Bishop of Berry and Raphoe from 1867.

Alexander, Charles. Wesley Brad- shaw. An English author.

Alexander, Miss Francesca. Fran- cesca. An American author; a lady

artist, from Boston, now (1883) residing in Florence.

Alexander, James liynne. A Cana- dian. A British American writer, of Toronto (*).

Alexander, James Waddel, D.D, 1804-59. Casariensis. An eminent American Presbyt. divine, of the Fifth Avenue Presbyt. Church, New York City.

Alexander, Dr. O. C. JRob Rapier.

Alexander, Patrick Proctor. Smel- fungus. A Scottish author.

Alexander, Richard Dykes. A Lay- man ; Pacificator. An English Friend, or Quaker, of Ipswich, Suffolk.

Alexander, Samuel, 1749-1824. Aquila; Verax. An English Friend, or Quaker; b. at Keedham Market, Suffolk, where he also died.

Alexander, Rev. Samuel Davies, D D., 1819-. S. D. A. Aa American Presbyt. divine ; b. at Princeton, N. J. j pastor in New York City, 1856-81 et t>eq.

Alexander, W. W. A. An English writer.

Alexander, William, 1768-1841. Amicus. An English Friend, of Need- ham Market, Suffolk; for many years a bookseller and publisher, of York, where he died.

Alfieri, Count Vittorio Amadeo, 1749-1803. Count Asmodei. An Ital- ian poet; b. at Asti, in Piedmont; d. at Florence.

Alford, Mrs Fanny. A Clergyman's Wife. An English lady ; wife of Henry Alford, Dean of Canterbury.

Alford, Very Rev. Henry, B J)., 1810- 71. The Dean of Canterbury; H. A. An English clergyman ; b. in London ; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1832 ; Dean of Canter- bury, 1857-71.

Alfred, H. J. Otter.

Alison, William Pulteney, M.D., 1790-1859. Academicus. A Scottish political economist, physician, and Pro- fessor of the Practice of Medicine in the Univ. of Edinb., and brother of the his- torian ; b. and d in Edinburgh.

Allan, Charles Stuart Hay, -1880. Charles Edward Stuart. A Scottish (*) author.

Allan, David, 1744-96. The Scottish Hogarth. An eminent Scottish painter; b. at Alloa, on the Forth, 25 miles from Edinburgh ; studied in Glasgow, and for 14 years in Italy; practised his art in London, 1777-80, and in Edinburgh the remainder of his life, and d. near that city.