Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/361

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Bibby, E. E. B. An English poet.

Biber, Bev. George Edward, Ph.D., LL D., 1801-74. G. E. B. An eminent German-English theologian and educa- tor ; removed to England in 1826, and took holy orders; Hector of West Al- Imgham, 1872-74; for some years was editor of the " John Bull" (L.).

Bickerstetli, Mrs. C., afterwards Wheeler. C. B. An English poet.

Bickerstetli, Rev. Edward, 1786- 1850, E. B.; A Chwchman An Eng- lish lawyer till 1815, when he took holy orders, and was minister of Walton, 1830-50. B. at Lonsdale, Westmoreland; d. at Watton, Herts

Bickcrsteth., Rev. Edward Henry, 1825-. E. H. B. An eminent English poet and divine , son of the preceding ; Rector of Christ Church, Hampstead, from 1855, editor of "Evening Hours "

(L.). Bickham, William D. W. D. B.

An American writer; correspondent of the " Cincinnati Commercial."

Bicknell, John Laurens, Esq., F.E.S., F S A., 1786-1845. The Late Joel Collier, Licentiate in Music. An English attorney, author, and musician of Lon- don.

Biddle, Miss Beatrice. Beatrice B. An American journalist, of New York City.

Biddle, Richard, 1796-1847. An American, An American author, jurist, and statesman, of Pennsylvania; b. in Philadelphia ; became the leader of the Pittsburg bar; M.C., 1837-41 ; d. at Pitts- burg.

Biddulph, Rev. Thomas Tregenna, M.A,, 1768-1838. Pkysico-Theologus. An English Epis divine; b. at Claines, Worcestershire; B.A., Oxford, 1784; minister of St. James's, Bristol, 1798- 1838 ; d. in that city.

Bienvenu, Charles Jj6on, 1835-. Touchatout. A French journalist and litterateur; b. in Paris; chief editor of the " Tintamarre," a Paris journal; in 1860, one of the principal editors of the "Charivari," and in 1868, founded a humorous review, under the title of the " Touchatout Review/'

Bierce, M. H. Dod Grrile. An Amer- ican humorist; at one time a writer in the San Francisco " News-Letter/'

Bigelow, Josiah. A Factory Hand of WaWiam, An American workman, of Waltham, Mass.

Bigg, Jeremiah. An Embryo " Har- vest Man" An English Friend, son of

Thomas Bigg, of Swansea, d. 1839, at Llantwit Major, Glamorganshire.

Bigg, William. W. B.; "Quantum Mutatis." An English Friend; brother of Jeremiah Bigg, formerly of Banbury, but in 1867 et seg , of Luton, Bedfordshire.

Biggs, Henry. A Member of the As- sociation. An Irish author.

Biggs, James. A Gentleman who was an Officer under that General. An Amer- ican adventurer ; a friend and officer of Don Francisco de Miranda, in his at- tempt to effect a revolution in South America in 1806-7.

Biglow, William, *A.H., 1773-1844. A Brother; Charles Chatterbox; Roger Roundelay ; Square Sawney. An Ameri- can humorous writer; b. in Natick, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1794 ; was a teacher, a wit, a poet, an editor, an author, and a proof-reader. He was principal of the Boston Latin School several years , and for many years connected with the press at Cambridge, Mass. D in Boston.

Bigot, Mme Mary (Healy). Jeanne Manet. An American novelist ; daughter of the American artist, Healey , wife of Charles Bigot.

Binckes, William, DD. -1712. A Country Divine; A Presbyter of the Church of England. An English clergyman; Dean of Lichfield, 1703-12.

Bindley, Charles, 1798-1859. Harry Hieover. An English sporting-writer ; d. at Brighton.

Bindley, James, Esq.,F.S.A. Leontes. A Senior Commissioner of the English Stamp Office, London ; one of the most eminent bibliomaniacs, and collector of rare prints, of his day.

Bingham, Sir Charles. A Country G-entleman. An Irish (?) writer.

Bingham, Frances Lydia. A Cler- gyman's Daughter. An English, writer, eldest daughter of the Rev. Bichard Bingham ; d. at Harwood parsonage, Bolton-le-Moors, in 1847.

Binney, Amos, M D,, 1803-47. TJie President. An American merchant and naturalist ; b. in Boston ; Brown Univ., 1821; was one of the founders of the Boston Natural History Society, and its president 1843-47 ; d. in Home.

Binney, Horace, LL.D., 1780-1875. H. J5. An eminent American lawyer; b. in Philadelphia ; Harv. Univ., 1797 ; admitted to the bar in 1800, and was for many years the leader of the Philadelphia bar ; d. in that city.

Blnney, Mrs. Juliette Patterson. Mrs. J. O. Bmney. A missionary in Burraah for twenty years C 2 ).