Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/115

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Nadife, X. Edouard fjefehore-Lahoulaye. Articles in the "Gaulois" (Paris), 1868.

Nano, Hervls. Harvey Leach.

Nash, Reade. Mrs. Mariku Joanna Heade (^I^ask) Lamb.

Nathan, John. ./. ./. Beclerinci.

Nathan le Sage. IVilliam JDuchett. L'art de gagner de Targent. 1848.

Native of America, A. Philip Fre- neau. Lyric works of Horace, translated into English verse ■ to which are added a number of original poems, by . P. 1786.

Alao ascribed to Lt.-Col. John Parke.

Native of Boston, A. Cotton Mather. The Bostonian Ebenezer ... By . . . B. 1698.

Native of Boston, A. William Witl- der Wheildon. Brief review of considera- tions ... on the annexation of these two eities [Boston and Charlestown]. B. 1854.

Native of New England, A. Nathan Boiven. The New England Diary, or Almanack, for 1724, 1728, 1729, 17.;i. By . . . B. 1724, etc.

Native of the To virn, A. James(^) Og- den. A description of JIanchester by . . . Manchester, 1783.

Naturalist, A. Horace William

Wheelwright. Bush wanderings of ... ; or, notes on the field sports and fauna of Australia Eelix.

Naturalist, A. Frederick A. Oher. Camps in the Caribees. The adventures of ... in the Lesser Antilles. B. 1880.

Naturalist, A. Rev. William Houghton. •Country walks of . . . with his children. L. 1869.

Naturalist, A. William Colenso. Jour- nal of ... in some little-known parts of New Zealand. Hooker, " London Journal Botany," III., pp. 1-62 (1844).

Naturalist, A. Samuel Prescott Hil- dreth. Miscellaneous observations made during a tour in May, 1835, to the Falls of Cuyahoga, near Lake Erie. Extracted from the diary of . . .

See " Silliman's Journal," No. 1, Vol. XXXI.

Naturalist, The. John Keast Lord. The N. in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. L. 1866.

Naturalist, A. Citthbert Collingwood. Rambles of ... on the shores and waters of the China Sea . . . in 1806 and 1867. L. 1868.

Nauticus, Penzance. James Rosewall. Signature in the " VVcsleyan Methodist Mag.," 1851 and 1863.

Naval Officer, A. Admiral William Fisher. The Petrel : a, tale of the sea. By . . . L. 1850.

Naval Officer's Orphan Daughter, A. 5. M. Heaton. Thoughts on the litany. By . . . L. 1840.

Naval Peer, A. Edward Plunkelt, 16th Uai'on Uunsany, Our naval posi- tion and policy. By ... L. 1859.

Near Observer, A. John Booth. The battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny, and Quatre Bras. By . . 10th edition. L. 1817.

Nellt, TheophUus. Aloys Adalbert Waibel. Blumenbeet kleiner lehrreicher geschichten vorziiglich der jugend gewid- met. Wiirzburg, 1838.

Nelly, St. A'aroline v. Strieker. Blii- then aus Tetschens goldenen auen. Leipzig, 1843.

Nemesis. Antony Watre. Remarks on ... " Croker's review of the ' Me- moirs of Thomas Moore,' " in the " Quar- terly," 1855.

Neniniersdorf, Franz v. Franzishi Reit-enstein, freifrau v. AUein in der welt ; ronian . . . Berlin, 1868.

Nemo. George Wilder Fox.

Nemo. Hablot Knight Browne. His signature to the first two plates — to the " Pickwick Papers," — which he after- wards changed to " Phiz."

" Nemo," of Ijoulslana. John L. Me- gee. Reveries in rhyme. N.Y. 1846.

Neologist, The. Robert Charles Sands, in the New York " Commercial Ad- vertiser."

Nephew of an East India Director, The. Augustus Bosnngnet. India seventy years ago. By ... L. 1881.

Nepomuk. Rev. Julius Axel Kiellman- Goranson. Karlekens seger.

Nestor. Alexander Carlyle. A paper so signed in support of the Duke of Grafton.

New England Lady, A. Miss Maria J. B. Browne. Laura Huntley : a story for girls ... By . . . B. 1850.

New England Pastor, A. Nathanael Emmons. D.D. The platform of ecclesi- astical government established by the Lord Jesus Christ. Discourse of ... to his flock, March 26, 1826. Providence, R.L, 1826.

New Writer, A. Charles Wood. Buried alone ; a story by . . . L. 1869.

New Writer, A. Lewis Morri';. Songs of two worlds.

New York Detective, A. James Brampton. Leaves from the note-book of . . . The private record of J. B. N.Y. 1865.

New York Presbyter, A. Rer. John Cotton Smith. The New Missionary So- ciety. N.Y. 1860.

New Yorker, A. Daniel Curry, D.D., LL.D New York : a historical sketch ... By . . . N.Y. 1853.