Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/573

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Vouziers (Ardennes); educ. at Paris; a frequent writer for the "Journal des De'- bats " and the " Revue des Deux Mondes."

Tait, Archibald Campbell, D.D., D.C.L, 181 1-. The Bishop of London. A Scottish clergyman; b in Edinburgh; educ. at Glasgow and Oxford; Bishop of London, 1850, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 1868-83 et seq.

Talbot, Mrs Catherine, 1720-70. Sunday; T. An accomplished English writer ; only child of Edward Talbot , of her " Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week" (1770) 25,000 copies were sold.

Talbot, Charles Remington John Brownjohn; Magnus Mem weather. An American novelist of the day; a book- keeper of Boston.

Talbot, George Foster, 1819-. A Layman. An American lawyer; b. in East Machias, Me ; Bowdoin Coll., 1834 ; resident at Portland, 1864-85.

Talcott, Mrs. Hersey Bradford (Goodwin). H. B. G. An American writer of the day.

Taliaferro, H. E. Skitt. An Ameri- can writer, of North Carolina.

Tangermann, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1815-. Victor Granella. A German au- thor; b. at Essen on the Ruhr; studied theology; in 1872 assumed the pastor- ship of the new Old Catholic Congre- gation in Cologne.

Tanner, Henry. An Eye-Witness. An American writer, of the West, of the day.

Tappan, David, DD, 1753-1803. Toktus. An eminent American theolo- gian; b. at Manchester, Mass ; Harv. TJniv , 1771 ; professor at Harv. Univ., 1792-1803.

Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873, A Gen- tleman in Boston. An American merchant and philanthropist, of Boston and of New York City; b. at Northampton, Mass ; helped found the New York "Journal of Commerce'* in 1827; d. at Brooklyn, N.Y.

Tappan, Mrs. Sarah. (Jackson Davis). S. J. An American religious writer; daughter of the Hon. William Jackson, of Newton, Mass. ; first married Thomas A. Davis, Mayor of Boston; afterwards, Lewis Tappan, of New York City.

Tarbox, Increase Niles,D.D., 1815-. Uncle George. An American Cong, min- ister and writer for the young; b. at East Windsor, Conn.; Yale Coll., 1839; Secretary of the American Educational Society at Boston from 1851; residing at West Newton, Mass.

Tardieu, Jules Remain, 1805-68. J. T. de Saint -Germain. A French poet and prose writer, of Paris ; b. at Rouen ; d. at Pans,

Tardy, Mrs. Mary T. Ida Raymond. An American biographer.

Tasker, E E. T. An American bibliophile and bibliographer, of Green- wood, Wakefield, Middlesex Co , Mass.

Tatnam, Rev. Arthur, MA., 1809- 74. A Rural Dean. An English clergy- man; b. at Greenwich Hospital; Rector of Boconnock w. Broadoak, 1832-74; Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, 1860- 74 ; d. at Broadoak-rectory.

Tatler. Isaac Bickerstaff. Supposed editor.

Tattersall, George. Wildrale. An English sporting writer, of London.

Tattersall, Rev. John Cecil, B.A., 1788-1812. Davus. An English clergy- man ; youthful friend of Lord Byron, at Harrow School.

Taunton, William Elias. Timothy Touchstone. An English scholar ; one of the editors of the " Trifler," at West- minster School in 1788; afterwards a student of Christ Church, Oxford, 1793.

Tautphoeus, Jemima (Montgom- ery), Baroness. Cyrdla. An English novelist; -wife of the chamberlain to the king of Bavaria; b. in Wales.

Taveau, A. I*. Alton. An American poet, of Charleston, S.C.

Tayler, Rev. Charles Benjamin, M.A. A Country Curate; Rev. Allan Temple. An English clergyman; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1819; Rector of Otley, Ipswich, 1846-74 et seq.

Tayler, E. D. S. Joshua Jenkins. An American writer.

Tayler, Rev, John James, D.D., 1798-1869. J. J. T. An English Unit. minister; b. at Nottingham; Univ. of Glasgow, 1818; Principal of Manchester New College, London, 1853-69; d. at Harnpstead, near London.

Taylor, Dr. . A Member of the

Literary and Scientific Assoc. of Elgin. A Scottish writer.

Taylor, Dr. . Cantdbrigiensis. An

English writer, early in the 18th century.

Taylor, ATITI, -1866. A. An Eng- lish poetess ; widow of the Rev. Joseph Gilbert.

Taylor, Benjamin Ogle. Neptune.

Taylor, Edgar, Esq., 1793-1839. H. J3. Denton. An eminent English lawyer ; b at Ban ham Haugh, in Norfolk ; having studied law, in 1814 he removed to Lon- don, and in 1816 established himself there as a solicitor, but afterwards de-