Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/560

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A Scottish writer of the first part of the 18th century.

Small, Samuel W., 1851-. Old Si. An American journalist, of Atlanta, Ga.

Sinalley, George W. . W. S. An American journalist; London corre- spondent Kew York " Tribune."

Smart, Mrs. Anna Maria, 1732-1809. The Lass with the Golden Locks. An English lady, of Reading, Berks ; for more than 40 years principal proprietor of the "Reading Mercury and Oxford Gazette."

Smart, Benjamin, 1756-1833. T. Rammeb; 3 &***; A Lombard. An English poet and prose writer, of the parish of St. James's, Westminster ; bul- lion merchant and refiner; d. in London.

Smart, Benjamin Humphrey, about 1783-. Francis Diale t Esq. ; A Follow of Locke. An English elocutionist; taught elocution more than 60 years in London, from 1815, and wrote much upon grammar, logic, rhetoric, and metaphysics,

Smart, Charles, M.D. Poly-warp Old- fellow, M.D. An American novelist j b. in Scotland ; asst.-surgeon in the late civil war, 1862-6i ; capt.-asst.-surg., 1866.

Smart, Christopher, 1722-70. Eben- ezer Pentueasle. An English poet and translator, of London ; b. at Shipbourne, Kent. ; Fellow of Pemberton Hall, Cam- bridge j d. in London,

Smedley, Rev. Edward, 1789-1830. A Churchman ; A Protestant. An English clergyman; b. in Westminster; Preben- dary of Lincoln, 1820-36; d. at Dulwich.

Smedley, Francis Edward, 1819-64. Frank Farleigh; Francis Phis,' Two Merry Men. An English novelist and journalist, of Beech wood, Great Mario w; d. at Regent's Park, London.

Sraedley, Miss Menella Bute. M. S. An English poet and prose writer; sister of the preceding.

Snieeton, George. Guiniad Cffmrfy. An English sporting writer. See " Saunders, James."

Smellle, William, 1740-95. A Jury- man. A learned and ingenious Scottish printer and eminent naturalist ; b in the Pleasance of Edinburgh ; resided in that city during his life, and d. there.

Smiles, R. W. J2. W. S. ; One ofikeir Own Order. An English writer.

Smiles, Samuel, Jr. A Boy. An English writer.

Smltli, , An Eminent Lawyer.

An English lawyer; Fellow of King's Coll , Cambridge.

Smith, . Publicola. An English

journalist, of London.

Smith, A. W. A. W. S. An English angler. Smith, Mrs. Adolphe (Jerrold),

-1882. Consande. An English writer; daughter of Blanchard Jerrold.

Smith, Albert, 1816-60. Jasper Bud- die. An English humorist ; b at Chert- sey ; settled in London, 1841 ; wrote for several journals; gave public entertain- ments ; d. at Fulham, near London.

Smith, Her. Alexander Mackay. A. M. B. An American poet; Trin. Coll., Hartford, Conn., 1872.

Smith, Mrs. Caroline fc. Aunt Car- rie. An American writer for the young.

Smith, Mrs. Castle. Brenda. An English writer for the young

Smith, Rev. Charles, Ebenezer Tom- Tit. An English clergyman; Minor Canon of Norwich.

Smith, Charles H. Sill Arp ; Dr. Helle Bore. An American humorist and Confederate States soldier.

'* I'm a good Union man so-called, but I'll bet on Dixie as long as I've got a dollar." BILL ARP.

Smith, Charles J. The Call-Boy An American journalist, of New York City.

Smith, Charles Manby. AJouiney- man Printer. An English writer

Smith, Charles William. C. W. S. ; One who is really an Englishman. An English professor of elocution, of Lon- don.

Smith, Charlotte. Kenner Deene. An English novelist ; later than the f ol- lowing.

Smith, Mrs. Charlotte (Turner), 1749-1806. A Solitary Wandeiet. An English poet and novelist, before she was sixteen, married Mr. Benj. Smith, a "West India merchant, by whom she was involved in difficulties, with her twelve children, which it required the diligent use of her pen to relieve ; d at Tetf ord, near Farnham, Surrey.

Smith, Kev. Clement Ogle, M.A. A Priest of the English. Church An English clergyman; Corpus Christi Coll., Cam- bridge, 1858; Rector of Shelf anger, Diss., 1863-83 et seq. He changed his name to Hev. C 0. Blatelock.

Smith, D El., M.P. A Physician. AE American physician.

Smith, Edward, M.D. A London Physician. An English writer ; assistant physician to the Hospital for Consump- tives, Brompton.

Smith, Elbert H* A Western Tour- ist. An American poet.

Smith, Eleanor. Heatkerbell An English writer of the day, of London,