Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/35

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Cro- J James de Mille A book for 3<vs. B. 1878.

B., B. Nathaniel Crouch. See " Bur- son, Richard."

.B, B. Richard Barrett. The Bible not a dangerous book . . . 2d ed. Dub- lin, 1821.

B., B Robert Brett. Devotions for the sick-room. L. 1848 r- Prayers in the time of cholera By ... L 1849.

B, B. Robert Bloomjield. The his- tory of little Davy's new hat. L 1815.

B, B. Richard Bioivn Hospitalla- ria . . . L 1837.

B,B. Rev. Robert Bolton. The Lighted Valley ; or, the closing scenes of a be- loved sister . . N.Y. 1850

B., B. Richard Brooke. Eemarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships " Resolution " and " Discovery " in search of a northerly passage from Kampschatka to England after the death of Capt. Cook . . . By v . L. 1780.

B., B Robert Browning. A selection from the poetry of E B. Browning. Edited . . . 1866

B , B., Gent. Robert Blackwetl The corn-dealer's companion ... L 1726.

B , B , a Servant of the Church of Christ Robert Barclay. A Catechism and Confession of Faith ... L. 1726.

B , B C Hi Robert Casper Lee Bevan. Accommodated texts ; or, texts and con- texts By ... L. 1854.

B., B. H. R. H. Blades. Who was Caxton ? . . . a monograph L 1877.

B, B J. Robert Jefferson Breckm- ndge, D D. Jesus and the Coming Glory . . . Edited . . B. 1865.

B , B. Jj. Rev. Robert Lewis Bamp- field Our fisheries, exhortation and prayers concerning them (Chiefly from Bishop Wilson ) Great Yarmouth, 1858.

B,, S Sylvester Baxter, when Mexican correspondent of the "Boston Herald."

B , 3 Samuel Birch Italian mediae- val coins ... By . . L. 1845

B , S Samuel Brewster. A letter to the parishioners ot St B[otolph] A [Id- gate], recommending parochial commun- ion .. L 1701.

B,, S Samuel Bailet. Miscellaneous observations upon authors ancient and modern. L 1781-32

B., S E. Sir Samuel JEg&rton Brydges, Ban. Arthur ITitz-Albini : a novel. By . L 1810.

B., S. G. Sarah G. Bagley. Biogra- phy of self-taught men, continued . . . B 1846-47.

B., S. Ii." M. JS. L, M. Barlow. Let-

ter of C Columbus describing his first voyage . . . Edited ... L 1875

B, S O. S. O. Beeton The works of Lord Bacon . . . With a ... memoir of the author by ... L 1877

B , T. Rev. Thomas Belsham. The Book of Common Prayer reformed . . . Edited ... L. -1813

B., T. Rev Thomas Baiker, H.A. The canticles pointed for Anglican chants . . By an English presbyter ... L 1863.

B., T Thomas Bates A few words on the temperance question . . . L 1ST?

B, T. Thomas Bnghtwell Journal of a tour . . 1825, through Belgium . . Norwich, 1828.

B., T. Rev. Thomas Brett. A letter shewing why our English Bibles differ so much from the Septuagint ... By ... L 1743

B., T. Thomas Burtt. Ode . . L 1859.

B, T. Thomas Boosey. Piscatorial reminiscences and gleanings by an old angler and bibliopolist . . L. 1835.

B., T. Thomas Branch. Principia le- gis or equitatis- being an alphabetical collection of 20,000 maxims, principles or rules, definitions, and memorable say- ings in law and equity. By ... L. 1753.

B , T. Thomas Bawdier. Twelve anni- versary sermons preached before the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. Edited ... L 1845.

B, T, Minister of the Gospel. Thomas Bradbury. A mug-house song. L. 1717.

B , T. B. Thomas Bagnall Baker. A doctrinal catechism of the Church of England '. . . By ... L. 1840.

B., T. C. Thomas Christopher Banks. A letter to ... Lord Brougham . . . signed . . . L. 1831.

B., T. M. T. M. Baker. The slave lover; or, pride humbled: a tale. B. 1848.

B., T. S. Thomas Squire Barrett. An examination of ... argument h priori for the existence of a Great First Cause. By . . L. 1869.

B., T. S. T. Seymour Burt. Monody on the death of H. R. H., the Duchess of Kent. By... L. 1861.

B., V. Vincent Brooks. Chromo litho- graphs. L. 18-.

B., W. William Bigg. The art of swimming. L 1832.

B, W, Walter Bagehot. Bocastle. "The Spectator," Sept. 22, 1866.

B., W. FPY#WB Burge* The choral service of the Anglo-Catholic church. L. 1844.