Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/338

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Allan, Rev. J. A. A Butterfly. A Ca- nadian poet, in 1867, of Ardath, Wolfe Island.

Allan, James MacGrigor. A Bach- elor* An English miscellaneous writer

Allan, Rev. John. A Special He- porter.

Allan, Rev. John. Beefeater, Domes- tic Chaplain to Fill Pots. A Scottish min- ister of the Union Church, Aberdeen.

Allan, llev. John. Kn -Oxonian. A Scottish minister of Potterton, Belhel- vie Co., Aberdeen.

Allan, John Hay, -1872. Sir Walter Scott, Bart.; John Sobiesli Stolberq Stu- art. A Scottish poet; brother of Charles Stuart Hay (*).

Allan, Thomas, 1777-1883. A Pn- vate Gentleman. A Scottish banker in Edinburgh ; b. and d, in that city.

Allardyce, Mrs Elizabeth (Wins- low). A Lady. A Scottish poet. See " Allderdyce, Mrs. Eliza (Wmslow)."

Allderdyce, Mrs Eliza (Wlnslow). E. W. A. A Scottish poet. See " Allar- dyce, Mrs. Elizabeth ( Winslow)."

Allen, . Timothy touchstone.

An English scholar; one of the editors, under this pseud., of the " Trifler," at Westminster School, in 1788 ; afterwards a student of Trin. Coll , Cambridge.

Allen, Rev. Benjamin, 1789-1829. Osander, An American Epis. clergy- man; b. at Hudson, N Y.; Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, 1821-29; d. on board ship, on the return voyage from Liverpool.

Allen, Charles. One who has served under the Marquis of Dalhousie. A Brit- ish civilian in the Bengal Civil Service.

Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth (Chase Afcers). 1832-. Florence Percy. An American poet ; b. in Strong, on Sandy River, Maine; passed her girlhood at Farmington, in the same State; early became devoted to literary pursuits. In 1866, she married Mr. E. M. Allen, and since 1872 has resided with her husband m Greenville, New Jersey.

Allen, G.W. W.G-.A, An English poet of Nottingham.

Allen, Rev. George, 1792-1883. A Freeman, An American clergyman; b. in Worcester, Mass.; Yale Coll., 1813; pastor at Shrewsbury, Mass., 1823-40; chaplain at the Worcester Insane Asy- lum, 1843-72; d. at Worcester,

Allen, Grant. J. Arbuthnot Wikon. An English author and journalist of London.

Allen, John. Sccevola.

Allen, John, M,D., 1770-1843. A

Necessitarian. A ^Scottish philosopher; b at Redf ord, near Edinburgh ; contrib- uted largely to the "Edinburgh Re- view " ; was an inmate of Holland House for more than forty years ; d m London.

Allen, Rev John. A Citizen of Mary- land. An American writer ot Balti- more (?).

Allen, Rev. John. A British J?os- tonian. An American author.

Allen, John, 1771-1839. A Lai/man. An English schoolmaster ; b. at Truro, in Cornwall; for more than 30 years conducted a private academy at Hack- ney, and d. there.

Allen, Mrs. M M. A. An English writer

Allen, Richard. R. A. An English writer and printer at Nottingham

Allen, Rev. Robert, M A. A Master of Arts of Trinity College, Cambridge. An English clergyman; Trin Coll., Cam- bridge, 1859, Vicar of Christ Church, Eastbourne, 1877-83 et seg.

Allen, Stephen Merrill, 1819-. Al- pha, ; S. M. A. An American merchant and banker; b. at Burton, N.H.; in 1836 removed to Boston, Mass., where, in. 1884, he was still engaged in business, residing in Roxbury.

Allen, Rev. Thomas. An Impartial Hand. An English country clergyman.

Allen, Rev. Wilkes, AM, -1845. A. An American Cong, minister, of Chelmsford, Mass., from 1803, b. in Sterling, Mass , Harv. Univ., 1801.

Allen, William. W.A. An English writer.

Allibone, Samuel Austin, LLD, 1816-. S A. A.; Bibliophile; A Lay- man. An eminent American bibliogra- pher ; since 1879, librarian of the Lenox Library, New York City.

Allin, Miss Abby. Nilla. An American poetess, of Pomfret, Connecti- cut See " Carter, Mrs. Daniel A."

AUingham, William, about 1828-, Patncius Walker. An Irish author; b. at Ballyshannon ; editor of "Eraser's Magazine," 1874-79. Mr. Allingham was for several years in the Custom's service, from which he retired about 1872.

Allsop, Robert. JR. A. An English litterateur.

Almon, John, 1738-1805. An Inde- pendent Whig. An English bookseller, author, and editor; b. in Liverpool; early became at London the publisher of political tracts, for which he was, several times prosecuted and punished ; he more than once retired from business to his