Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/114

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N. Charles Eliot Norton, in the " Christ. Exam."

N. George Eapall Xoyes, D.D., in the " Christ. Exam."

N. ./. C Nott. Aboriginal races of America. " Southern Quarterly Rev.," July, 1853, p. 59.

N. Boberl Nares. John Chalkill, the past not lictitious. " Gent. Mag.," No- vember, 1823, p. 417.

N. Sir Nicholas Harris Nirolas. Ped- igree of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith, K.C.B. "Gent. Mag.," C, pt. ii, pp. 487, 488.

N., A. Andrews Norton, in the " Christ. Exam."

N., A. [Archdeacon Nares]. Robert Nares. (1) Bocardo. Counsels divine and moral. " Gent. Mag.," October, 1815, p. 293. Also, Improvement on the organ. " Gent. Mag.," December, 1815, p. 484.

— (2) Bromhill, the parsonage of Eev. W. L. Bowles. " Gent. Mag.," Septem- ber, 1814, p. 103. Also, Bromhill Rec- tory. " Gent. Mag.," 1827, p. 493.

N., Car. J/i-s. O. E. S'. S. Norton. Signature to letters to Abraham Hay- ward.

N., C. R. Prof. Carl Rupert Nyblom. Bilder och dikter af . . . forsvenskade af C. R. N. Sthlm. 1883.

N., F. Francis Ncirberi/. A transla- tion of the second epistle of the first book of Horace, to LoUius. By ... L. 1800.

N., G. Giistaf Nijbluus. Ytterligare i forsvarsfragan af G. N. Sthlm. 1878.

N., G — g. Geary Nordensvan, a Swe- dish author.

N., G. K. Georc/e Rupall Noi/es, D.D., in the " Christ. Exam."

N., N. H. Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. (1) Pedigree of the barons of Burghersh. " Gent. Mag.," XC VII., pt. i., pp. 201-203.

— (2) Queens of Henry VIII. " Gent. Mag.," XCIX., pt. i., pp. 396, 397. — (3) Commencement of Richard the Third's reign. " Gent. Mag.," XCIX., pt. i., 419.

N., J. John Neat. Mr. John Dunn Hunter ... In some unknown periodical for July, 1826.

N.,J. John Nichols. Spring: a poem, inscribed to Mr. Tooke. " Gent. Mag.," July, 1705, p. 335.

" Tn August, 1778, he became associated with his friend, Mr. David Henry, in the management of the ' G-entleman's Magazine ' ; and since that time not a single month has elapsed in which he has not written several articles for that miscel-

lany, Bome of thera with his name or his ini- tials, and others anonymously, under the sig- natures, very frequently, of 'Alphonso,' 'Euge- nio,' ' M. Green,' 'A London Antiquary,' 'J. N.,' etc."

N., J. John Nott, IJ.D. Select poems from the Hesperides . . . by . . . Bristol, 1810.

N., J. G. John Gough Nichols, F.S.A, Memoir of Day, the printer. In the "Gent. Mag.," November, 1832.

N., J. H. John Henri/ Newman. A letter addressed to the Rev. R. W. Jelf, D.D. . . . By... Oxf. 1841.

N., J. SI. John Mason Xeale. Illus- trations of monumental brasses. Edited by . . . Camb., Eng., 1846.

N. O., M.A. of the same University. Richard Benllei). .\ review of the pro- ceedings against Dr. Bentley, in the Uni- versity of Cambridge : in answer to . . . [Conyers Middleton] ... By . . . L. 1719.

N., P. A. P. A. Nnttall. The Tuscu- lan disputations of M. TuUius Cicero, translated . with an introduction by ... L. 1841,

N. P. D. Beii/amin Apthorp Gould, Jr.

N., R. Robert Nares. (1) Bourne's poems. " Gent. Mag.," 1826, pt. i., pp. 295, 450; and pt. ii., p. 231. — (2) Inven- tion of the steam engine. " Gent. Mag.," July, 1811, p. 3.

N. R. Cotton Mather. A poem dedi- cated to the memory of the reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes ... B. 1682.

N. S. John Ansiis. Letters to a peer, concerning the honour of Earl Marshall ... L. 1703.

N. S. John Nichols. One more con- jecture respecting the author of Junius. " Gent. Mag.," December, 1812, pp. 499- 501.

N., W. William Newell, D.D. (1 ) In the " Christ. Exam." — (2) The cockerel of the New Brick on his Cambridge perch. Camb., Mass., 1873.

N. Y. John Disneij. (1) Anecdotes of Dr. Eurneaux'and of Sir Michael Foster. " Gent. Mag." for November, 1871, p. 505. — (2) Warton's History of English poetry corrected. " Gent. Mag." for June, 1781, p. 265.

N***. Miss Sarah Fielding. L'Orphe- line angloise, ou histoire de Charlotte Summers, imitfe de I'anglais de M. . . . par de la Place. L. 1781.

Nabob, A. Richanl Burn-ell. Intrigues of . . . 177-.