Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/572

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Sydney Place, near Exeter, having served in the Royal Navy 70 years

Swlnton, Rev John, F.R.S , 1703-77. A Gentleman of Wadham Coll, Ozf ; Lord No Zoo. An English clergyman and antiquary ; b. at Bexton, Cheshire ; chaplain to the county gaol at Oxford, and keeper of the archives of the University

Swisshelm, Mrs Jane Gray, 1310- 84. Jennie Deans. An American jour- nalist; b. at Wilkinsburg, Penn , editor at Pittsburg from 1845 , d. at Swissvale, a suburb of that city.

Sydenham > Rev. Humphrey, -1650 Alexis, or the Worthy Unfortunate. An English clergyman , Fellow of Wadham Coll , Oxford; Rector of Ash Brittle, of Pocklington, and of Oldcombe, all in Somersetshire, and was deprived of all during the Rebellion ; called for his elo- quence the "Silver-tongued Sydenham."

Sykes, Arthur Ashley, I> D , about 1684-1756. A. V.; T. P. A. P. 0. A. B I. T. O. C. S ; A Clergyman; A Cler- gyman in the Country ; A Clergyman of the Church of England ; A Curate of Lon- don ; A Lover of his Country ; A Lover of Ti uthand Peace ; Cornelius Paets ; Phila- lethes Eugenius Philalethes. An English clergyman; b. in London; Prebendary of Winchester, 1740-56,

Sykes, Joseph. J. &.; Julio. An English poet.

Sym, Robert Timothy Tidier. A Scottish lawyer, of Edinburgh ; writer of the " Signet "; uncle to Prof Wilson (Christ. ^Torth); the "Timothy Tick- ler " of the "Koctes Ambrosianas," and a contributor under the same name to "Blackwood's Magazine."

Syraes, Major Michael, -1809. Major

S . A distinguished British author,

officer, and diplomatist ; d. on board the " Mary " transport, on the passage from Oornnna, in consequence of fatigue and exhaustion incurred in the Spanish cam- paign.

Symington, Caroline. Callet He) rm'. An English poet.

Symington, Miss Charlotte. Maggie Symington. An English writer of the day.

Symonds, . A Gentleman of Suf- folk, An English "Sportsman of Suf- folk." *

Symonds, Arthur A Parliamentary Sectetary. An English civilian, of Lon- don.

Symonds, John Addington, the Younger. JSis Son. An English poet, etc.

Symonds, Rear-Admiral Sir Wil- liam, Knt., 1782-1856. Sir W. 8. An English naval officer; rear-admiral on the retired list, 1854.

Symonds, Rev. William Samuel, B.A., F.G.S. W S S. An English clergyman and geologist; Christ Coll., Cambridge, 1840; Rector of Pendock, Tewksbury, 1845-83 et $eg,

Symons, Rev. Benjamin Parsons. A Senior Member of Convocation An English clergyman ; Wadham Coll , Ox- ford, 1805; in 1874 et seq. resident at Burnham House, Walton Manor, St. Giles', Oxford.

Symons, Jelinger Cookson, 1809- 60. His Son. An English lawyer ; Corpus Christ! Coll., 1831, called to the Bar, 1843; inspector of schools, 1847; d. at Great Malvern.

Sympson, John. J. 8. An English writer, early in the 18th century,

Symson, Matthias. John What-You- Call-Him. An English clergyman ; Canon of Lincoln, 1718.

Synge, . An Irish Traveller. An

Irish writer, of the 19th century.

Synge, Rev. Edward, DD., 1659- 1741. A Private Gentleman; A Church of England Divine. An Irish clergyman ; b. at Inishonane; Christ Church, Oxford, and Trin. Coll., Dublin; Archbishop of Tuam, 1826-41.


Tabor, Miss Eliza. Cousin Alice; A Novelist. An English writer of the day.

Tache*, Sir Etienne Paschal, Knt., M.D., 1795-1865. Un V&fran de 1812. A Canadian officer, physician, and au- thor; b. and d. at St. Thomas, Quebec; colonel and aide-de-camp to the Queen, 1860.

Tache', Jean Charles, M.D., 1821-.

Gaspard Lemage; Isidore He'plats* A Canadian miscellaneous writer; brother of the preceding, b. at Kamouraska, Lower Canada

Taggard, E. T., 1839-. Paul Pryor. An American writer of the day.

Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 1828-, F. T. <?.; Frederic Thomas Gramdorge. An eminent French critic, of Paris ; b at