Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/100

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liitgug, J. John T. Bedford. Member of tlie Corporation of the City of London, in his contributions to " Punch " (L.)-

The pBeudonym is the French equivalent of Bedford.

Little Giant, The. Stephen Arnold Doufjias.

liittle 3Iagiclan, The. Martin Van Buren.

•* Mr. Van Buren had an abundance of politi- cal nicknames. He was the ' sweet little fellow ' of Mr. Ritchie of the ' Richmond Inquirer,' and the ' Northern man with Southern principlefl ' of the 'Charleston Courier': Mr. Clinton baptized him 'the political Grimalkin'; Mr. Calhoun, 'the Weazel.' "— See Peklet's "Reminiscen- ces," Vol. I., p. 218.

Liiving Statesman, A. Edward Henri/ Slanlei/, 15th P^arl of Derby. An era in the life of . By a Conservative.

L. 1855.

111., Rev. C. Charles Lloyd, LL.D. Observations on the choice of a school ... By . . . L. 1812.

Llewellyn, E. L. Mrs. Li/dia H. Shep- pard. " Judge not " ; or, Hester Power's girlhood. B. 1867.

Ijlinos. Miss Jane Williams. The L. of Welsh music.

Ijochlel, Gentle. Donald Evans Cam- eron. Ode on Lochiel's birthday. By William Cameron.

Liochnagar. Magnus Mowat, Ruth- ven's revenge, and other metrical tales. By . . . Edinb. 1862.

liock-keeper, A. J. Sadler. A trip down the Thames from Oxford to Wind- sor. By . . . Sonning, 1877.

Locke, Una. Mrs. Urania Locke (Stouffhton') Bailei/.

Lookroy, Edouard. Mdouard Etienne Simon. The great French Revolution, 1785-93 ... L. 1881.

Lodbrok. /Jer. B. Pilstrand. Fanrik Flinks minnen fran trettiariga kriget. Sthlm. 1881.

London Citizen, The. Alexander Cruden. — See " C, A."

London Clergyman, A. Rev. George Baymond Portal. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper to be " duly used "... By . . . Oxf. 1855.

London Clerk, A. Thomas Hughes. Scouring of the White Horse ; or, the long vacation ramble of . . . L. 187-.

London Merchant, A. William Ellis. Three letters from . . ., etc. L. 1866.

London Tailor, A. Francis Place. Political economy. By . . . L. 1822.

Longlands, Miss. Mrs. E. D. {Long- lands^ Drewe. The last prior of St. An- thony (in Roseland). Truro, 1857.

Longway, A. Hugo. Andrew Lang. Much darker days. L. 1885.

Looker on from America, A. Charles Brandon Boijnton. The Russian Empire . . . By . . . Cincinnati, 1856.

Looker-Out, A. H. Harris. The look-out song ; or, the ballad of Billy the Tileraan. Egham, 1875.

Lord Albemarle. William Miller. Familiar name given to him by his friends.

Lord Bishop of Norwich, The. L»r. Rober' Butts. The charge of . . . to the clergy in his diocese, in the year 1735. L. 1736.

Lord Bishop of Winchester, The. Benjamin Hoadli/. A letter from ... to Clement Chevallier, Esq. L. 1757.

Lord Chamberlain, The. James Cecil, 1st Marquis of Salisbury. Official correspondence between . . . and Earl Cholmondeley. L. 1788.

Lord Fanny. Lord John Hervey,

Lord Gawkey. Richard Grenville, Lord Temple.

Lord of Crazy Castle, The. John Hall- Stevenson, author of "Crazy Tales."

Lord Peter. Alexander Pope, in Swift's "Tale of a Tub," and Arbuth- not's " History of John Bull."

Lord Rector of the University of GlasgOTV. Lord Henry Cockbiirn, In- augural address delivered . . Jan. 6, 1832.

Lome, Marquis of. George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell. The book of Psalms, literally rendered in verse. By . . . L. 1877.

Lome, Marquis of. George John Douglas Campbell. Church of Scotland. Letter from . . . Glasgow(?), 1843.

Lorrequer, Harry. John Brougham. Is said to be the original of this charac- ter in Charles Lever's novel.

Lot, Arthur. Henry C. Bunner, in " Puck."

Lothario. Charles Jenner. Letters, L. 1770.

Lover of Cudworth and Truth, A. Rev. George Barrell Cheever. Used in the Salem controversy with Rev, C. W. Upham.

Lover of Pine Arts, A. Vaughan Thomas, B.D. Thoughts on the cameos and intaglios of antiquity . . . By . . . Oxf. 1847.

Lover of Good English and Com- mon Sense, A. John Wesley. The com- plete English dictionary . . . Bristol, 1764.

Lover of his Country, A. Cotton Mather. A brief account of the state of