Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/382

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Somerset House. He was an accom- plished scholar, was a proficient in mu- sic, and possessed a theoretical and practical knowledge of art. D. at Dum- fries.

Burns, "William. A North Bi iton. A Scottish theological writer.

Burr, Charles Chauncey, 1817-83. Lola Montez. An American school- teacher, lawyer, lecturer, preacher, au- thor, elocutionist, political orator, and journalist, b. in Maine; graduated at Bowd. Coll. ; d. at his residence in Hobo- ken, N.J.

Burr, Enoch Fitch, D.D., 1818-. A Connecticut Pastor. An American Cong, minister ; b. at Green's Farms, in West- port, Fairfield Co., Conn., Yale Coll, 1839; Yale Theol. Sem., 1842; Pastor at Hamburg (in Lyme), Conn., 1850-73 et seq. ; is distinguished for his attainments in the higher mathematics and astron- omy.

Burritt, Elihu, 1811-79. The Learned Blacksmith; Old Buichell. An eminent American linguist and reformer; b. in New Britain, Conn. ; besides Greek and Hebrew, he acquired in the intervals of labor, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Flemish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Welsh, Gaelic, and Russian, and a good knowledge of English literature and mathematics. In 1846 he went to England, and resided there nearly 25 years. D. in his native town.

Burroughs, Samuel, Esq. Everard Fleetwood. Esq. An English master in chancery, of the earlier part of the 18th century.

Burrow, Sir James, 1701-82 ,7. B. ; A Member of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries, An English law- yer; Master of the Crown Office, from 1724 till his death, the long period of 68 years.

Burt, Capt. Edward. A Gentleman in the North of Scotland. An English officer, stationed at Inverness- about 1730, whose book is constantly quoted by Sir Walter Scott.

Burt, Thomas Seymour. T. $ B. An English miscellaneous writer, some time resident in India.

Burt, William. Danmoniensis. An English attorney, of Plymouth; Secre- tary of the Chamber of Commerce of that city.

Burton, Edmund, Esq. E. B. ; Ru- ben dii Mont. An English lawyer and classical scholar ; Fellow of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. He attacked and ridiculed

Dr. Bentley, who was defended by Dr. Parr.

Burton, Edward, D.D., 1794-1800 Verns. An eminent English divine ; b at Shrewsbury; Christ Church Coll., Oxford, 1815; Regius Prof, of Divinity, and Rector of Ewelme, in Oxfordshire, 1829-36 ; d. at Ewelme.

Burton, H. W. Harry Scratch. An American journalist, in Vir- ginia.

Burton, John, D D., 1696-1771. Phde- leutheros Londinensis. An eminent Eng- lish divine; b. at Wembworthy, Devon- shire; Rector of Worplesdon, Surrey, 1766-71.

Burton, John, 1773-1822. J. B., Nottingham. An English hymn-writer, of Nottingham.

Burton, Dr. John. An Englishman ; A Member of the Umv, of Oxford. An English classical scholar.

Burton, John Hill, LL.D., F.R.S.E , 1809-81. The "Ex-officw " Superintendent of the Department ; A P tactical Hand A Scottish historian and biographer; b at Aberdeen ; " Historiographer Royal " for Scotland from 1868; Commissioner un- der the Prisons (Scotland) Act from 1877 ; d. at Morton House, near Edin- burgh.

Burton, Mrs John Hill. A Scotch Family. An English lady, wife of the preceding.

Burton, Joseph. J. B. An English satirist.

Burton, Richard Francis, 1821-. F. R. G. S.; Ftank Baker, D.O.N. An Irish traveller; b. at Tuam, Gal way; proceeded to Bombay, under Sir Charles Napier, in 1842, and to Sindh in 1843, and served for some years in the Bom- bay survey ; after spending many years in extensive travels, he was British Con- sul at Damascus, 1861-71, and at Trieste, 1872-75 et seg.

Burton, Rev, Robert, 1576-1630,40. Democntus, Junior. A quaint and fa- mous old English writer.

Burton, Rev. Warren, A.M., 1800- 66. One who went to it. An American Unit, minister ; b. at Wilton, N.H. ; Harv. Univ , 1821 ; Harv. Div. School, 1826; he became, in the later years of his life, a most earnest student and apos- tle of the " New Church " doctrines, but chiefly devoted himself to the cause of domestic education and home culture ; d. at Salem, Mass.

Burtt, John, 1788-1859. J. B. ; A Friend to the Aborigines' Protective Society. An English Friend, of London; b. at