Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/381

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removed to Hartfoxd, Conn., and in 1849 to Syracuse, N.Y,, and still later to Albany, in all these places acting as journalist or lecturer. He was Harbor Master of New York City for some years till 1871, residing at Brooklyn, N.Y., where he died

Burn, Andrew-, -1814. An Eye- Witness; A Marine Officer. A Scot- tish writer ; Maj,-Gen. in the East India service ; d at Exeter, Eng- land.

Burn, David. Scotus. A Canadian lawyer; Deputy Register of the Co. of Wentworth, Upper Canada.

Burn, James Dawson A Beggar- Boy. An English working man; spent three years among the working classes in this country daring the recent Civil War.

Burn, John Uderton, Esq., 1774- 1848. J. I. 3. An English lawyer, of London ; for some years honorary solici- tor to the Literary Fund Society; d. in London.

Burn, Richard. A Manchester Man. An English writer on trade, commerce, -etc., of Manchester.

Burn, Robert Scott. H. S. A. and M. JR. A. S. A Scottish architect, etc

Burnaby, Edwyjn Sherard. E S. B. An English novelist ; entered the British Army in 1846; Lieut.-Col of the Grena- dier Guards, 1857^ served m the East- ern campaign of 1854, including the battle of Inkerca&n and the siege of Sebastopol.

Burnand, Francis Cowley, 1837-. Cecil Colvin; Amateur Dramatic Club. An English dramtist ; educ at Eton and Trin Coll., Cambridge ; called to the bar in 1862; is the author of about 100 dramatic pieces; has been long on the staff of "Punch/" and in 1880 suc- ceeded Tom Taylor as its ed- itor.

Burnell, Arthur Coke, -1882. A. C. B. An eminent English Sanscrit scholar; was empi&7ed in the south of India; weakened by overwork in 1879; he returned to England for medical advice, and again in 1880 was compelled to leave India ; spent some time in Italy for his health and for study; d. in Eng- land.

Burnet, Thomas, D.D., -1750. A Dmne of the Church of England. An English clergyman ; rector of West Kingston and Prebendary of Sarmn; educ. at New College, Oxford.

Burnet, Sir Thomas, -1753. Sir

Iliad Doggrel; E. Powel t the Puppet-Show Man. An eminent English lawyer ; son of Bp. Burnet, a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1741-53

Burnett, . A Member of the Ed- inburgh Photographic Society. A Scottish photographer, of Edinburgh.

Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Vagabondia. An American novelist , b. at Manchester, England ; came to this country with her mother and brothers and sisters about 1866 ; resided at New Market and Knoxville, Tenn., till in 1872 she was married to Dr. Swan M. Burnett, of New Orleans.

Burnett, George G. J5. A Scottish author , Lyon king-at-arms.

Burney, Edward. E, B. An Eng- lish admiral ; half-brother of Miss Fanny Burney, Madame D'Arblay.

Burnham, Benjamin Franklin, 1830-. A men der. An American law- yer; b. in Groton, Mass.; Wesleyan Univ., 1853 ; practised his profession in Chicago, 1857-60; in Newberry, Vt, 1862; served in the late Civil "War, 1863-65; a lawyer in Boston, 1867-85 et seq.

Burnham, Mrs. Clara Louise. Edith Douglas. An American novelist, of the West.

Burnham, George P. Young 'Un. An American journalist, of Boston; served in the late Civil War, 1862-64; was three years in the U.S. Detective Service.

Burnham, Mrs. Mary (Hewins). M. H. B. ; Satanella. An American writer, of the West

Burnham, Samuel. A.M., 1833-73. Uncle Paul An American journalist and miscellaneous writer ; b. in Rindge, N.H. ; Williams Coll., 1855 ; soon after, came to Boston, and entered upon that career of literary industry which con- tinued till his death ; one of the editors and proprietors of the " Congregational Quarterly," 1809-73 ; his home was at North Cambridge for several years, and he d. there.

Burns, Robert, 1759-96. Bard oj Ayrshire; A Peasant Sard; Sylvandei, A celebrated Scottish poet ; b. near the town of Ayr ; his first volume of poetry was published in 1786, and "with his poems, old and young, grave and gay, learned and ignorant, were alike trans- ported " ; d. at Dumf nes.

Burns, Robert, Jr., 1786-1857. His Son. A Scottish compiler; son of the poet ; b. at Mauchlme ; became Clerk in the office of the Comptroller of Stamps,