Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/559

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Sims, George Robert, 1847-. Dago- net. An English dramatist, ballad-writer, and journalist, of London; a principal contributor to the " Referee," a sporting and dramatic journal, ot London; has recently produced a highly successful melodrama, " The Homany Bye "

Sinclair, Miss Carrie Bell, 1839-. Clara, An American " Southland " poet ; b. in Milledgeville, Ga. ; in 1871, residing in Philadelphia.

Sinclair, James. Sigma A Scottish writer o the day

Sinclair, Sir John, 1st Bart., LL D.,

1754-183o The President; ,

Esq., Member of Parliament for the County of A Scottish agricultural reform-

er ; b. at Thurso Castle, Caithness , educ. at Glasgow and Oxford ; admitted to the Scottish and English Bars, but never practised; MP, 1780-1811; shared in the publication of 367 books and pam- phlets ; d in Edinburgh.

Singleton, Mrs. Mary (Montgome- rie Lamb). Violet Fane. An English poet ; is the wife of Mr. Henry Single- ton, an extensive Irish landowner.

Singleton, William. A Late Teacher; A Ti ue Quaker. An English Friend, of Owlerton, near Sheffield.

Sjoberg, Erik, 1794-1828 Vitahs. A Swedish poet; b. m Ljungo, Suder- mania; educ. at the Univ. of Upsal; lived and d. in Stockholm

Skefflngton, Sir Lumley St. George, Bart , 1771-1851. Skffingtn, Esq. An English dramatist; b. in the parish of St. Pancras, Middlesex; educ. at Hackney ; d. in London See " Gent. Mag.," February, 1851, p. 200.

Skelton, John,. Shirley* A Scottish advocate.

Skelton, Rev. Philip, 1707-87. An Old Man; An Old Officer. An Irish clergyman; b. near Lisburn; Vicar of Eintona, 17G6-80 ; d. in Dublin.

Skene, Felicia M. F. F. 3/. F. 8. An English poet of the day.

Skene, James Henry. A British Resident of Twenty Years in the East. An English writer.

Skidmore, Harriet M. Marie; Ru- hamah. An American poet of the day.

Skidmore, Joseph, Senior. A. B. An English Friend, of Rickmansworth, of the first part of the 18th century.

SkUlman, Isaac, DD., 1740-99. A British Bostoman. An American Baptist clergyman ; b. in New Jersey ; N J. Coll., 1766 ; pastor at Boston, Mass , 1773-90 ; at Salem, N.J., 1790-99, where he died.

Skinner, Miss Abby. Aunt Abbie. An American writer for the young.

Skinner, Charles >I , 1852-. Ti amp. An American journalist, of Brooklyn,

Skinner, Rev. George H. H. Ber- nard, PhD. An English clergyman; Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 1818 ; Chaplain of King's Coll., Cambridge.

Skinner, Rev. John, 1744-1816. A Layman. A Scottish Epis. clergyman; Bishop of Aberdeen, 1788-1816.

Skinner, Dr. Salmon, 1818-81. Anugo An American journalist, of New York City.

Slade, Daniel Denison, M.D., 1823-, Medicus. An American physician ; b. in Boston, Mass ; Harv. Umv , 1844; Prof, of Practical Zoology, 1871-82; resides at Chestnut Hill.

Slater, George. G- 8. An Ameri- can journalist, of New York City.

Slaughter, Mrs. 31. Pleasant Eider- hood.

Sleech, Yen. John, -1788. J. S. t A.G. An English clergyman; King's Coll., Cambridge, 1733; Archdeacon of Cornwall, 1741-88 ; d. at Exeter.

Sleeman, Major-General Sir William Henry, 1788-1856. An Indian Official; An Officer in the Mil. and Qiv. Service of the Hon. E. I. Co. An eminent English officer; b at Stratton; Brit resident at Lucknow, Oude, 1849-56; d. at sea, returning from India

Sleeper, John Sherburne, 1794-1878. Hawser Martingale. An American sea- man and journalist, of Roxbury, Mass ; b. at Tyngsboro ; d. at Eoxbury.

Sleeper, Walter T. Uncle Walter. An American writer for the young.

Slidell, Mrs. Edward. C. C. Eraser Tytler. An English writer.

Sliver, W. A. Frederick Marsden. An American dramatist.

Sloan, James. An American. An American writer; N J" Coll., 1805.

Slocum, MaryS F. Willa West. An American writer of the day.

Slosson, Annie T. The Youngest Member. An American writer of the day, on the fine arts.

Slote, Daniel, 1830-83. Dan. An American blank-book manufacturer, of New York City.

Slous, F. TJ. An Awkward Man. An English writer.

Small, George G. Bncktop. An American humorist and journalist, of New York City.

Small, Rev. John. /. S.> A Presby- ter of the Episcopal Church of Scotland*