Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/61

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Caustick, Christopher, M.D , A.S S , Fellow of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, Aberdeen Thomas Green Fes- senden The modern philosopher; or, terrible tractoration ... P, 1806.

Caustic, Cosmo, Gent Christopher Reid. Killvillain : a catechetical ode, by the late Tyro Trimstave, M.D, With a preface and notes, by ... Edinb. 1835.

Cauty Carl. Frederick William Saw- yer See " Carl."

Cavalry Officer, A Capt. Maurice Haitland Mahon(*). The handy horse book . . . Edinb. and L. 1865.

The preface is signed "Magenta," a sobri- quet of the author.

Caveat Emptor, Gent. Sir George Stephen. The adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse. L 1835.

Cavendish Henry Jones Card es- says, Clay's decisions, and card-table talk. L. 1879.

Cavendish. Capt TF* Johnson Neale. Cavendish. L. 1841.

Cavendish.. Samuel Sevan. To all who smoke: a few words in defence of tobacco ; or, a plea for the pipe ... L. 1857.

Caxton. William Henry Modes. Dis- covery of the Pacific Ocean: a sketch . . . in the " Hesperian," 1859.

Caxton, Laura, Lizzie B. Comins. Marion Berkley, a story for girls. B 1870

Caxton, Pisistratns JSdward George Earle Lytton-Bulwer, Baron Lytton. My novel. L. 1853.

Caxton, Tim. John Close. See "Dowell, S"

Cayron, C. A J. C. A. Jules Noriac. Ouvrages. Paris, 1863-70.

CeciL Charles James Apperley.

Cecil. Mrs. S. J. Battey.

Cecil. William Hone. Cecil's sixty curious, interesting, and authentic narra- tives L. 1824.

Cecil. Charles Edward Fisher. Kan- sas and the Constitution. B. 1856.

Cecil. Cornelius Tongue. Records of the chase, and memoirs of celebrated sportsmen ... L. 1854.

Cecil, Arthur. Arthur Cecil Blunt. A nom de theatre.

Cecil, Davenant. Rev. Derwent Cole- ridge Under this nom de plume he became a contributor to " Krrighfa Quar- terly Magazine."

Cecil, Dr. Dalney Carr, one of the writers, under this signature, of the es- says in Wirf s (W. ) " Old Bachelor/' 1812.

Celatus. Mobett Owen. The modern

theme, or, education the people's right and nation's glory ... L. 1847.

Celebrated Author of that Coun- try, A. Mrs, Eliza Haywood. Memoirs of a certain island adjacent to the king- dom of Utopia ... L. 1725.

Celebrated Commoner, A. Rt. Son. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. The celebrated speech of ... L. 1766.

His speech in favor of the repeal of the Amer- ican Steimp ,A.ct>

Celebrated Literary and Political Character, A. Richard Glover. Me- moirs of ... from 1742 to 1767 ... L. 1813.

Celia. Mrs. Ceha M. (Kellum Bun-) But high, who, under this pen-name, wrote prose and Terse for the leading Western papers.

Cellarius. Rev. Thomas Welbank Fowle. A new analogy between revealed religion and the course and constitution of nature L. 1881.

Celler, Ludovic Louis Leclerc. Les decors, les costumes, et la mise en scene au XVII e siecle, 1615-1680. Paris, 1869.

Celnart, Elisabeth Felicie. Mme. Elisabeth jpe'ticie Canard Bayle-Mouillard. Bethsali; ou, la dispersion des Jnifs. Paris, 1825.

Celt, The. Thomas Dams, in, his con- tributions of lyrics and ballads to the "Dublin National," 1842 et seq.

Celtophile, A- Rev. Francis Craw- ford, LL.D. Erenna; or, an investiga- tion of the etymons of words and names, classical and Scriptural, through the medium of the Celtic ... L. 1875.

Censor. Oliver Bell Bunce* Don't : a manual of mistakes and improprieties more or less prevalent in conduct and speedh. N.Y. 1888.

Censor of the Age, The. Thomas Carlyle.

Centaur. Charles Sass, in his contri- butions to the "Mail and Express" (N.T.).

Centz, P. C., barrister. Bernard J. Sage. Davis and I/ee, L. 1865 j The re- public of letters, L. 1881.

Cerberus, The. Nathan HasheE Dole, as art, dramatic, and literary editor to the "Philadelphia Press."

Cerimon. Dr. William Thomson. The political purpose of the Renascence drama . . . Melbourne, 1878.

Certain Free Enquirer, A. Peter Annet. A collection of the tracts of ... L. 1766.

Certain Northern "Vicar, A. Rev. John Ellison. The will of ... carefully copied . , . upon T . [In verse.] 1765.

Also ascribed to Rev. W. Cooper,