Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/62

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Certain Traveller, A. Geoige Am- ory Btthune, JLf.JP. The uncertainties of travel. A plain statement by ... B, 1880.

Certain Unknown Vicar, A. fiev. W. Cooper. Will of ... L. 1765.

Cey, Arsene de. Frangois Arsene Chaise de Cahange. La fille du cure. Pans, 1832.

CezinsJd, Marie. Miss H. A. Stem- kauer. Helen Egerton. P. 1873

Chabreul, Mme de. Mme. >u Par- quet. Jeux et exercices des jeunes filles par . . Paris, 1867.

Chaff, Gumbo Elias Howe, Jr. Ac- cordion songster. B. 1860.

Chairman of the Committee on the State of the Church, The. Rich- ard Sharp Mason, D,D A letter to the Bishop of North Carolina on ... his late pastoral on the Salisbury convention . . . N.Y. 1800

Chaliere, Louis. L. C. Norbert. In- genio. Paris, 186-.

Chalk, Old. Henry Chadwick, in the Brooklyn " Union."

Cham. Amedee' de Noe' t the French caricaturist, who, from 1842, contributed numerous caricatures to albums and almanacs, and especially to the " Chari- vari," most of which were collected in albums, 1843-67.

Chamier, Capt. William James. Na- val history of Great Britain; with ad- ditional notes and continuation. L. 1847.

Champ. James Wells Champney. All around a palette. By Lizzie \v. Champney. Illustrated by ... B. 1877.

Champflenry. Jules Frangois JPe'lix Husson-Fleitry ktude sur Balzac. Paris, 1851.

Champion Wing Shot of America, The. A. H. Bogardus. Field, cover, and trap shooting. By ... N.Y. 187-.

Champlin. George C. Mason, the Newport (BX) correspondent of the New York ' Evening Post."

Chancellor of the Exchequer, The. William Ewart Gladstone.- Speech of ... on the finance of the year and the treaty of commerce with Prance. Delivered in the House of Commons . . . February 10th, 1860. L. 1860.

Chandeneux, Claire de. Mme. Emma Berenger Bailly. Secondes noces . . . Pans, 1881.

Chapel minister, A. Rev. John M'Gill The Biblical criticism of the Glasgow presbytery criticised. Glasgow, 1866.

Chaperon, A. Mrs. Arabella Sullivan. Recollections of . . edited by Lady Da- cre. L.1833.

Chaplain, A. Henry Norman Hud- son Campaign with Gen. Butler. N.Y. 1865 ri

Chaplain, A Rev. John Lucley* Prison sketches . . . N.Y. 1849.

Chaplain, The. Bradford Kinney Peirce. Stories from life which the chaplain told, B. 1866.

Chaplain in H M Indian Service, A. Rev. James MacLay Prom London to Lucknow ... L. 1860.

Chaplain of said Society, The Chailes E. What ton, D.D. A letter to the Roman Catholics of the city of Wor- cester [England], from . . . stating the motives which induced him to relinquish their communion and become a member of the Protestant Church P. 1784.

Chaplain of the U. S. Army, A. Rev Stephen A. Hodgman. The nation's- sin and punishment ; or, the hand of God visible in the overthrow of slavery . . . N.Y. 1864

Chaplain to the Mayorality, The* Rei. Robert Giauford Dillon. The Lord Mayor's visit to Oxford ... L 1826

Charfy, Guiniad, Esq James Saund- ers or Geoige Smeeton. The fish woman j or, the art of angling made easy ... L. 1724

Chariessa. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter). who contributed two papers to Dr. John- son's "Rambler," No. 44, and No. 100, the latter on "Modish pleasures," and signed " Chariessa."

Charity, Aunt. Mrs. Sarali C. Yei- ser. Her contributions to the New Or- leans " Crescent " were signed " AzeMe " ; but her nom de plume of " Aunt Charity " was more familiar to Southern readers,

Charity-Organizationist, A. J. Hornsbt/ Wright. Thoughts and experi- ences of ... L. 1878

Charles, Z<ord HawfcesTbury. Charles Jenkmson, 1st Earl of Liverpool. A dis- course on the conduct of the government of Great Britain, in respect to neutral nations, during the present war ... L. 1758.

Charlet, Henri. Pierre. Gfiffard. Pro- ces de Racine. Paris, 1877.

Charley, Snarly. Charles Clark. The fashionable folly . . 1860

Charlie, Champaigne. Charles Thorpe.

Charlotte, Aunt. Mary Charlotte Yonge. Aunt C.'s evenings at home with the poets . . . L. 1881. . "

Charlotte Elizabeth Mrs. Charlotte