Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/105

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Malser, Hans. Petri Kettenfeler Boseg- ger. Annonce numraero 99 ; novelette, in " Vierteljahrl. Mag."

Maltitz, Hermann v. Friedrich Her- mann Klencke. Der adept zu Helmstedt ; historischer roman. Leipzig, 1851.

Man, A. Joseph Barker. The lii.s- tory and confessions of ... as put forth by himself. Wortley, 1846.

Man In Business, A. John Hope. Occasional attempts at sentimental poe- try. By . . . L. 1769.

Man of Angola, The. Dr. Samuel Squire. — See "Squirt, Dr.," etc.

Mita of Business, A. Thomas Quincey. His signature in the " Gent. Mag.

3Ian of Business, A. John Davys. A sort fff an answer to a piece of a book entitled, A battle royal . . By . Oxf. 1711.

Man of Kent, A. William Pettman. The spirit of the moment candidly con- sidered ... By . . . Canterbury, 1810.

Man of Ross, The. John Kyrle, of Ross. Immortalized by Pope in his " Moral Essays."

Man of the People. Charles James Fox.

Man of Truth, The. Charles Thom- son. " The repute of his integrity gained him with the Indians the title of . . ."

Manager, The. F. Ravenscroft. The Birkbeck Building and Freehold Land Societies . . . explained in a conversation between . . . and a person desirous of becoming a member. L. 1855.

Manager of St. Stephen's Co-Oper- atlve Store. Prime Minister. — See " Benjamins, Mr."

Manchester Manufacturer, A. Rich- ard Cobden. Russia. By . . , Edinb. 1836.

Mand, J. E. Julie Qrossheim. Von schritt zu schritt ; nach einer episode aus dem leben. In " Vierteljahrl. Mag."

»I>infred. Elliott W. Preston. Lord

Byron vindicated ... L. 1876.

Manlius. John Douglas. — See " Taci- tus."

Manro, Th. A. W. Thorman. 1838.

Mansfield, Edgar. Pearson.


Mantuan. Rev. Dr. Thomas Town- sort. Specimen of Mr. Heron's [John Pinkerton] profound taste in criticism. In "Gent. Mag." for April, 1786, p. 284.

Manuel, Ernest. Ernest Lupine, the French novelist and dramatist, in his earlier works.

The reader is referred to "Les Pseudonymes du Jour," by Charles Joliet (nouv. ed., Paris,

1884), pp. 71-73, for some interesting correspon- dence relative to this pseudonym.

Manufacturer, A. Jolm Hustler. The occasion of the dearness of provisions and the distress of the poor ... L. 1767.

Manufacturer, A. John Cnriiiirhael. A treatise on soap-making . . , Edinb. 1807.

Marcel. WiUidni Francis Allen. Sig- nature in the " Nation."

Marcellus. Viihclin Alex. Bergstrand. Ministerskiftenas historia, etc. Sthlm. 1884.

March, Major. Orlando Bolimr ]Vill- co.r. Faca: an army memoir, liv . . B. 1857.

March, Wenzeslaus. Cii.tar Wenzel Mi-sxi'iihanser. Polengriiber, Leipzig, 1848.

JIarcus. Benjamin Franklin Butler. Hemarks on private banking. Albany, 1818.

Maria. John Fraser. A writer for the "Irish Nation" in 1847.

Maria. Maria D. Weston. (1) Lu- zette ; or, good brought out of evil . . . By . B. 1847. — (2) Nanny : the young wanderer, and other stories. By ... B. 185-. — (3) The three friends . . . By ... B. 1849. — (4) The wayward son. By . . . B. 1849.

Maria. Mrs. Maria Wilkin. The shackles of an old love. L. 1882.

Marie. Mme. Marie Hugo, dans " L'Eve'nement," 1851.

Marissa. Lridy Mary Chudleigh. Her poetical name. — See " C, M."

Marliet Gardener, A. R. D. Black- more, 'riie farm and fruit of old : a translation, in verse, of the first and second Georgics of Virgil. By ... L. 1862.

Mario, Karl. Karl George Winkel- blecli. The federalism of . . . N.Y. 1884.

Maro, P. Vlrgilius. ,/ohn Dryden Bags{'}). The fugitive: an epic poem in one canto. By . . . Translated by J. D. B. . . . n.p., n.d.

Mars, Victor de. Francois Ferdinand Philippe Louis ^farie d'Orleans, Prince de Joinville. La Pologne ; ses anciennes provinces et ses veritables limites. Par ... P. 1863.

From the " Revue des Deux Mondes," XLV., pp. 497-527.

Slarshall, Joseph. Sir .John Hill. Travels through Holland, Flanders, etc., in 1768-70. L. 1772-76.

Marston, Hyde. Capt. .John William Carleton.

Martenze, Claes. R. H. Greene. Cannon-flashes and pen-dashes. N.Y. 1866.