Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/34

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B., J. John Broughton. Miscellanies in prose and verse . . of Thomas Chat- terton Edited . .

B., J Jonathan Barrett. Observations on endowments for charitable purposes. L. 1852.

B-, J James Bateman. The Oxford crisis . . By a member of Magdalen College, Oxford. L. 1845

B , J Joseph Bentley Politics made easy for Englishmen. L. 1859.

B, J John Bellows Ritualism or Quakerism * Being remarks on a pam- phlet by J. W. C[udworth], entitled "Quakerism and the Church." L. 1870.

B , J Mrs. J. B Blackburne Scenes of animal life and character , . L 1862.

B , J Joseph Barker Self-abasement and self-exaltation . . . Wortley, 1845.

B , J John Budge Some observa- tions on important subjects . . . Cam- borne, 1846.

B , J. Rev. John Badcock. Thoughts on the building .of a ... church at Summer-town, near Oxford . . . Oxf 1832.

B ,-J , Nottingham. John Burton, in the "Evangelical Magazine" for 1805.

B , J., a Friend of the Aborigines Protection Society. John Burtt The young patriot, and other poems . . . Manchester, 1846

B., J , A Servant of Jesus Christ. James Bardwood. Hearts-ease in heart- trouble ... L 1691

Ascribed also to John Banyan.

B , J A. John Alexander Baxter. A selection of hymns and psalms . . . 1830.

B , J. B. E. Jean Baptiste l!mile Bail- here, in the "Journal de la Lihrairie,"

B., J. C. John Coxe Boyce. Poetical productions of my youth. Birmingham, 1842.

B., J D. J. D Bayly. Our homeless poor ... L 1860

B , J E. J-E. Balron. A day by the fire, and other papers ... By Leigh Hunt Edited ... B. 1881.

B , J. E J. E, Broum. The Dove on the Cross, and other thoughts in verse L. 1849.

B , J. E. J. E. Babron. Lamb's "Elia." Edited... L. 1866.

B., J. Cr. John George Belktt. Short meditations . . . Dublin, 1866.

B., J. G-. H. John George Hamilton Bourn*. The exile of Idria: a German tale ... . 1833. The name is also given John Gervase Hutchinson Bourne,

B., J. H. Joseph H. Buckingham, in ihe "Boston Courier/' 1840-48.

B., J. Harcourt. J. JBarcourt Bland. An apology for war . . . 1854,

B, J I John Ilderton Burn, Esq. "For several years he acted on the committee of the Labourers' Friend Society, and con- tributed many valuable papers, under the signature ot ' J. I B./ to the pages of the monthly publication ' The Labourers' Friend'"

B , J. J , B D. Rev. James John Douglas. The voice of prayer . . . Ab- erdeen, 1873

B , J K J K, Bangs, in his contri- butions to " Life " (N.Y.).

B , J. K J. K. Bloomfield. Patient Susie ; or, paying the mortgage . . . Gin. 1873.

B , J. M. John Montgomei le Bell Bell's (A M ) lectures on conveyancing . . . Edited. . 1876

B,, J P. Joshua P. Blancfiard. Plan for terminating the war, by division of the U. S 1861

B., J B. James E Ballantyne. The Tarka-Sangraha of Annam Bhatta. Ed- ited .. 1851.

B, J. T. John Trotta fiiockett Hints on . . a typographical society in New- castle-upon-Tyne Newcastle, 1818.

B , J T. Joseph Tinker Buckingham The rosary. B 1834

B.,J V. Reo. James Vila Blake "The morning stars sang together" ... B. 1869.

B., J. W- John W Bell An anti- Shakespearian plea. By ... In the Madison (Wis ) "State Journal," July 22, 1882.

B., Lucinda. Miss Lucinda Bowser. Angel visitants. L. 18-.

B., Ii. H. Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg. His signature in the English " Stamp Collector's Magazine" (Bath), and "The Philatelist" (Brighton), and in similar American prints.

B , L. Xi. Louis Lucien Bonaparte. Or- thographie applicable aux dialectes de la langue d'Oil . . . L. 1867.

B., M. Mona (Drew) Bick&rsteth. Poems Wales, 1856.

B , M. Mary Brook. Eeasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God . . By ... L. 1774.

B , M, E. Mrs. Mary K Bennett. Queer people... By... N.Y. 1872.

B , M. H. Mrs. Mary Hewins Burn" ham, in her contributions to the " Bepub- lican" (St. Louis, Mo),

B,M. I. M. I.Bromley. Poems. L. 1861.

B., M. I. M, I Booth. The wooing of King Sigurd. Illustrated . * . 1864.

B. O. W. C. [Brethren of the White