Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/121

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One of lier Ministers. Thomas Dowel/. Farewell to the outward bound ... By . . . L. 1849.

One of his Candid Neiglibours. Joseph Bellamij, D.B. A letter to [S. Webster] the reverend author of the Winter-evening conversation on origi- nal sin, from ... B. 1758.

One of his Congregation. Edna Dean Proctor. Life thoughts, gathered from his [Henry Ward Beecher] . . , dis- courses, by . . . B. 1868.

One of His Constituents. Francis Darr. Our Pacific possessions. Rail- way to the Pacific ... A letter ... to Hon. Benjamin Franklin Wade . . . By ... W. 1861.

One of his Constituents. Edward Copleston, D.D. A second letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, M.P. ... By . . . Oxf. 1819.

One of his Sons. C ifalan. Life and writings of Cesar Malan. By . . . L. 1889.

One of his Sons. Thomas Howard Gill. The Rev. William Gill : a sketch, by . . . L. 1871.

One of Its Slaves. Mrs. Sarah Bridijes Stebbins. Annals of a baby . . . N.Y." 1877.

One of No Party. Richard Cruttwell. Reform without revolution ! . . . By . . . L. 1839.

One of the Aldermen. Henri/ Chris- topher Combe. Substance of a speech de- livered in the Court of Common Council ... By . . . L. 1812.

One of the Cocli and Hen Club. George Steevens.

" In a few days after the Doctor's [Dr. Richard Farnifir] death, the following Jeu d'esprit (not improbably by his friend, Mr. George Steevens) appeared in one of the daily papers : ' This emi- nent critick . . . composed some of his pleasantest works in an arbour on the verge of a pond where he resided . . . and he amused himself with a vari- ety of water-fowls, which covered bis pond, and which, with others not of an aquatic nature, were much admired by all those who visited his hospi- table mansion. These birds, a Cambridge friend informs me, he disposed of in the following man- ner: —

•' * " My geese I give and bequeath to the Heads of the University.

My ducks and drakes — to Sir Henry Vane Tempest.

My peacock — to the Duchess of Gordon.

My guinea-fowls — to Colonel Cawthorne.

My pigeons — to Lady Buckinghamshire, etc.

My doves — to the Princess.

My screech-owl — to Mrs. Mattocks.

My humming-bird — to Mr. Courtney.

My bantams — to Tommy Onslow.

My chicken — to M. A. Taylor.

My king-fisher — to the French Directors.

My cock-sparrow — to the Duke of Queensbury.

My old gray parrot — to Mrs. Cowley.

My puUetB — to Lord William Gordon.

My cuckoo — to Mr. Esten,

My corniuraut — to the Duke of Marlborough.

My goldlinches — to Sir William Pulteney.

My vulture — to Lord Lonsdale.

My eagle — to Mr. Pitt.

My jack-daws — to the Broad street beaux.

My magpie — to George Colmau.

And my rooks — tu the Club at Brookes'a." * " — "Oracle," September 21. "One of the Cock and Hen Club."

One of the Committee of the Ameri- can Academy. Jacob Blgeloic. A short reply [to Marcus Bull's pamphlet]. B. 1828.

One of the Company. R. Ghanninq M. Page. Sketch of Page's Battery of Morris' Artillery, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. By . . . N.Y. 1885.

One of the Crew. P D. Haijwood. The cruise of the "Alabama." By . . . B. 1886.

One of the Family. Joseph Hartwell Williams. A brief study in genealogy; Connin, Conny, Cony, Coney, Cony. By . . . Camb., Mass., 1885.

One of the Family of the Bowleses. William Lisle Bowles. Re- ply to an " Unsentimental sort of critic," the reviewer of " Spence's Anecdotes " in the Quarterly Review for October, 1820 ... By . . . L. 1820.

One of the Fancy. Pierce Egan. Boxiana; or, sketches of antient and modern pugilism. By . . . L. 1812.

One of the Hearers. Cotton Mather. The grand point of solicitude ... A ser- mon ... B. 1715.

One of the Ijast Century. William Stewart Rose. Thoughts and recollec- tions by . . . L. 1825.

One of the Magistrates of the Public Office in Great Marlborough Street. Philip Neve, Esq. A letter to the Rev. William Cockburne . L. 1804.

One of the Blajority. Rei'. James Gall. Six letters to Dr. Begg and his protesting minority . From . . .

Edinb. 1868.

One of the Blasters. John James Charles Norman. School services, com- piled for the use of the Forest School, Walthamstow. By . . . L. 1850.

One of the Members of the College. Charles Coote. Sketches of the lives and characters of eminent English civilians, with an historical introduction relative to the college of advocates . . - By ... L. 1804.

One of the Ministers in Boston. Cotton Mather. (I) Sober sentiments . . . By . . . B. 1722.— (2) The voice of God in a tempest ... B- 1723.

One of the Ministers in the North-