Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/99

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results . . . supposed to be by . . . Provi- dence, 1863.

Oiiginally published in the "Atlantic Month- iy." I-. PP- 239-249.

Lieadlng Iiiberals. Sir W. G. G. V. Harcourt, Joseph Chamberlain, and others. Speeches of ... on current politics, etc. L. 1880.

Leander, Charlotte. Emma Hcnmngs.

Ijear, Fanny. iMrs. Hattie Blackford. 187ii.

liearned Tailor. Henry Wild. Called also the "Arabian Tailor."

Lecturer, The. Henry Longtieville Hansel. An examination of the Rev. F. D. Maurice's Strictures on the Bamp- ton lectures of 1858. By . . . 1859.

Lee, Alice Gordon. Mrs. Alice (Brad- leij Neal) Harm, contributor to various magazines, prose and poetry, and editor of Neal's " Philadelphia Saturday Even- ing Gazette," about 1850.

Lefevre. F. Barnett. — See "Douglas."'

Legalist. ./. P. Phitpott. What is law ? what are personal rights under law ? and what are personal obliga- tions ? Nashville, Teun., 1887.

Lezay-Marnezia, Le marquis CI. Fr. Adr. de. Martin Sherlock.

Lena. Mrs. Man/ Torraus Luthrop. A woman's question. In " Harper's Cyclopaedia of Poetrv."

Wrongly ascribed to ^[ni. Browning.

Lenau, Nikolaus. Nikolans Franz Niembsch v. Strehlenaii. (1) Faust, ein gedicht. Stuttgart, 1840. — (2) Grossere Kpische Dichtungen . . . N.Y. 1882.

Lennox, 3Iiss. Lord Henry Lennox.

— See " Bo'sun, The."

Leo, Andre. Afme. Le'onie {Berat") Champseij-. Un mariage scandeleux. Paris, 1863.

Leon, Stuart de. Miss G. H. Lyman.

Lermina, Jules. William Cobb.

Lespes, Leo. Antoine Joseph Napole'on Le^pi^.

Known also under the pseudonym of '* Timo- th^e Trimra."

Lespes, L6o. Mme. Delphine ( Gay) de Girardin. Les mystcres du Grand-Ope'ra. Paris, 1843.

Lestrange, Corinne. Mary B. Davie.

L'Estrange, Joseph. M. Prosper Me'- rimie. Notice sur Clara Gazul . . , Paris, 1826.

" Leud Gambol." Henry St. John, Vis- count Bolingbroke. — See " Hormodactyl, etc."

Lexiptaanes. George Colman, the elder. Signature to a philological squib, in 1770.

— See "Fugitive Pieces," II., 92-97. Liberator, The. Simon Bolivar.

Libra. Edward Brotherton. One of his signatures in the Swedenborgian peri- odicals.

Libra. Richard. Cobden. Letters on political economy, in the " Manchester Examiner."

Librarian, The. Miss Mary A. Bean. Brookline (Mass.) Public Library cata- logue supplement, 1873-81, compiled by . . . Brookline, 1881.

Librarian, The. William Alfred Jones. Report of . . . [of Columbia College] . . . May 14, 1802. N.V. 1862.

Librarian, The. Beverley Robinson Betts. Report of . . . [of Columbia Col- lege] . . . June 15, 1876. N.Y. 1875.

Lickshlngle, Grandfather. Robert W. Grlswell.

Light Cast. Sir Randal H. Roberts, Bart. The silver trout. L. 1887.

Light-Horse Harry. Henry Lee.

Ligonier. William Henry Burleigh.

Lincolnshire Freeholder, A. Sam- nel Partridge, M.A. Thoughts of ... on the late address of Sir Gilbert Heathcote . . . Boston (Eng.), n.d.

Lincolnshire 'Thrasher, The. Charles Richardson. Miscellanies. Leeds, 1867.

Lindamour. Charles Gildon. The miscellaneous works of Charles Blount, Esq. ... L. 1695.

Lingard, Dickey. Harriet Sarah Dun- ning.

Lingerlong, Reuben. James M, Car- penter. The legend of Hob-or-Nob ; by . . . N.Y. 1870.

Linnaeus. Emerson Davis. The palm tree, an emblem of youth. By... B. 1844.

Lintuer, Grace. Mrs. Ellen M. Ingra- ham. Bond and free : a tale of the South. Indianapolis, 1882.

Linton, A. H. Alonzo A. Hopkins.

Lips, Friedrieh Wilhelin. Phillipp Friedrich Wilhelm Oertel. Rheinische dorfgeschiohten. Frankfurt a. M. 1854.

Lirao, Antonin. Charles Clair. 1880.

Lirinensis, Vicentius. William Van- derpool. Eucharistical adoration. 1874.

Lisle. G. E. Ellis. Ijetters upon the annexation of Texas, addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, as originally pub- lished in the "Boston Atlas " under the signature of . . . B. 1845.

Lisle, Lester. Miss Emmeline Lisle Walker.

Listener. Nathan Henry Cliamberlin, in the Boston "Transcript."

Listener, Richard. Charles Me'ne'- trier. Arthur de Bretagnc . . . Paris, 1841.

Literary Veteran, A. Robert Pearce Gillies. Memoirs of . . . Edinb. 1851.