Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/136

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nail. The speech of . . . late G-v-m-r of this province, in the H — se of C-m — ns, in favor of America. B. 1769.

Prusslen, Un. J. B. Clootz, since called Anacharsis. Addresse d' . . . a un Anglois [Edmund Burlce]. Paris, 1790.

Psychalethes, Estibius. William Coward, M.V. Second thoughts con- cernin't human souls. L. 1702.

Publicola. John Williams, in the "Weekly Dispatch," 1840.

Publicus. Caleb Fleming. A mod- ern plan : upon which the minds and manners of youth may be formed . . . L. 1748.

Publius. Samuel B. Willinms. P . . . on banking ; or, the money-changers' ta- bles overtlirown. N.Y. 1849.

Pudica. Miss Sotheran.

Punchinello. Alexander Blunt, Pun- chinello's sermon, etc. [A satire on J. Henley. Kdited, or rather written, by A. B.] L. 1727.

"Punch's" Commissioner. William Makepeace Thackeray. A Brighton night entertainment. By . . . October, 1845.

Pungent, Pierce. Francis Sylvester Mahoni/. (1) Literary characters. By . . . "Eraser's Mag.," April, 1830, p. 291 ; June, 1830, p. 563. — (2) Men and man- ners. A series of satires. In " Eraser's Mag.," 1834.

Pupil, A. E. Brooks. The Bruce Castle Magazine. Edited by . . . Tot- tenham, 1839.

Pupil of the late Dr. W. Hunter, A.

Bev. John 'Trusler. The practi<;e of mid- wifery ... By . . . L. 1783.

Purchaser, A. Bev. John William Donaldson. Strictures on the Rev. W. G. Cookesley's penny letter to his son. By . . . Bury St. Edmunds, 1855.

Puritan, The. George II. Bougliton.

The members of " The Tile Club " cODceal their identity, when they appear in print, behind sobriquets. In the " Booli of the Tile C'lub " the " Puritan " ia George Ji. Boughton; the '• Owl,*' F. HopMnton Smith; the " Bishop," William Gedneif Bunce; the " Griffin," JR. Swain af- ford; the " Eagle," George W. Moynard; tiie " Pa!<an," Elihu Vedder; the " Bulgarian," F. D. Millet; the " Builder," Stanford White; the " Chestnut," Edwin A. Abbey; and the "Saint," Augustus St. Gaudens.

Putnam, Eleanor. Mrs. Harriet L. (Vose) Bates. (1) Signature in the "Atlantic Monthly." — (2) Old Salem. By . . . B. 1886. Edited by Arlo Bates.

Puto. Henrij Bate. " Tekel," thou art weighed . . . and found wanting . . . L. 1872.

Put's Boy. Henry M. Putney. His signature to humorous political letters, which attracted much attention.

Puzzlem, Peter. Sir William Herschel, in tlie " Ladies' Diary."

Pylodet, Li. Frederick Leypoldt. La litterature fran^aise contemporaine . . . N.Y. 1867.

Pym, T. Clara Creed. Mixed pickles : a story for boys and girls [by Mrs. Eield] . . . Illustrated by . . , L. 1886.


Q. Richard Oough, in " Gent. Mag.," 1785, p. 877. — See "Benvolio," note.

Q. G. C. Rosenberg. (1) Man of the people : a novel. L. 1843. — (2) You have heard of them. L. 184-.

Q. in the Corner. Thomas Haynes Bayly. Epistles from Batli. 1817.

Q.,J. P. Josiuh Phillips Quincy. Manu- script corrections from a copy of the fourth folio of Shakespeare's play. B. 18 — .

Q., W. F. W. F. Quicksell. The Shakespearian question. In the " Re- public" (W.), Kov. 26, 1881.

Q. Z., late Commoner of Oxon. Dr. John Ellison. A most pleasant descrip- tion of Benwel village, in the county of Northumberland . . . By. . . Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1726.

Quadrat, Nonpareil, X. P. D. .7. G. P. Holden.

Quaker Poet, The. Bernard Barton.

Quaker Poet, The. Joht Greenleaf Whittier.

Quarante, Un des. Prosper Mirim€e. H. B. [Henri Beyle], par . . . Eleu- theropolis [Bruxelles], 1864.

Quarles, Geoflfrey. Fdgar Allan Poe{'i). Introduction to "The poets and poetry of America." N.Y. 1887. — See " Lavante."

This writer is not probably Mr. Poe, but as- sumes his pseudonym partially to confuse mat- ters.

Quartz. Mrs. T. C. Patterson.

Queen of Babylon, The. Mrs.

Woffington. The green room squabble ; or, a battle royal between . . . and the daughter of Darius [Mrs. Bellamy]. By Samuel Eoote. L. 1756.

Queen of Hearts, The. Elizabeth