Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/144

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S. T. Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Or- ford. An account of the giants lately- discovered ; in a letter to a friend in the country. L. 1760.

S., T. Mrs. Jiosa Carlen. Cornelius, hans friinder och viinner, af T. S.

S,, T. Thomas Streatjield. The old oak chair. A ballad. By . . . Wester- ham and L. 1838.

S., T. Thomas Stona. Remarks upon the natural history of religion. By Mr. Hume ... By . . . L. 1768.

S., T. W. Thomas W. Storrow, in the " Christ. Exam.," XXXVIII, p. 374.

S., W. William Silsbee, in the " Christ. Exam,"

S., W. William Sewell, B.D. Mis- givings on requisition of Lord Derby, by a conservative member of convocation. Oxf. n.d.

S.,W. Sir Walter Scott. Moredun: a tale of the twelve hundred and ten. By . . . [Attributed to Scott.] L. 1855.

S., W. Whitleij Stokes. The play of the sacrament. A Middle-English drama. Edited by . . . Berlin, 1862.

S., W. G. William Grunt Stewart. Lectures on the mountains ... L. 1860.

S., W. Gr. William Gilmore Simms. The voice of the streamlet. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," April, 1835, p. 95.

S., W. J. William Joseph Snelling.

S — e — der. Sophie Bolander. Gunst- lingarne. Sthlm. 1862.

S — g. August Strindberg. Fran Fjer- dingen och Svartbacken. Sthlm. 1877.

S — g, A. Anton Sluxberg, a Swedish •writer.

S — h. Charles Card Smith, in the " Clirist. Exam."

S — 1, Capt. Sir Richard Steele. Pro- logue to the University of Oxford. In the " Muse's Mercury ; or, the Monthly Miscellany," September, 1707.

S — n. Thomas Sherwin, in the "Christ. Exam."

S — n, J. Julius Sellman, a Swedish writer.

S — ry of the A — ty. Hon. John Cleveland. — See " B — g, A — 1,"

S — s. Jared Sparks, LL.D., in the "Christ. Exam."

S — s, K. Richard Sandijs. A budget of poems selected from the portfolio of a Cornishnian ... L. 1868.

S — t. Dr. Dr. Jonathan Swift. Bounce to Fop : an heroick epistle from a dog at Twickenham to a dog at court. By . . . Dublin, 1736.

S — t, Rev. Jlr. J — s. Rev. James Spmal. Two letters to n friend, on the removal of the . . . from a church in

G— If— d [Guilford] to one in P— Ip— a [Philadelphia]. 1769.

S-w-rd, B-Uy. William Henri/ Sew- ard. A reconstruction letter [written by F. S. Hoffman, addressed to Th — rl — w W— d, by . . .]. N.Y. 1866.

S***, Fru M. S. Mrs. Marie Sophie (Birath) Schwartz. Passionerna. Sthlm. 1853.

S:th, C. Carl Smith, a Swedish writer, formerly editor of "Ny lUustr. Tidning."

Sa. Oxoii. Rev. Gilbert Burnet. An enquiry into the reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all Members of Par- liament, (s.l.e.a.)

St. J., P. B. Percy Bolingbroke St. John. Quadroona. A tale contributed to the " London Journal," 1856.

Saint-Hilaire, Marco de. £mile M. Hilaire. Derkleinehund Josephinensund der papagoy Marie Louisens . . . Ham- burg, 1842.

Sabbath-school Teacher, A. Robert Wilson. The Sabbath on the rock, and the Gospel on the Decalogue. By . . . L. 1867.

Sabina. Stanle/j Meredith. 1875.

Sailor, A. William Schaw Lindsay. Recollections of . . . L. 1876.

Sailor King, The. William IV., of England.

Sailor Preacher, The. Rev. Oeorge Charles Smith. America, Denmark, and Sweden hailed by . . n.p., n.d.

Sailor's Friend, The. Rev. George Charles Smith.

Saint, A, a Member of the Univer- sity of Cambridge. Robert Mackenzie Beverlei/. Cambridge besieged . . . L. 1818.

Saint, The. Augustus St. Oaudens. — See " Puritan, The."

St. Crispin. Rev. Joshua Brookes. — See " Rivers, Rev. Joseph."

St. George, George. Joseph Snowe, Legends, traditions, and history of the Rhine. L. 1839.

Salamanca, Don Felix de. John H. Ingram. The philosophy of handwriting. L. 1879.

Salamander in My Eye. Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke.

Sallinger, G. S. A. Peterson.

Salviati. Marie Henri Beyle. Articles.

Sam. Adams of Philadelphia, The. Charles Thomson.

" John Adams at the time [1774] in hie diary " 80 describes hira.

Same Author, The. William Coombe. Additions to the Diaboliad : a poem . . . By . . . L. 1778.

Same Compiler, The. Mrs. Lucy (Fletcher) Massey. Later lyrics of the Christian church : being a companion