Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/143

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Buckingham]. "New England Maer.," Vol. v., p. 3.

S., C. C. Charles Card Smith, in the " Christ. Exam."

S., C. E. Cornelius E. Swope. The provincial system. N.Y. 1870.

S., C. li. Charitie LeesC>) Smith. Life's vicissitudes in the Norrice family: a tale. L. 1803.

S., C. S. Charles Spraque Sargent. Asa Gniv. B. 1886,

S., E. H. Edmund Hamilton Sears, in the "Cllirist. Exam." (B.).

S., E. M. Elizabeth M. Stewart. Rod- enhurst , or, tlie church and the manor. By . . . L. 1845.

S., E. Q. Edmund Quincy Sewall, in the " Olirist. Exam."

S., E. T. E. T. Sachs, of the "Field."

S., E. V. Mrs. E. Vale Smith, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.j, 1855.

S.,G. George SmithCi). The angler's magazine : added, The angler's dictionary. By . . . Dublin, 1760.

S., G. George Swinnock, A.M. The life and death of Mr. Tho. Wilson, Min- ister of Maidstone, in the county of Kent, M.A. By . . . Maidstone, 1672.

S., G. Qeorcje Smeeton. A sketch of James Campbell, in the " Gent. Mag.," 1826, Pt. I., p. 569.

S., G. B. George Barnett Smith.

S., G. C. George Charles Smith. Pen- zance, Truro, and St. Anstell. Baptist drink warnings, n.p., n.d. [1862].

S., G. F. George Frederick Simmons, in the "Christ. Exam."

S. H. James Cornish. The physi- cian. Lines by ... in the " Selector or Cornish Mag.," 1827, p. 174.

S., H. H. H. H. Snell. The evangel- ist . . Edited by . . . Vol. I.-III. L. 1867-69.

S., H. W. Mrs. Horace Wemijss Smith. The Christian's secret of a happy life. By . . . 1875.

S., J. John Sharp. Dr. Johnson at Cambridge. " Gent. Mag.," March, 1785, pp. 173-74.

S., J. Joseph Si/kes, A.M. Lectures on French history . . . Brighton, 1863.

S., J. A. James Alexander Smith. The Structure of matter, cause of gravitation, etc. Edinb. 1866.

S., J. H. John H. Scourjield. Lyrics. Cheltenham, 1864.

S., J. J. J. J. Stockdale. A sketch of all the invasions or descents upon the British Islands from the landing of Wil- liam the Conqueror. Translated from the French, etc. L. 1803.

S., J. W. James W. Slatter. Rural

pictures and miscellaneous pieces. By . . . Oxf. 1825.

S. K. C. Robert Pearce Gilllex. Ex- tempore to Walter Scott, Esq. . Edinb. 1819.

S., L. Lorenzo Sabine, in the " Christ. Exam." (B.), 1852.

S., li. Lancelot Sharpe. Anapylyxis biblica ... L. 1846.

S., Ii. Mrs. Lina Berg (^Sandell) Kors- blomman. Kristlig kalender utgifven. Sthlm. 1867.

S., Ij. H. Lydia (^Huntley') Siqourney. (1) A fragment. By... B,1850.— See "Greenwood, Grace." — (2) Morn- ing. " Amer. Monthly Mag.," September, 1829, p. 386. — (3) On a broken vase, Vol. v., p. 218 ; Death of Wilberforce, Vol. VI., p. 59 ; La Fayette, Vol. VII., p. 124. 1884.

S., M. Menella Bute Smedley. (1) The maiden aunt. L. n.d. — (2) Nina : a tale of the twilight. L. 1853.

S., M. Mrs. Mary {Cartwright) Strick- land. A memoir of . . . Edmund Cart- wright, D.D., &c. L. 1843.

S., M. Moses Stringer. Opera minera- lia explicatH ; or, the mineral kingdom within the dominions of Great Britain displayed. L. 1713.

S., M., G.S. Machell Stace. Crom- welliana . . . Westminster, 1810.

S., M. E. M. Mrs. Margaret E. (Mun- son) Songster.

S. N. Thomas Elringion. (1) An in- quiry whether the disturbances in Ire- land have originated in tithes . . . By . . . Dublin, 1822. — (2) A reply to John Search's [R. Whateley] considera- tions on the law of libel . . . By . . . Dublin, 1834.

S., P. Philip Schaff. The life and genius of Dante, " Amer, Whig Rev.," August, 1848, p. 125.

S,, P. B. Percy Bysshe Shelley. Zas- trozzi : a romance. By ... L. 1810.

S,, R. H. Bichard Hill Sandi/s. His signature in " The Church of England Mag.," 1872-73.

S.. R. P. Bufus Phineas Stebbins, in the " Clirist. Exam." (B.), 1851.

S,, S, Samuel Say. Character of

Mrs, B , granddaughter of Oliver

Cromwell. " Gent. Mag.," 1765, p. 357. S,, S. Sarah Shepjiard. Character- istics of the genius and writings of L. E. L. [Letitia Elizabeth Landon] ... L. 1841. S. S. Teacher, A. Miss Sara H. Browne. The Bryden family. B. 1847. S,, S. F. Sebastian Ferris Streeter. The sky. " New England Mag.," VoL IX., p. 350. 1835.