Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/339

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pleasant villa at Boxmoor, but the want of an active life and of Its excitement drew him again to London ; d. at Box- moor, near Kernel Hempsted, Herts.

Alsop, Alfred. A Delver. An Eng- lish missionary m Manchester.

Alsop, Richard, A.M., 1701-1815. R. A. An American poet and journal- ist; b at Middietown, Conn.; was first known to the public as the author of satires on public characters and events entitled the "Echo," the "Political Greenhouse," etc. Alsop, Dwight, Hop- kins, Trumbull, and others were called "The Hartford Wits." He d. at Plat- bush, L.I.

Alston, Alfred Henry. The Captain of the " Cumbeiland" An English naval officer and poet.

Alston, Joseph, 1778-1816. The Mountaineer; A Southern Planter. An American statesman; son-in-law of Aaron Burr; Governor of South Carolina in 1812.

Alting, Alfoertus Samuel Carpen- tier. Philalethes. A Dutch writer.

Amalia, Herzogin von Sachsen, 1794-1870. Amahe Heiter. A German dramatic poet ; b. at Dresden ; daughter of Duke Maximilian, and sister of John, king of Saxony.

Amat, Felix, 1750-1824. Don Haca- rio Padua Melata. An eminent Spanish ecclesiastic and writer; Archbishop of Palmyra in 1803, and confessor to Charles IV. in 1806,

Ambler, Charles. A Retired Barris- ter. An English lawyer; practised for nearly forty years in the Court of Chan- cery; and was Attorney-General to the queen when he died, in 1794, at Maiden- head-thicket.

Ames, Mrs. Eleanor, 1830-. Eleanor Kirk. An American novelist.

Ames, Fisher, LLJX, 1758-1808. An American, formerly a Member of Congress ; Brutus; Camillus; Falkland. An emi- nent American orator and statesman; b. in Pedham, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1774. " He drew his eloquence," says Allibone, " from the best source." " I will hazard the assertion," was his own expression, " that no man ever did or ever will be- come truly eloquent without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an ad- mirer of the purity and sublimity of its language/' He was an M.C. from Massa- chusetts, 1789-97, when he returned to his farm in Dedbam, and d, there.

Ames, Nathan, -1865. BeTwr Alguno. An American poet; Harv. Univ., 1848; among other works, he was the author

of the " Bards of Lind," etc , consisting of ten parodies of Longlellow and others, purporting to be " expressly written for the 'Greeting to America' of Jenny Lmd."

Ames, Nathaniel, -1835. An Old Sailor ; N. A. An American sailor, and writer of sea sketches ; the son of Fisher Ames.

Amhurst, Nicholas, 1706-42. Caleb D'Anvers; A Student at Oxford; Phila- lethes. An English journalist ; was con- nected with Bolingbroke and Pulteney in the management of the " Craftsman/' Being expelled from St. John's Coll., Oxford, he satirized his alma mater in his "Oculus Britannise" and his "Terrs Films."

Amiens, C. B. C. C. B. C. A. An English writer.

Amner, J. T. A Head Master under tJie London School Board. An English educator.

Amory, Thomas, about 1691-1789. An Antiquarian Doctor; A Lady; John B uncle, Esq. An English humorous writer.

Anbury* Thomas. An Officer. An English traveller and writer; was an officer in Burgoyne's army, and taken prisoner by the Americans; returned to England soon after the surrender of Cornwallis.

Ancillon, Charles, 1656-1715. A Person of Honour. A French lawyer and judge; b. at Metz; spent the greater part of his life at Berlin, and d. there.

Anderdon, John IJavicotmt. J.L.A.; A Layman. An English writer.

Anderdon, Kev William Henry. Owen Evans. An English E. C. clergy- man, a convert from the Church of England.

Andersen, Carl Christian Thorval- dus. Christian Adam. A Danish writer.

Andersen, Mrs. Mary E. A Looker- On-Here in Vienna. An English (?) writer.

Anderson, . A Brother Fish

Dealer; The Originator of the Shetland Fishery Company. A Scottish writer.

Anderson, Adam. A. A. An Irish writer; member of the Royal Irish Academy; d. 1867.

Anderson, Alexander. A Gent.; Surface Man. A Scottish, poet; Asst. Librarian in the Univ. of Edinburgh.

Anderson, Andreas. A Native of Denmark. A Danish traveller.

Anderson, Mrs. Galusha. Dorothy Doe. An American writer ; wife of Ga*