Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/383

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Fulbeck, Lincolnshire; during the lat- ter part of his life, he resided at Stock- port, Cheshire.

Burtt, Thomas. T. B An English poet.

Burwell, Adam Hood.. Ene-us. A Canadian poet.

Burwell, Lettie M. Page Thacker. An American writer, of the South.

Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (Campbell), 1775-1861. A Flirt; A Lady of Rank. An English lady, daugh- ter of the 6th Earl of Argyll ; in 1796 married Colonel John Campbell, and in 1818 Rev. Edward John Bury; after his death, she devoted much time to writ- ing for the press, with remarkable suc- cess.

Bury, James. An Englishman; One who respects them. An English writer, of Manchester f 2 ).

Busbey, Hamilton. H. B. An American sporting writer-publisher, in New York City.

Bush, Harold Richard. A Layman. An English writer

Bush, William Prometheus Piclle. An American writer, of Chicago.

Bushby, Henry Jeffreys, 1820-. A Non-Combatant. An English civilian in the Bengal Civil Service, 1839-45; Police Magistrate at Worship Street, London, from 1870.

Busk, Hans, LL.D., F.R G.S , 1815-. Beaujolais. An English author, son of Hans Busk, Esq , of Glenalder, Radnor- shire; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1839; called to the bar at the Middle Tem- ple, 1841; founded, and for several years edited, the " New Quarterly Re- view"; is "the Founder of England's Volunteer Army."

Bute, John Stuart, the 3d Earl of, 1713-92. Earl of Be. An unpopular British statesman; played himself into the favor of the Prince of Wales, and took refuge from the arrows of "Junius" in his Paradise of Shrubs.

Butter, Charles, Esq.., 1760-1832. G. B. An English jurist and miscella- neous writer; b. in London; educ. at Douay; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1791; the first Roman Catholic barrister since the Revolution; his lit- erary activity was enormous, and the number of his published works very great; d. in London.

Butler, Hon. Lady Eleanor, -1829. Eleonora. A celebrated Irish lady.

Butler, John, 1717-1802. A Country Clergyman; Vindex; A Whiff. An emi-

nent English divine; b. in Hamburg; Bishop of Hereford, 1788-1802.

Butler, Rev. John. J ZZ .

An English clergyman.

Butler, Major John. An Officer in the Hon. E. I. Co.'s Bengal Native Infan- try in Civil Employ An English writer.

Butler, Joseph, D D., 1692-1752. A Young Clergyman. An eminent English prelate; b. at Wantage, in Berkshire; Oriel Coll., Oxford, 1718; Bishop of Dur- ham, 1750-52

Butler, Rofcert. Sergeant B . A

Scottish lawyer.

Butler, S. A Gentleman of Bristol

Butler, Samuel, 1612-80. John Canne. An English humorous poet ; b. at Strensham, a parish in Worcester- shire ; became steward of Ludlow Castle. Sir Samuel Luke, a gentleman of Bed- fordshire and a commander of note under Cromwell, was the original of "Hudibras."

Butler, Samuel. J. P. Owen. An English author, of St. John's College,. Cambridge.

Butler, Rev. William John, M.A. W. /. B. An English clergyman; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1840 ; Canon of Wor- cester, 1880-83 et seq.

Butler, William Mill. Mill. An American journalist, of Rochester, N.Y.

Butt, Mrs. E. <X E. 0. JB. An Eng- lish religious writer; author of "A Se- quel to Mrs. Sherwood's Easy Questions for a Little Child."

Butt, George One who is but an At- torney. An English poet and solicitor.

Butt, Isaac, LL.D., 1818-79. Edward Stevenson O'Brien. An eminent Irish politician; b. in Stranorlar, Co. Done- gal ; Univ. of Dublin, 1835 ; called to the Irish bar, 1838 ; M.P. for 1852-65, and for Limerick from 1871. D. at Dun- drum, near Dublin, at the residence of his son-in-law.

Butterworth, William. A Minor. An English writer.

Butts, Mrs. M. F. Fanny M. Barton.

Bye, Deodatus, 1745-1826. D B. An eminent English printer in St. John's square, Clerkenwell, London ; d. in Cam- den-row, Peckham

Byerley, John Scott. John Scott Eipon. An English dramatist; b. at Ripon, Yorkshire.

Byerley, Thomas. Stephen Collet; Sholto Percy. An English miscellaneous writer.

Byles, Rt. Hon. Sir John Barnard, 1801-84. A Barrister. An eminent English lawyer; b. at Stowmarket, Suf-