Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/558

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Shuckburgh, Charles. A Gentleman of Gloucestershire. An English writer of the 18th century.

Sfcurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, M.D., -1874. N. B. & An American literary antiquary ; b in Boston; Harv. Univ., 1831; Harv. Med. School, 1834; practised in Boston ; Mayor of Boston, 186&-70 ; d. in that city.

Shute, Bev. Hardwick, M.A. One tcho Knows it. An English clergyman ; Pembroke Coll., Oxford, 1836 , in 1883 resident at Lilian Villa, Queen's Road, Teddington, Middlesex

Sibbald, Sir Robert, M.D., -about

1712. Sir R S . An English

naturalist and antiquary ; educ. at Edin- burgh and at Leyden ; resided chiefly in Edinburgh, and d. there.

Sibley, Henry Hastings, 1811-. Hal a Dacotah; The Walker in the Pines. An American officer; major 1st Dragoons, May 13, 18G1 ; resigned, May 13, 1861, and entered the Confederate service.

SIdey, James A. 3?. Ciucelli. A Scottish C 7 ) humorist of the day.

Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Vis- count, 1757-1844. Lord S. An English nobleman ; b. in London, and d. at the White Lodge, Richmond Park

Sidney, JU. Densyli. An English Unit, writer.

Sidney, Samuel. Emigrant. An English writer; for some time a resident in Australia.

Sigerson, George, M.D. An Ulster man. An Irish writer of the day, on Ireland.

Slkes, Mrs, Olive (Logan), 1841-. Olive Loyan; Chroniqueuse. An Ameri- can actress and writer of great merit ; b in New York State; wife of W. W. Sikes, journalist, of New York City.

Sikes, Rev. Thomas, M.A. A Coun- try Clergyman. An English divine; Vicar of Gilsborough, Northants. ; M. A. at Pembroke Coll., Oxford, 1792.

Sill, Richard. Charles Dirrill. An English Shakespearian scholar of one hundred years ago.

Siller, Miss Hulda. Hilda. An American writer, of Milwaukee, WIs.

Silliman, George Joseph L. W. Hannibal.

Simeox, George Augustus, M.A. A fiambler. An English dramatist ; Fellow of Queen's Coll., Oxford.

Simmel, August, 1816-78. August Schrad&r. A German novelist; b. at Wegeleben, near Halberstadt, where he was educated; about 1842 settled at Leipsic, where his first work was pub- lished, and where he died.

Simmonds, . Sir Ferdinando

Fungus, Gent. An English writer, of Blandford, Dorsetshire,

Simmons, George W., 1816-82. A Friend to American Enterprise. An Amer- ican merchant tailor, of Boston; senior proprietor of Oak Hall.

Simmons, William Hammatt, A.M , 1812-41. C.Domal; Loci fast. An Amer- ican; Harv. Univ., 1831; a brilliant reader and rhetorician

Simms, Jeptha Root, 1807-. An American writer; Canterbury, Conn. See "American Spy, The."

Simms, William Gilmore, LL.IX, 1806-70. A Collegian; Frank Cooper; Isabel; A Southron. An American writer; b. and d. at Charleston, S.C. , admitted to the Bar, 1827, but did not practise; about 1833 settled at Woodlands, near Medway.

Simon, Emma (Couvely), 1848-. Emma Vely. A German author; b. at Braunfels, near Wetzler; in 1871 she married the bookseller Simon, in Stutt- gart, and made their house the literary saloon for all distinguished persons who came to Stuttgart.

Simond, Louis, 1767-1831. A French Traveller. Resided and travelled many years in England and the United States.

Simonds, William, 1822-69. Walter Aimwell. An American 3ournahst and writer of books for the young; b at Charlestown, Mass. ; editor and proprie- tor of the " Boston Saturday Rambler/' 1846; and connected with the "New England Farmer,"

Simons, Mrs. Jjydia Jjillybridge. E. L. An English poet; wife of Mr. Thomas Simons, of MaulrnainC*), East Indies

Simpson, Archibald. G-dlespie Mac- Shinie. A Scottish biographer of one hundred years ago.

Simpson, Mrs. Jane Cross (Bell), 1811-. Gertrude. A Scottish poet and hymn-writer, of Edinburgh, sister of Henry Glassford Bell , b. in Glasgow ; author of the hymn, " Go when the morn- ing shmeth."

Simpson, S. S. S. S. S. An Ameri- can writer for the young.

Simpson, Stephen, 1789-1854. Eru- tus. An American journalist , b. and d. at Philadelphia.

Simpson, Thomas, 1710-61. Hurlo- thrumbo, etc. An eminent English math- ematician; b. at Market-Bosworth, Lei- cestershire; Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Academy at Woolwich, 1743-60; d, at Bosworth.