Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/379

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Biirstenbinder, Elisabeth, 1838-. Emst Wernei A German novelist; b. at Berlin, where she has always lived in the house of her mother.

Bulkeley, Sir Richard, Bart. A Gentleman of the Umveisity of Cambridge. An English writer, of the first part of the 18th century.

Bullar, Joseph, M.D. A Physician. An English physician.

Bollard, Henry Adams, A.M , 1788- 1851. An Officer under that General. An eminent American jurist ; b. in Groton, Mass.; Harv. Univ., 1807, studied and practised law in Philadelphia for a time ; joined General Toledo in an expedition to New Mexico , after its defeat in 1812, escaped to Natchitoches, where he opened a law-office ; served as an M C., a judge, and a professor of law, in Lou- isiana, from 1831 till his death in New Orleans, to which city he removed in 1847.

Bullen, William. Hibernicus; An Irish Catholic. An Irish lawyer ( 7 ).

BuUer, Sir Francis, Bart., 1745-1800. A Learned Judge. An English jurist; b. at Morval or Crediton ; called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1772; 1778- 94, of the Court of King's Bench ; and of Common Pleas, 1794-1800; d. in Bed- ford Square, London.

Bullock, C. C. B. An English edi- tor.

Bulwer, Sir Edward Iiytton. E. L. B. See "Lytton, Lord "

Bunbury, Henry, Esq.. Geoffrey Gambado. An English humorous artist ("the Hogarth of his day"), of London.

Bunbury, Henry Charles. Lieut. Col. ####; One ivho has served under Sir Chatles Napier An English officer, and a writer on whist.

Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 7th Bart., 1778-1860. E. H. B. An Eng- lish soldier and writer; b. in London; served m the army, 1794-1809; Under Secretary of State for War, 1809-16; M.P. for Suffolk, 1830-36 ; passed m re- tirement and literary work, 1836-60 ; d. at his seat, Barton Hall, Bury St. Ed- munds.

Bunce, Cyprian Rondeau. A Citi- zen. An English writer, of Canterbury.

Bunce, Oliver Bell. B.; Bachelor Bluff; Censor. An American journal- ist, edifor of " Appleton's Journal."

Bundy, J. M. A Member of the Rock County Bar. An American 'lawyer, of Wisconsin.

Bunn, Alfred, -1860. Conrad. An English dramatist and theatrical mana-

ger. In 1852, appeared at Niblo's Sa- loon, New York City, in a literary and dramatic entertainment. D. at Boulogne- sur-mer.

Bunner, H C. Me ; V. Hugo Dusen- bitty , A. H. Oakes. An American jour- nalist, editor of N.Y. " Puck."

Burckett, Miss Florence. Edith Lee. An American novelist.

Burdett, Constance. An Old Cormo- tant. A Scottish ( ) writer.

Burdette, Robert J., 1844-. Bur- lington Hawkeije-^Lan. An American journalist ; b. at Greensborough, Penn. ; in 1852 his parents removed to Peoria, 111. ; served in the late Civil War, 1862- G5 , in 1870 became editor of the Peoria "Transcript," and afterwards of the Peona "Review"; in 1874 he took charge of the "Burlington (la.) Hawk- eye," with which his name lias ever since been associated, and to which he has imparted a world-wide reputation.

Burdick, Miss H. H. Alice Irmng Abbott An American writer.

Burdoii, Thomas. The Governor of White Cioss Stteet Prison. An English Attorney-at-law, of London.

Burdon, William, M.A., 1764-1818. A Member of the University of Cambridge. An English writer; b. at Neweastle- upon-Tyne , Emmanuel Coll , Cambridge, 1782 ; as a coal-owner he resided a part of the year at Hartford, near Morpeth, and the remainder in London, where he died.

Burge, William, Esq , D C L , E.B S , F.S.A., 1786-1849. W. B. An English lawyer; called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1808, and nominated a Queen's Counsel, 1834 ; Local Bankruptcy Judge in the Leeds District from 184G; d. in London.

Burges, George, Esq., 1786-1864. Cato. An English editor and publisher ; b. in Bengal; Trin Coll., Cambridge, 1807; edited several Greek works, and contributed to periodicals numerous arti- cles on classical literature ; d. at Rams- gate, Co. of Kent.

Burges, Sir James Bland. Alfred. See " Lamb, Sir J. B. B."

Burges, Tristram, LLD., 1770-1858. A Farmer; A Ploughman; One of the People. An American statesman; b. in Rochester, Mass.; Brown Univ., 1796; became a leader of the Rhode Island bar, practising at Providence ; M.C , 1825-S5. " He used sarcasm with great effect in debate, especially in Ms famous dispute with John Randolph." D. in Providence.