Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/135

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Andersonville : a story of Rebel military prisons ... A P. S.'s experience in Eich- 111 ond, &c. Toledo, 1879.

Pro me, si inerear, In me. Bichard Gottyh, in " Gent. Mag.," May, 1786, pp. 380-88. — See " Benvolio," note.

Probationer of the Free Church of Scotland, A. Fcler Haleli/ Wudddi. Orthodoxy is not Evangelism . . . By . . . Glasgow, 1843.

Profess'd Friend to an Honest Freedom of Thought in Religious Enquiries, A. Patrick Delaiif/, D.D. Itevelation examined with candour . . . By . . . L. 1732.

Professor, A. William Fergusson, M.D. Notes and recollections of . . . L. 181-.

Professor Emeritus of dead and living languages ("^. B. K., Cam- bridge, 1867), The. Olieer Wendell Holmes. Chanson without music. "At- lantic Monthly," JSTovember, 1867.

Professor of Botany, The. Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny. Copy of a report presented to the visitors of the Oxford Botanic Garden by . . . Oxf. 1834.

Professor of the Spanish and Por- tuguese Languages in St. Mary's Col- lege, A. P. Babad. A Portuguese and English grammar . . By . . . Bait. 1820.

Prolix, Peregrine. Philip H. Nick- lin. Letters descriptive of the Virginia Springs. By . . . P. 1837.

Prolocutor, The. George Stanhope, D.D. Answer to a letter from a member of the lower house of Convocation, inti- tuled, The Report vindicated from Mis- reports. L. 1717.

Prometheus. William Bush. The dawn of liberty : drama. By . . . Chi- cago, 1869.

Promoter of the Sunday Band, The. Sir William Domville. The Sun- day band at Eastbourne . . . by . . . L. 1856.

Prophet of San Francisco, The. Henry George.

Proprietor, A. Lewis Glover Pray. Letter to the friends of ... F. T. Gray ... B. 1842.

Proprietor of the Roman Gal- lery, The. /. B. Tagliaferri. On view- ing and judging pictures . . . N.Y. 1854.

Protestant, A. David Urquhart. (1) Appeal of ... to the Pope. L. 186-.— (2) The general council. Sequel to the "Appeal of ... to the Pope." The mili- tary oath and Christianity. L. 1869.

Protestant, A. Rev. John Billingsley.

A brief discourse of schism. By ... L. 1714.

Protestant, A. John Bowden. Obser- vations by ... on a profession of Catho- lic faith, by a clergyman of Baltimore, and with the authority of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Carroll. 180-.

Protestant, A. Rev. John Wilson. Popular reflections on the progress of the principles of toleration . . . By . . . Newcastle, 1814.

Protestant Churchman, A. J. Bal- lard. A second letter to Mr. Alderman Sadler by . . . Oxf. 1851.

Protestant Clergyman, A. Rev. Ed- gell Wyatt Edgell. Heredity : being a village dialogue ... By . . . L. 1878.

Protestant Dissenter, A. Samuel Bourn. (1) An address to Protestant Dissenters ; or, an inquiry into the grounds of their attachment to the Assembly's catechism ... by . . L. 1736. — (2) Address to the congrega- tion of Prot. Dissenters ... at the Cas- tle Gate in Nottingham, &c., by . . . 1738.

Protestant Dissenter, A. John Gam- ble. Brief observations on the present state of Ireland . . . By . . . Dublin, 1811.

Protestant Dissenter ( A) , a Friend to Truth, Peace, and liiberty. John Sladen. Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts ... By . . . L. 1732.

Protestant Episcopalian, A. Wil- liam Jaij. A letter to the Rie;ht Rev. Levi Siiliman Ives ... By ... V. 1846.

Protestant Layman, A. David Clark. Correspondence between a Roman Catho- lic priest, and . . . Dublin, 1821.

Protestant Member of the Univer- sity of Oxford, A. John Allen Giles, D.C.L. Reply to an expostulatory let- ter .. . By . . . Oxf. 1829.

Protestant of the School of the Reformation, A. James Bryce, D.D. " "The pith and marrow " of the present controversy in the Church of Scotland. By... L. 1841.

Protestant Watchman, A. James Richardson. Review of Mr. Gisborne's considerations on the Catholic relief bill ... By . . . York, 1830.

Proud Duke, The. Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset.

Provisional Bishop, The. Horatio Potter, D.D. A pastoral letter to the laity ... of New York ... By . . . N.Y. 1857.

Prudence, Aunt. L. R. Muzzy.

P-wn-11, Th-m-s, Esq. Thomas Pow-