Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/122

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part of Boston. Cottun ilatlier. The ^oul upon the winy . . . By ... B. 1722.

One of the 31 misters of the Gospel ill Glasgow. Jmnc'S Clark. (1) The cross and the crown ; or, a cluster of cordials . . . by . . . Edinb. 1705. — (2) The debaucherie and vices of tlie present nge . . . By . . . Edinb. 1707.

One of the Old School. Rev. William Benttnck Lethem Hawkins. Slietches of country life and country matters by . . . L. 1840.

One of the Old School. Mobert Sei/- mour(J). The school-master abroad, by ... L. 1834.

One of the Old School. Colin Mac- kenzie. Tavern anecdotes . By . L. 1825.

Also ascribed to IViUiam West.

One of the People. Thomas Frognall L)iOdiii('i). A letter to the Earl of Liv- erpool ... By . . . L. 1824.

One of the People. George Barrel! Cheever. The republic or the oligarchy 1 which ... By . . . N.Y. 1866.

One of the People. William Wirt.

" In 1808, he wrote the essays in the Richmond

  • Enquirer' signed 'One of the People,' addressed

to the members of Congress who had joined in a proteet against the nomination of Mr. Madison to the presidency."

One of the People called Christians.

Jeremiah Waring. Three letters, addressed to the readers of Paine's Age of Reason. By... L. 1797.

One of the Pilgrims. A. C. W. Trues- dell. A California pilgrimage, by San Francisco, 1844.

One of the Professors. Thomas Chirk, M.D. The right of Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, to confer degrees . . . By . . . Aberdeen, 1853.

One of the Pupils. il/rs. Louisa (Iroddard) Wliitney. The burning of the convent . . . by . . . Camb., Mass., 1877.

One of the Readers. Samuel Mather. A letter to the author [John Clarke] of a letter to Dr. Mather, etc., by . . . B. 1783.

One of the 687 P.R.S sss.

Dr. Augustus Buz^i Granville. Science without a head; or, the Royal JSociety dissected. By ... L. n.d.

One of the Suffering Clergy of the Church of Scotland. William ifijlne. A time to weep ... a sermon . . . Edinb. 1720.

One of the Three Hundred. Flavel ■•<. nines. Presbyterian clergyman look- ing for the church. By . . . N.Y. 1849.

One of the Trustees. Samuel Bulkley Haggles. The duty of Columbia College to the community . . . by . . . N.Y. 1854.

One of their Brethren. John Walker, F.T.C.D. The church in danger... Addressed to the clergy . . . By . . . Dublin, 1796.

One of their Gossips. Miss Eliza- beth Tuckett. Our children's story. By ... L. 1870.

One of their OTvn Class. John T. Ghuiville. Servants defended. By . . . Oxf. 1847.

One of them. Leonard Marsh. A bake pan. For the dough-faces. By . . . 1854.

One of themselves. Daniel Ellis, F.R.S.E. Considerations relative to nuisance in coal-gas works . . . Ad- dressed to proprietors ... in the vicinity of the oil-gas works at Tanfield. By . . . Edinb. 1828.

One of themselves. Donald Bain. Olden times ; or, the rising of the ses- sion. A comedy . . . By . Edinb. 1841.

One of themselves. William Make- peace Thackeray. On literary snobs. In a letter from ... to Mr. Smith, the cele- brated penny-a-liner. " Punch," June, 1846.

One Recently Returned from the Enemy's Country, Edirard Alfred Pol- lard. A letter on the state of the war. By . . Richmond, 1865.

One that has had Experience of them. Cotton Mather, D.D. The night- ingale . . . By ... B. 1724.

One that has perused the " Summer Morning's Conversation." Charles Chauncg. The opmion of . . . B. 1758.

One that holds Communion with the Church. John Hiimfreii. A sea- sonable caution to the members of this new parliament ... By . . . L. 1703.

One that was once a Scholar to him. Cotton Mather. Corderius Amer- icanus ... In a funeral sermon on Mr. Ezekiel Cheever . . . By ... B. 1708.

One well acquainted with some of the Travellers. William Gustling. An account of what seemed most remark- able in the five days' peregrination of the five following persons, viz.. Messieurs Tothall, etc. Imitated in Hudibrastics. By... L. 1781.

One who, as a Son «ith a Father, served with him in the Gospel. Col- ton Mather, D.D. A father departing . . . Dr. Increase Mather . . . By . . . B. 1723.

One who Believes the Christian