Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/36

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B., W. Rev. William Bright. Eng- lish Church defence tracts. Edited by H P. L. [Henry Parry Liddon] and W. B. L. 1872.

B , W. William Bromfield. The faith of the true Christian, and the primitive Quaker's faith. By . . . L. 1725

B., W. William Blake The gates of Paradise. L. 1793.

B., W. William Bruce, D.D. An in- troduction to the scanning of the Greek metres ... By ... Belfast, 1823.

B , W. Wilham Boyne. A manual of Roman coins ... L. 1865.

B., W. William Bennett My mother's meetings . . . Edited ... L. 1803.

B., W. William Blades. The rules of the Candlewick Ward Club . . . L. 1876.

B., W. William Brown. Sketch of the life and character of the late Dr. William Brown . . Edinb 1854. " B., W., Gent. William Brown. Im- piety and superstition exposed : a poeti- cal essay . . . Edinb. 1710.

B., W., Gent. William Breton. Mili- tia discipline. By ... L. 1717.

B., W , Fowey. William Browne. A geological puzzle; the beach at Ready- Money Cove, Fowey: "Hardwicke's Science Gossip/' 1869.

B , W., and J. B. Walter Besant and J, Rice. This son of Vulcan : a novel L. 1876.

B , W. A. William A. Brewer, in his contributions to the "Journal of Com- merce " (N.Y.).

B , W. B. W. B. Buchanan. Balti- more ; or, long, long time ago. Bait. 1853.

B., W. B. William Balfour Baikie. List of books and manuscripts relat- ing to Orkney and Zetland ... By ... Kirkwall, 1847.

B., W. B. W&ham Binnmgton Boyce. Sketches of Protestant missionary soci- eties, 1872-73. Compiled , , . L. 1874.

B. y W. D. William D. BicJcham, cor- respondent of the " Cincinnati Commer- cial/* Rosecrans* campaign . . . Cin. 1863.

B., W. F. W. F. Bateman. Instruc- tions given to the guild of St. John the Evangelist, Upper Norwood, in the course of the year 1876, By ... L. 1877.

B, W. H, JBeu. William Hiley Ba~ thurst. Metrical musings; or, thoughts on sacred subjects in verse. L. 1849.

B,, W. J. W. J. Battersby. A com- plete Catholic directory . . . compiled . . . L. 1830.

B., W, JT. William John Butler, M.A. School prayers for morning and evening. Compiled... Oxf.1848.

B., W. J. E. Rev. William James Early Bennett. Advent readings from the Fathers ... By ... Oxf 1852.

B., W. S. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Lady Blunt's Bedouin tribes of the Eu- phrates . . . Edited ... L. 1879

B., W. W. W. W. Beldene. A trib- ute to the memory of Gen. George B. Boomer . . . About 1865.

B***, le baron. Charles Dons. Amours secretes de Napoleon Buona- parte . . Parii, 1817.

B***, Henri. Honors' de Balzac, in his contributions to " La Caricature" (Paris).

B****, Bishop. Bishop Lewis Bagot, in Beloe's " Sexagenarian," L, 422, 2d ed. L. 1818.

B****, Lieut. Col. Henry Charles Bunbury. The whist-player: laws and practice of short whist. L. 1857.

B*******, Lord Frederick Richard Chichester, Earl of Belfast. The farce of life : a novel, 1852 ; Wealth and labour : a novel, 1853; The county magistrate^ Naples, political, social, and religious, 1856 ; The fate of folly, 1859 L

B*******, Lord. Henry Brougham, Lord Brougham. The country magis- trate : a novel L. 1854.

B , The Bight Honourable the

Karl of. Colin Lindsay, third Earl of Balcarres. An account of the affairs of Scotland relating to the revolution in 1688. L. 1714

B , Lord. Henry St. John, Lord

Viscount Bolingbroke. Lord Boling- broke's three letters on patriotism. L. 1749.

B , Lord, Frederick Richard Qhi-

Chester, Earl of Belfast. Masters and workmen : a tale ... L. 1851.

B , Prof. Mark H. Beecher or

William W. Benedict See "P., Z ," or "Pundison, Zachariah."

B , Sergeant. Robert Butler. Nar- rative of the life and travels of ... Edinb. 1823

B , E. Edmund Burke. Mr. E.

B/s answer to his own speech on the llth of February, 1780 L. 17SO.

B , E., D.D. Edward Bentham,

D.D. The honor of the University of Oxford defended ... L. 1781

B , F . Sir Francis Bernard.

The causes of the present distractions in America explained ... B. 1774.

B , J . Joanna Baillie, in Be-

100*8 Sexagenarian," L, 409, 2d ed. L. 1818.

B , J , M.D. William Temple..

A vindication of commerce and the arts , . .. 1859.