Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/406

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Crawford, G. W., and J. Apple- white A Committee. American rail- road men, of Washington.

Crawfurd, Oswald Jolin Fred- erick. Mm Dangerfield; John Latouche An English miscellaneous writer, of Merton ""Coll., Oxford ; at one time, H B. M. Consul at Oporto.

Crawfurd, Thomas T. 0. A Scot- tish writer, in the early part of the 18th century ; Professor of Philosophy in the Univ. of Edinburgh.

Crawley, George John Idoyd. A Convert from Anglicism. An English theological writer.

Crean, Miss Mary Walsingham MCLU Piie An American "Southland" poet ; b. in Charleston, S C ; but since childhood resident in the Crescent City

Crebillion, Claude Prosper Jolyot de s 1707-77. Knnelbol. A French nov- elist; b. in Paris; wrote licentious novels.

Creech, William, 1745-1815. A Jury- man. An eminent Scottish bookseller; son of a clergyman of Newbattle; was liberally educ.; and was in business in Edinburgh from 1771 till his death, a period of 44 years. He was frequently in the Magistracy of the City; and in 1811, Lord Provost ; d. in Edinburgh.

Creighton, Rev. James. A Presbyter of the Church of England. An English clergyman ; B.A. at Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1764.

Crespigny, Mrs. Champion de. A Mother. An English author.

Crestadoro, Andrea, 1808-79 A Reader therein. An eminent English bibliographer; Chief Librarian of the Manchester Free Library, from about 1864; d. in that city.

Creswell, Mrs. Julia (Pleasants). Adrienne. An American poet and nov- elist ; b at Huntsville ; in 1854, married Judge David Creswell, a wealthy planter near Shreveport, La., but who lost his property in the late civil war, and after- wards resumed the practice of the law. In 1870, Mrs. Creswell was teaching a village school. " Greenwood," her home, is near Shreveport.

Cresswell, Mrs. R. E. 22. E. C. An English biographer; wife of Francis Cresswell, and daughter of Mrs. Caroline Fry.

Crevecceur, Hector St. John, 1731- 1813. An American Farmer; Un Culti- vatewr; Un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida. A French economist; b. at Caen, Normandy, of a noble family; set- tled in America, 1754 ; French Consul in

New York City, 1783-93, when he re- turned to France ; d at Sarcelles, France.

Crewdson, Mrs. Ellen (Fox), 1807-, A Lady. An English lady ; b at Perran- ar-worthal; married, in 1831, G B Crewd- son; in 1879 resided at "The Wood/' TVindermere.

Crickmore, Henry G. Krik. An American journalist, of New York City.

Crippen, William G., 1820-63 In- visible Green, Esq. An American humor- ist; editor of the "Cincinnati Times."

Crisp, J. A Gentleman of & ay's Inn. An English lawyer, of London.

Crisp, Stephen, 1628-92. S. C. An English Friend, of Colchester, in Essex ; d. at Wandsworth, near London.

Critchett, Richard Claude. R. C. Carton. An English actor; b. in Lon- don ; first appeared on the stage in 1875 ; has also acted at Liverpool.

Crittenden, .William Butler. W. B C. An American writer, of Rochester, N.Y.

Crocker, Eev. A. B. A Freethinker. An American Presbyt preacher.

Croffiit, William A W A C ; Peleg Wales An American journalist, of New York City.

Croft, Mrs. S. S. C. An English religious writer.

Crofton, Walter Cavendish. Uncle Ben; Erienensis. An English writer for the young; a Clerk in the Court of Chancery, Upper Canada; was at one time in the Canadian civil service.

Croghan, Dr. John. A Visitor. An American writer.

Croke, Sir Alexander, Ent, D.C.L., 1758-1843. Eobert Stanser. An English lawyer and miscellaneous writer; Judge of the Yice-Admiralty Court, at Halifax, N.S , 1801-15; d at Studley Priory.

Croker, Et. Hon. John Wilson, LL.D., F.S A., etc., 1780-1857. C ;

Ctawley, Junior ; J T , Esq. ;

Nereus; Rigby ; T. C. D.; Eduaid Bradwardme "Waverley. An eminent Irish statesman and miscellaneous writer; b. in the Co. of Galway; educ. at Trin. Coll., Dublin; and in 1802 called to the Irish bar ; M.P., 1807, for eight parliaments; but devoted much time to literary work; d. at the house of Sir William Whiteman, St. Alban's- bank, Hampton.

Croly, David Goodman, 1820-. C. G. David; David G-oodman. An American journalist; b. in New York City; became a silversmith; was for a time a student in the Univ. of New York; taught phonography; was em-