Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/363

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can Presbyterian clergyman; b. in Augusta Co , Va , educ. in Tenn. , min- ister oi Louisville, Ky , 1823-27 ; Presi- dent of Centre Coll., Ky , 1827-00, in 1833 he removed to Illinois, and did much there for education, literary and theological ; d. at Carhnville, 111.

Blackburn, Mrs. J. B. J B. An English writer; wife of Hugh Black- burn, Prof, of Math, at the Univ. of Glasgow

Blacker, Rev Beaver Henry, MA. B. H. B. An English Epis divine; Tnn Coll, Dublin, 1843; in 1883 ct seq. resident at Meridian-place, Clifton, Bris- tol.

Blackham, George B., M.D. Cydos. An American physician of Dunkirk, N.Y

Blackstone, Sir William, 1723-80. Another Member of Parliament. An emi- nent English lawyer and law-writer; b. in London; practised in London from 1759, visiting Oxford to give his lectures as Law Professor; Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1761-80.

Blackwell, Miss . A Lady of

Fashion. An English novelist.

Blackwell, E. H. E. H. B. An English lawyer.

Blackwell, Henry. H. B. An Eng- lish teacher (*) of fencing, in the early part of the last century.

Blackwell, Robert. 22. 7?. An Eng- lish writer of the earlier part of the last century.

Blackwood, Thomas. A Layman of the Church of Scotland.

Blackwood, William, 1776-1834 Ebony , Old Ebony. An eminent Scot- tish publisher ; b. in Edinburgh , in 1804 he settled in Edinburgh; in 1817 he commenced the famous " Blackwood's Magazine " , d. at Edinburgh.

" Blackwood's Magazine." Maga.

Blades, B. H. R. H. B. An Eng- lish writer.

Blades, William, 1824-. W.B. An English printer and writer; b. at Clap- ham, Surrey ; succeeded his father as a printer in London, where he has edited early-printed books, and contributed to the literature of the day.

Blagdon, Francis William, 1778- 1819. jfiSschines; Aristides. An Eng- lish journalist; originally a horn-boy, employed to sell the "Sun"; studied grammar and French under Mr. Willich ; after quite a successful career aa an edi- tor and translator, he unfortunately started the " Political Register " in oppo- sition to William Cobbett, but was ru-

ined by the speculation. Incessant hard work broke up his constitution, and he died poor, in London.

Blakie, Alexander, D.D. A Presby- terian. An American Presbyt minister ; b. at Pictou, N S. , for some years pastor at Boston, and from 1867 a resident of that city.

Blakie, G. W. Timothy Plain. A Scottish poet and artist

Blair, David Jack Robinson, junior. An English colonial Shakespearian critic, of Melbourne, Australia.

Blair, Mary E. St. Ursula. An American teacher, of Boston.

Blair, Patrick, M D. Michael Serve- tus, Jlf.D. A Scottish physician, origi- nally of Dundee, imprisoned in 1715 on. account of his attachment to the Stuart family; removed to London, and after- wards to Boston, in Lincolnshire.

Blake, Henry A. Terence McGrafh. An Irish author of the day.

Blake, Rev. James Vila, 1842-. J. V. B. An American Unit, minister, b in Brooklyn, N.Y ; Harv. Univ., 1862 ; Pastor at Qumcy, 111., from 1877

Blake, Mrs. Idllie Deverenx. ^Esop. An American " woman-rights " advocate ; b. at Raleigh, N C ; educ at New Haven, Conn. ; in 1877 a resident of New York City.

Blake, William, 1757-1827. W. B ; Augur; Pictor Ignotus. An excellent, but eccentric, English artist; b. and d. in London.

Blakeslee, Mrs. Mary N. Mary Blake. An American writer; wife of -a Connecticut minister.

Blakesley, Very Rev. Joseph Wil- liams, B D., 1808-85. A Hertfordshire Incumbent An eminent English divine ; b. in London; Trm. Coll., Camb., 1831; Fellow and Tutor there till 1845; Dean of Lincoln, 1872-86 ; during these years he lived a quiet and retired life.

Blakey, Robert, Ph.D., 1795-1878. Nathan Oliver, Esq.; Palmer Hackle; Verax. An eminent English miscellane- ous writer; b at Morpeth, Northumber- land; early devoted to literature and philosophy; for a time Prof, at King's Coll. ; Belfast, from 1835 ; d. at Blom- field Road, Shepherd's Bush.

Blanc, Jean, Joseph IJouis, 1811-82. A Freeman. A Trench political theorist and writer ; b. at Madrid ; when nineteen years of age, went to Paris ; has chiefly- resided in Paris, writing for the press.

Blanc, Mary Th$re*se, 1840-. Th> rese Bentzon, A French writer; b. at Seine-Porte; in 1871 she decided to