Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/104

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M., W. William ^fltchell, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1861.

M., W. ]Vil!iam ilounlford, in the " Christ. Exam." (B.), 1851.

M., W. William Milton. Mechanic power. " Gent. Mag.," January, 1814, p. 38.

M., W., Esq. Walter 2roi/le. Dis- course upon the revenue of tlie state of Athens. Translated with historic notes from Xenophon. L. 1697.

M., W., of Mevaglssey. Eeo. William Moore. The happy seaner. By . " Evangelical Mag,," 1812.

M., W., the younger. William Mac- ready. The pied piper of Hamelin : a child's story. (Written [by Robert Browning] for and inscribed to . . .) L. 1842.

M'K., H. Henrt/ M'Kenzie. The lay of the Turings . . . n.p., n.d.

M'N., J. .fames M' Naughton. Retiec- tions on the doctrines and duties of the Christian revelation. By . Edinb. 1826.

M , Dr., A of D , and Dr.

E , B of F . Dr. William

Magee, Archbishop of Dublin, and Dr. Elrington, Bishop of Ferns. Scene in Trinity College, Dublin. Sketches of . . . "Eraser's Mag.," April, 1830, p. 310.

M — u, Mr. Eev. Martin Madan. — See " H— s, Mr."

M — n [Mason], Rev. William. Mev. Richard Polwhele. An epistle from . . . petitioning for the vacant laureateship. L. 1785.

Mac Adam, Sawney. The Marquis George Townshend.

McGee. David MacGregor Means.

MacGregor, Malcolm. Bev. William Mason. (1) The dean and the squire : a political eclogue ... L. 1782. — (2) He- roic epistle to Sir William Chambers. L. 177-.

This epistle was also attributed to Walpole, Matbias, John Baynee, and William Coombe. — See "N. and Q.," May 14, 18ST, p. 382.

For a dlBcussion of the authorship of this poem, see Chalmers, Vol. XXI., pp. 438, 439.

Machiavel. Thomas Wharton, Marquis of Wharton. Letter to Zenobius Buon- delmontiiis. L. 1680.

Mackenzie, Erlck. Mrs. Millicent Grogan. The Rona pass ; or, English- men in the Highlands. By . L. 1857.

Mackenzie, Sa^vney. Marquis George Townshend.

McQuiU, Tliursty. Wallace Bruce. The Connecticut by daylight. By . . . N.Y. 1874.

Macrabin, Mark, the Caincronian.

Patrick Robertson.

Also ascribed to Allan Cunningham.

Macstaff, Donald, of the North.

Robert Hepburn. The " U'atler," by . . . Numb. 38. From Saturday, May 19, to Wednesday, May 23, 1711. Edinb. n.d.

Macularia, Margelina Scribelindra. William Kenrick, LL.D. The old wo- man's Dunciad: with notes. By ... L. 1751.

Maculluin More. George John Doug- lass Campbell, Duke of Argyll, in " North British Review," 1864.

Mad Anthony. Anthony Wayne.

Maddolo. George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron, in Shelley's poem of "Ju- lian " (iShelley) and " Maddolo."

Madge, Cousin. Mrs. J. II. Ten Broeck. 1H7'.).

Madonella. Mrs. Mary Astell.

In the 32d number of the " Tatler," appeared " a gross* misrepresentation " of Mrs. Astell, un- der this name. 'I'he slander was repeated in the .o9tb and 63d numbers of the same periodical. " Madonella " is called " Platoune."

Magazine Editor, A. Alaric Alexan- der Waits. Reminiscences of . . . L. 18—.

Magistrate, A. R. Fellowes, Esq. Thoughts on the present state of the agricultural interest of this kingdom, etc. L. 1817.

Magistrate acting for the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, and Es- sex, A. Patrick Colquhoun. Observa- tions and facts relative to public hotises. By . . . L. 1794.

Maglanowich, Hyacinthe. Prosper Merime'e. La Guzla. P. 1827.

Magopico, minister of Muchti- whanock. Mr. Pyot or Pyet, minister of Dunbar. Memoirs of . . . By Simon Haliburton and Thomas Hepburn. Edinb. 1761.

In a note to Scott's " St. Kenan's Well " the name is given as Pyet.

Mahalin, Paul. iSmile Blondet. Les AUemands chez nous : Metz, Strasbourg, Paris. Par . . . Paris, 1885.

Mahon, Ogerman. James Patrick O'Gorman Mahon, who, as claiming to be the head of the Septs of Clare, gener- ally received the title of " The O'Gorman Mahon."

Maiden, Henry, chapel clerk. Rev. Dr. Thomas James. An account of liing's College chapel, in Cambridge. ... By . . . Camb. 1769.

The real author was not Mr. Maiden, but Dr. James.