Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/362

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Binney, Thomas, D.D., 1798-1874. Fiat Justitia; John Seaich. An eminent English Dissenter; b. at Newcastle-on- Tyne; minister of the Weigh House Chapel, London, 1829-71.

Birch, Jonathan, Esq , -1847 Jb- hann Abricht ; Job Cnthannah. An Eng- lishman of considerable literary attain- ments, chiefly known for his translation of Goethe's "Faust"; was enthusiastic for everything German ; d. at the Palace of Belle vue, near Berlin.

Birch, Mrs. Walter. The Widow of a Clergyman of the Church of England. An English religious writer.

Bird, Henry Merttins, Esq A Mer- chant. An English economist, of London.

Bird, Miss Isabella. See "Bishop, Mrs. I. (B )/'

Bird, James, 1789-18S9 A Suffolk Yeoman. An English poet; in early life a miller, hut, failing in business, his friends set him up in a stationer's shop and small circulating library in the village of Toxford, Suffolk, where he died.

Bird, Robert Montgomery, M.D, 1803-54 Peter Pilgrim; A Rambler; Sheppard Lee. An American physician and miscellaneous writer ; b. at Newcas- tle, Del. ; practised in Philadelphia ; after some years of successful literary labor, after 1839 he gave it up, in great measure, for the life of an extensive farmer; d. in Philadelphia.

Bird, Sarah. A Mother. An English writer.

BirdsaU, A. F., 1858-. Hall-Wide- brand. An American writer.

Birdwood, James. J. J3. f a Servant of Jesus Christ. An early English reli- gious writer.

Birkbeck, Morris, 1704-1825. Jona- than Freeman. An early English emi- grant to Illinois, in 1817, the son of an English Quaker; he founded the town of New Albion, and resided there ; when the State was organized, in. 1818, he opposed the introduction of slavery; he was drowned, while returning from a visit to Robert Owen at New Harmony, in 1825.

Bischoff, Joseph Edward Konrad, 1828-. Konrad von BoJanden. A. Ger- man novelist; b. at Gailhach, in the Ehine Palatinate; studied Catholic the- ology, and became a clergyman at Borr- stadt, and afterwards at Berghausen near Spire ; in 1857 began his literary career

Bishop, Mrs. Isabella (Bird), The Englishuoman. An English author.

Bishop, William Henry, 184 7-, Ray-

mond Westbook. An American novelist; b. in Hartford, Conn ; Yale Coll , 1807 ; for some years a journalist at Milwau- kee, Wis. , since 1877 has been engaged at New York City in literary work

Bissell, Kev. Edwin Cone, D.D., 1832- ; The Monday Club. An eminent American Cong, clergyman ; b. at Scho- harie, NY.; Amherst Coll, 1855; Pro- fessor of the Hebrew Language and Lit- erature, at Hartford, Conn., since 1881

Bisset, James, 1702-1832. An Old Townsman. A Scottish gentleman ; b. at Perth ; removed to Birmingham, where he established a museum and shop for curiosities, which in 1813 he removed to Leamington, where he opened a news-room and picture gal- lery; and d. there.

Bisset, Rev. James. A Minister of the Church of Scotland, A Scottish min- ister, of Aberdeen.

Bitzius, Albert, 1797-1854. Jere- mias Gotthelf. A celebrated Swiss novel- ist ; b. at Murten, canton of Freiburg ; pastor at Lutzelfluh, not far from Berne, 1832-54.

Black, Adam, 1784-1874. Simon Scnbe. A Scottish bookseller and pub- lisher ; b. in Edinburgh, and educ. at the Univ. there. Eor many years he pub- lished the "Edinburgh Review" and Scott's works. He was Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1843-48, and M.P. from that city, 1856-65.

Black, Alexander. Jefferson Brick. An American journalist.

Black, David Dakers. V. S. N. A Scottish local historian, of Brechm (* ).

Black, James R., M D., 1827-, M.D, of Newark, Ohw. An American physi- cian, of Newark, 0.; b. near Glasgow, Scotland ; is Prof, of Hygiene in Colum* bus(0.)Med. Coll.

Black, Rev. John Sappho Search. An English clergyman, of Butley, Suf- folk.

Black, Mrs Sarah S. J. 0. Y.

Black, William, 1841-. Pisistratus Brown; J. Smith. A popular Scottish novelist; b. at Glasgow; for a time studied to become an artist, but eventu- ally drifted into journalism, becoming connected with the " Glasgow Weekly Citizen" while yet in his teens. In 1864 he removed to London, and has since that time been devoted to literary work in that city.

Blackburn, Charles F. A Journey- man. An English author,

Blackburn, Rev. Gideon (*), B.D., 1772-1838. Omega. An eloquent Ameri-